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Monday, December 15, 2008

Strange shoe throwing incident

Strange shoe throwing incident.

Instead of oops upside the head, or a spanking parents will now threaten their children with a shoe upside the head, in a strange shoe throwing incident that happened earlier today.
An Iraqi reporter named "Muntazer al-Zeidi" listening to G. Bush explaining how he had liberated the country, and put them in situation of independence, one where they would now be able to defend themselves, finally had it and snapped. He took of his shoe, and aimed one after the other at George Bush.

Saying this is for the widows and the orphans, you dog. It's not clear which widows or orphans he was referring to, but it's assumed it's the almost 1 million widows and orphans of Iraq that have been left fatherless since the wars.

[quote]The Asharq al-Awsat Arab media channel estimated in late 2007 there were 2.3 million widows in Iraq. These include widows from the 1980-1988 war with Iran in which half a million men were killed, the U.S.-led invasion and occupation of Iraq, and from 'natural' causes. The news outlet cited the Iraqiyat (Iraqi women) group as a source for their figure.
For a widow, all things are the same, dark.

"Being a widow means being dead in Iraq today," a professor from Diyala University, speaking on condition of anonymity, told IPS. "This is because of the tremendous responsibilities cast upon her."

The widows have become victims of the occupation, but also of social codes. Women are not supposed to commit mistakes, and when they do, their mistakes are rarely forgiven. Women are easily accused of doing 'bad things', regardless of proof.

Widowed women have a tough struggle on their hands, beyond the loss they have had to live through. They are not easily allowed to work, or even to carry out normal daily activities.

"When a woman breaks these rules, she loses the respect of others, or might be spoken of badly," a local trader told IPS. "This is because much of rural Iraqi society is primitive and undereducated." Like most others, the trader did not want his name used, for fear of retribution.

"Islam gives respectable freedom to the woman when she loses her husband," a religious cleric told IPS. "But because of their ignorance, people place severe restrictions on the woman."

Millions of lives have been shattered during the occupation. Two groups, Just Foreign Policy in the U.S. and the Opinion Business Research group in Britain estimate the total number of Iraqis who have died due to the occupation to be at least 1.2 million. [/quote]

Apparently throwing a shoe in Iraq is the greatest insult one can issue to another person.
Bush was able to duck and stay clear of the shoe and joked with reporters about it later on, but as you will see in the video below it was a very close call

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