Gang Stalking

A upto date blog about my adventures with gangstalking. This is my way of sharing with the world what gang stalking is really like. Some helpful books. Gang Stalking Books Mobbing Books

Saturday, December 20, 2008


I thought it was time to tackle one of the labels that had been used in the article, What's Behind The Internet Conspiracy Empires? The community at times has been labeled as paranoid. I feel that the label in some instances can have merit, but for the most part is groundless and unfounded.

The idea is that Gang Stalking websites and even conspiracy websites run the risk of making someone that is already paranoid even more so. Well I thought about this and I decided it was best to review other materials that might render someone even more paranoid than they were before.

Let's start with Books, Movies, Music, and then the Internet.

First there were books, these dangerous things which became more prevalent with the advent of the Gutenberg printing press. The ideas in books at times have not only been considered dangerous, they have been considered revolutionary, and yes some books contain material that some would say has the ability to make others become paranoid. Let's look at some examples.
1. The Bible. This book teaches us that an invisible entity created the earth. Using energy much like you see in those star trek movies he created matter. That matter became the earth and everything therein. The old testament of the bible is the main and guiding force of the Jewish religion, Christian religion, and Islamic religion.

The bible teaches that other realms and other beings exist that are not visible to the naked eye, such as heaven and angels.

The bible teaches that if we have faith we took can create and change the course of things.
I often wonder how psychologist and psychiatrist would interpret these groups of people who believe this stuff if they were not protected by freedom of religion? Would they be persecuted and called paranoid? Would they be studied and probed wondering how such beliefs will affect the person who is already paranoid?

Eg. If someone believes that the world is evil, and being ruled by evil forces and evil influences, then starts reading the bible and it proves to them the existence of the devil and evil, should we then be worried about the influence that the bible is having on those that are already paranoid about evil in the world?

Yet the bible has been around for centuries and it's believes and those who gather around such beliefs have been around for an equally long time and we don't have these communities online or offline being probed about whither people reading the bible could become more paranoid.
I thought I would point out one of the many gathering places that this group hangs out.

2. Movies.

That is number two on my list for things that could make people who are already paranoid even more paranoid.

We have seen the movies come over the years, the Exorcist, The Omen, Kerry, Constantine, Rosemary's Baby, Skeleton Key, just to name a few.

Most of these movies have themes where if someone had a belief or was already paranoid these movies could add to and enhance that belief. These movies unlike the Internet which requires you to read and interpret material, provide a visual and audio interpretation so that you don't even have to read or think about the material being presented. You don't have to use your imagination or anything, all the proof is right there in front of you. Therefore I wonder if psychologist and psychiatrists are out patrolling these movies, discussions around these movies, the websites, and books that have been spawned from the movies to see what effect they would have on someone who is already paranoid?

I think they might be discussing zombie and vampire movies here. You might want to keep an eye on these people. They are talking about the movie Twilight. Mind reading vampires? What's up with that? Better keep an eye on these paranoids, clearly watching and discussing these movies could be adding to paranoia about the undead walking around in society, and we don't know what will happen if they gather together. Better observe them.

3. Radio and Music.

In the 80s people were told that if they listened to or let their children listen to Black Metal music, things like Black Sabbath or Ozzy Osbourne that it could cause violence, it was associated with black magic. If you played the music backwards, there were backwards lyrics. There was a real move at one time to ban some of these albums. Now if someone is paranoid and they go out listen to one of these albums or another and hear backwards messages which make them more paranoid, and go and discuss it with other groups of people who have heard the same things should we be worried?

Well I can tell you most of the 80's survived this trend, there were many young and older persons who tried this and discussed it, talked about what they thought they were hearing and survived, despite what some of the experts were saying about the evils of the music of that time period.

Black Metal is not the only music that has ever been considered to be dangerous or a concern, but it's the one that comes to mind.

4. Role Playing Games. Remember when these were bad for you? Well I do and so do some others.

[quote]At various times in its history, Dungeons & Dragons has received negative publicity for alleged promotion of such practices as devil worship, witchcraft, suicide, and murder. In the 1980s especially, some religious groups accused the game of encouraging interest in sorcery and demons.[1] Throughout the history of roleplaying games, many of these criticisms have been aimed specifically at Dungeons & Dragons, but touch on the genre of fantasy roleplaying games as a whole.[/quote]

Anyone remember this. We were told that the kids that got into this stuff would kill, commit suicide, or become paranoid. Today with so many different role playing games offline and online, this is no longer being parroted by concerned health professional, but there was a time where this game and others like it were a focus. It seems the more members that belong to an organization, the harder it is to demonize it and call it paranoid.

If someone is paranoid, then virtually any medium or method could add to that paranoia, picking up the phone, listening to the radio, watching T.V., or even just reading a book. These other mediums have been around long before the Internet has.

5. The Internet.

Conspiracy websites and Gang Stalking Websites. The most recent flavor of the month and the focus of concerned health professionals.

I will focus on the Gang Stalking websites. Primarily some Gang Stalking Websites, such as Gang Stalking World explain that a covert investigation is opened up on an individual. The person is then followed around using covert and overt methods. The person is followed out in public by foot patrols and vehicle patrols, that use various methods to communicate, including a one handed sign language. These patrols use covert human intelligence sources or Informants as part of the surveillance.

The individual complains that those around them seem to be aware of what is happening, and are taking part in the ongoing investigation.

The individual life is disrupted, by rumour and slander campaigns similar to what we saw in Cointelpro. Some complain of home break in's and various other forms of life disruptions.
Those are some of the basic elements of the Gang Stalking. They are not all the methods, or complaints but they are the primary ones.

In the case of the Gang Stalking community to label someone as paranoid without first investigating each case might be considered by some to be irresponsible and unprofessional, considering that much of what targets complain about have been parts of covert investigations in the past, and many of the methods complained about have been used previously in programs
such as Cointelpro and others.

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