Gang Stalking

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Tuesday, November 25, 2008

The Witch Hunt

Some time ago I came across a posting that concerned me.

The forum in question had started a witch hunt. The forum decided they were going to start in my personal opinion attacking other websites.

These people who many of which, may be government agents decided that they were going to go on a witch hunt of legit and some none legit websites.

I clearly started to stay away from these people after that stage.

Here is a copy of the first witch hunt in point. You can always know when these things are going to be starting, and it's disgusting. We are getting targeted by the government, our lives are being disrupted, and if that was not bad enough, we now have potential government parasites in our midst's trying to discredit what little we are able to do, as we try to function everyday. It is my opinion that people who try to deliberately, and knowingly destroy other innocent persons are the worst vermin. Corrupting and destroy from the inside out is disgusting and worst than what out external predators do.

I've been aware of this for sometime, and I have tried to simply not feed the pigeons. To let them alone by themselves so they could pretend to peck and argue by themselves, while making sure our movements never goes forward. Now it would seem they want to take it there.
Exhibit A. I saved this for a rainy day.

[quote]>I need your help in collecting Names and Websites that are discrediting our>movement to bring this to an end. These people and websites that discredit the>victims hurts you the victim and will only prolong you staying a victim.> These people who misrepresent us Must Be Separated From the TI Community> before the Damage is Irreversible. I want all TI's to be aware of these people> and websites. We want what is happening to us stopped not prolonged. Kelly> Taylor

Trying to do this aggressively could be a muchlarger project than is obvious at first glance,Kelly.
Some disinfo sites are EXTREMELY subtle, likean organized stalking site in which the posterdiscredits by posting some good information,while at the same time, posting photos of "perps"doing nothing at all beyond, say, just driving alongthe street or parking, and fronting silly things like"brighting" as THE NUMBER ONE THREAT totargets. Ooooooo ... those bright lights are justthe worst torture anyone could possibly imagine!

VERY slick and professional, but leaves thenon-target visitor with the impression that allwe have to worry about is "brighting," and thatwe take pictures of cars and people doingabsolutely nothing wrong.

You don't want to go after "sites," but individualpages, very methodically, very patiently, alwaysin the spirit of constructive criticism at first, soas to avoid the appearance of "a crazed witchhunt."

This IS a worthy project, but it has to be donepage by page, statement by statement, andnot by just railling against a site as a whole.And to maintain support of the other targets,your work has to be seen as motivated bya genuine desire to get the best informationout to the public.
Always talk about the information, don't lapseinto personalities and accusations of being aperp. Even when you feel it's obvious. Thejob is to correct the information, and nothingmore.
A long hard battle, and I congratulate anyonewho is willing to do the long hard, patient workinvolved.
Eleanor White[/quote]

The same unjust attack that you used on stop organised stalking, isn't that the same unjust attack you are using on my website? You are doing this apparently because I like things alphabetised? Disgraceful. Also I notice the stop organised stalking website is no longer online?

These methods are the Internet's version of how the German's went after the Jews bit by bit. I seriously find these methods disgusting. When I saw the witch hunt beginning many months ago, I really should have tried to shut you down then, before you started trying to load our websites into little Nazi trains for website extermination. Are you going to have our websites wearing a yellow stars on their opening pages?

Oh no that's right.

Instead you are going to have some of our legitimate websites wearing a yellow badge as approved by you. It must be nice to play judge and jury for a whole community.

When targets that don't know any better come across these false tactics, they will just take their word for it, not knowing any better, while real targets get left in the dust, and then the only thing that get's out there is the official spell as approved by them?

Our websites are not the reasons that journalists have stayed away. Some of our websites clearly do get requests for media interviews, and some do grant them.

I am going to politely ask, that you and your assessment crew stay away from my website. I want nothing to do with this type of accreditation, because I think this practice is nothing than a witch hunt for legitimate people who are trying to get this exposed. The only persons who should have Bogus stamped on their forehead are people who choose to take part in this type of

The next point that I would like to draw your attention to are the search engines. They gradually are either killing search terms. Eg. 2 years ago, the Gang Stalking term on google had 1.3 million search results. I blogged about this before, because at the height of the terms popularity, the term suddenly in a matter of days, had 75,000 hits instead of 1.3 million hits. After blogging about it, the search term had gone back to normal 1.3 million hits, and now today, with the Gang Stalking term still being very popular, the hits that google bring back are 364,000. Not only that, but on some other search engines they are starting to replace more popular legit sites, in my opinion with sites that are controlled by questionable sources. Others have complained about this with 9/11 sites, UFO, conspiracy sites, etc.

This is all very worrisome at a time when I just found out that Australia is going to be monitoring their Internet the same way China does. That's pretty scary, remember Australia is suppose to be a democratic country.,21985,24568137-2862,00.html

[quote]Australia to implement mandatory internet censorship
AUSTRALIA will join China in implementing mandatory censoring of the internet under plans put forward by the Federal Government.

The revelations emerge as US tech giants Google, Microsoft and Yahoo, and a coalition of human rights and other groups unveiled a code of conduct aimed at safeguarding online freedom of speech and privacy.

The government has declared it will not let internet users opt out of the proposed national internet filter.

The plan was first created as a way to combat child pornography and adult content, but could be extended to include controversial websites on euthanasia or anorexia.

Communications minister Stephen Conroy revealed the mandatory censorship to the Senate estimates committee as the Global Network Initiative, bringing together leading companies, human rights organisations, academics and investors, committed the technology firms to "protect the freedom of expression and privacy rights of their users".[/quote]

Now you notice that along with trying to censor child pornography, they were also going to be trying to block controversial websites on euthanasia, or anorexia. Notice the recent New York Times article, trying to link specific websites in this community, to anorexia and suicide websites? Keep in mind that Gang Stalking Websites have not been researched.

Governments are trying to censor the Internet. Australia is just one starting point. Then it will be what they deem to be controversial websites, but only controversial websites. It's the way a society that is closing down, begins to operate. Once they get anything blocked or shut down, they will go after other websites, till they control what is seen or not seen.

If they can't do it externally with our websites, they will try to do it Internally. The problem of course is society. Society seems to just always blindly and sheepishly sit back and let this happen.

For once, I am going to ask some of you to do the near almost impossible. Please try to wake up a little bit, before it's too late. I think what we are doing is starting to work, but I think we have to do so in greater measure.

So far the killing of the term Gang Stalking seems to be failing. The term is now well known. However it is associated in some circles that will never get the correction as sites for paranoids. Other people know what it is, and they are supportive. I spent days getting the corrections made, because it's too important a subject matter.

I think the attempt by Internal forces to kill the term for the time being has failed, so we should be prepared for other things.

Eg. Let's keep an eye out in the near future for laws that go after controversial sites, and try to shut down Mind Control or other similar sites.

As you know the Gang Stalking World website has contacted the New York Times to request a correction and we await a response from them.

In the mean time, let's stop the Internal threats from killing legit websites. We have enough to worry about without none legitimate witch hunts internally. We are already being mobbed, stalked, harassed, and bullied by external threats.

What I have been doing is if I don't trust a website, or have reason to suspect it's not legit. I no longer direct targets there. I remove the links from my blogs. I just try to stay away from those websites, and make sure other innocent people who might not know better stay away from those sites. What I try to do instead is highlight websites that I think are doing a good job. This also goes for blogs, or external people who are helping to further our cause, by providing prove via their own external research.

If you really have a problem with a website, and think it's not legit, then don't promote it, or say you don't think it's legit. For those who want to go on Nazi witch hunts, we are already being hunted, we don't need to be hunted any further, not our blogs, our websites, or whatever else you are going to choose to go after in the future.

I hope those reading this, will ban with me, to see that this practice gets left where it belongs, back in the Nazi Witch Hunt files.

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Blogger Vox Populi said...

I updated my blog to disclude stop organized stalking. I never realized that was so stupid. Thank you.
I also notice the SOS site is down.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008  
Blogger gang stalking said...

This is stupid, it's really stupid, so now I have to be aware of forces outside and inside. The same as usual.

Monday, December 22, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't think we will ever stop them from vilifying us as delusional, paranoid etc: let's face it. Its there main weapon. However I do think, that the mote & more we speak out. The quicker the tables will turn. Speak out on every social media there is.. I tend to state I'm a victim of freemason. Instead of using the term gangstalking. But if asked if I'm gang stalked I certainly answer with a definite YES!! As you state you had 3.million. there sure to be more now. So keep speaking out.

Wednesday, January 24, 2024  

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