Gang Stalking

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Friday, May 29, 2009

Become the hero.

I read a post by a person today who is having trouble adjusting to change. I really felt for this person, they really felt that the world was changing and that there was nothing left, it was heartbreaking to read the post, because I believe the person genuinely felt this way.

Change can be hard, it can be life changing, but it can be what we make it. The person wanted to know where the hero was, who was coming to save the day. What I have learnt from my Gang Stalking experience is that when there is no hero, you become the hero, you can't control everything, God I wish we could, but you take control of what you can, and you encourage others to do the same.

The first and normal reaction to change is to hate it with a passion, to want to fight against it, to rail against it, to cry out and to mourn for what was. That is a natural and very human reaction to have, but once we have that reaction we can and must start to make what we can of our new circumstances. I can be very hard, it can almost be heartbreaking.

My life was really good, I live a boring but on track life. I had played life carefully, I had kept good credit and had a great relationship with my cc company. Platinum card while still very young, good jobs, etc. All the stupid material things they teach you to work and strive for. Then this crazy Gang Stalking stuff happened and my life changed. My expectations have not changed, but I had to adapt, I am still adapting. The things that so easily should have been, currently are not. Life is not the way that I want it to be, but I can't afford to give up. I can't let it get me down and I can't afford to grow hateful, resentful, or give up on the life that I still have. I can't afford to let it make me stop living.

Change for many others can happen in other ways, the death of a loved one, divorce, moving, changes in society, change in what's happening with the country, etc. Change can make you feel scared, depressed, and many don't know what to do about it, and it can overcome you if you let it, but you can't let it do that. You have to fight back. You first have to get a grip on yourself, the world is not ending just yet. It might feel like it, but it's not.

Then come to terms, mourn, get angry, cry if you have to, take the time you need to deal, but you also still have to find a way to function. I went through a lot of this with the Gang Stalking stuff, and it was horrible, because while I see this as horrible, many are just going right along with it, many like this, but I don't want the world to be like this, I don't want to live in a society of informants, but I do. Most days I would love to be just off on an Island, just me, no crazy Informants burning, tracking me, no crazy society, but that is not happening right now, so I have to find ways to make of it what I can. I have to find ways to survive. It can be very
heartbreaking, but it can also be very character building.

Change in part is what you make of it, and how you react to it. The other thing is if you are feeling this way change that is happening in your life, the changes are good others feel the same way, and it might be good even healthy to converse or socialize with others who feel the same way. It can be cathartic, and it can also help you find ways to cope together. Chance can be heartbreaking, but never lose site of your goals, and your dreams, never lose site of hope. It's one of the most important things that I have learnt from my experience.

Kyle Reese might not show up to save you in your hour of need, but then you just become the hero in part two and save others. Once you get a hold of yourself, become the hero for others. By helping others and doing something for others, and taking an active stance, that is one good way to start to heal and make the best of what you can.

( user Offspring1014 Video Hero.)

When there is no hero, you become the hero. Sword in hand, you pick yourself right up off the ground, and you rise from the ashes of oppression, whatever that may be, and you become the hero.

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