Gang Stalking

A upto date blog about my adventures with gangstalking. This is my way of sharing with the world what gang stalking is really like. Some helpful books. Gang Stalking Books Mobbing Books

Tuesday, April 22, 2008


I thought of one more thing I could tell the potential target. The target who wanted to know what the point was of these Gang Stalking websites were if they could not show her how to get justice for what was happening, or how to stop it. She can be vindicated.

I mean sometimes you know what you are talking about. You are telling the truth, but no one wants to believe you. I mean I went through years knowing that co-workers, family, friends, were using my sensitivity against me. However I could never prove it, because the gentlemen had come to town and taken away everyone's voices.

Anyways finding out about Gang Stalking was 100 and 10% vindication. It proved that the things that I had been saying or thinking were all true. I can't give target's justice, or even get this stopped 100% for many, but I can help some feel a little vindicated. It's hard when you know that you are telling the truth or know what you are talking about and everyone else around you is saying something else.

Anyways I was glad that I stayed home this weekend instead of going out. I would not have discovered a lot of the sites that I did. As mentioned I liked the site in 2 worlds. I believe people in many ways live in 2 worlds. Some without even realising it.

I think we live in other worlds via our thoughts, minds, and hearts. I think we even create worlds and situations that are so true they have the possibility of coming true. I often think about Lord of the rings and those really neat dream sequences between Aragorn/Arwen. I think it was neat that they loved each other so much that they could feel, hear each other, and visit each other in their dreams, no matter how far or long they were apart.

I liked both sequences where he dreams and is so at peace with her. I also like the sequence where he is in trouble and she knows and is there in spirit to help. I guess in real life we live in more than one world via situations like that at times.

I also like the sequence in that movie where she is about to leave to go on the ship to the elven world, and then she sees their spirit child. Their little prince. The future child of their hearts, and then she chooses to not go on the ship, but returns to her father.

I think it's neat because at that stage the little boy that she is seeing is just one possible future. Eg. If she had gotten on that ship, the future she was seeing would not exist. That scene reminds me that the choices we make in life can take us away from one destiny or move you towards another one. The future is not set, no choice but what we make.

That blog, plus the David Icke videos gave me a lot of food for thought on things like that. How people walk in 2 worlds, and metaphysical things. The nature of the universe. You know things like that.

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