Gang Stalking

A upto date blog about my adventures with gangstalking. This is my way of sharing with the world what gang stalking is really like. Some helpful books. Gang Stalking Books Mobbing Books

Wednesday, December 03, 2008

Deconstructing David Lawson

I have wanted to make this post for some time now. As many people in the Targeted Individual community may know, for several years, since 9/11 there has been a book that many targets have been referencing called Terrorist Stalking In America. The book first claimed that the stalking or harassment was being done by extremist groups.

Then just as quickly as David Lawson wrote the book, he seemed to go missing again. We were assured by some community leader that he was too busy and could not be interviewed, but a lot of things never made sense. When I started to do my own investigation into what was behind Gang Stalking, I started to learn ask even more questions.

If they were extremists how did he get out? He claims to have been in these stalking groups for several years, that he was one of them, that they are dangerous, and use intimidation methods to keep their members in line.

Anyways I recently came across a posting at who is a rat and I thought it would be nice to review the posting and go over it with my own interpretation. I don't know how many targets read this book, and went to the authorities talking about terrorist only to be institutionalised, or called the phone company to say that extremists were driving cable cars, or toss pop on cops, but I hope this interpretation will help future targets.

Anyways if you follow this link, you can read up on deconstructing David Lawson.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi there... just wanted to share some of my tips for success getting through this...

After 1+ years being aware and many more being watched discretely, I've learned not to take it serious. The people who are doing this are jackasses... I find the whole concept of gangstalking stupid and obtuse. Viewed that way I can't help but laugh. I never take it seriously when I meet someone involved on the street, nor in my head. It also helps that almost everyone involved, victim and abuser, has a sense of humor. They really are normal people who have an idiot view of the world... and having made some silly choices in my own life, I find it pretty easy to laugh at idiots :).

I'd love to share my story with you, cause they do a good job of making you seem lonely.

Saturday, December 06, 2008  

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