Gang Stalking

A upto date blog about my adventures with gangstalking. This is my way of sharing with the world what gang stalking is really like. Some helpful books. Gang Stalking Books Mobbing Books

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Leashing the snitch 2.

Why we must continue to document our harassment.

See I get bored day in day out writing down everything that has happened and I forget that by documenting my experiences of torture, the day in day out harassment's it's the only way other targets and in fact the world will begin to understand what we are doing through. I get tired of it, because how many times can I write that the I have blisters on the back of my head and face because they are electronically torturing me, and it's making my skin blister and it's burning me? It's become such a daily and common event for me, that I don't even write about it anymore, but that's not correct, because how are others ever to understand what we are going through if we don't let them know?

I also think that because I have not been sharing what was happening, it's caused me to be a bit more hateful, because I am keeping it in and not letting it out, so I am going to work on that. Before this started happening, I have always been a very private person and had things gone according to plan it would have continued that way, but things don't always go according to plan.
Last week I had the building worker enter my apartment while I was home. He claimed he thought it was an emergency, but he has done this one other time before. The first time I just left it alone and pretty much just gave him unpleasant stares whenever I saw him. This time however I wrote him up. If I as a target keep letting them get away with stuff, they will think it's ok to keep doing it. You have to snap them back to a sense of reality, and the reality is, this is not ok. I also blame myself however, because for most of the year I had just been giving him unpleasant stares due to the first incident which I mostly let go, but on a personal level I just let him know it was not ok, and then recently I decided to be civil, that was a mistake. Well the moment I decided to be civil, the building worker used that to do the bidding of his informant buddies and enter my apartment while I was home, claiming he thought there was an emergency. There is an emergency, the country has been taken over, by a bunch of informants, but you are too stupid to see why that's a problem.

See what they normally do when my heartrate is not detectable is they will call my phone. I solved that problem. The other thing they use to do is have a stranger knock at the door and make up some dumb excuse as to why they were knocking, well I stopped checking and this stopped working, so he is the only resource left to stupid informants. They used a resource stupider than themselves.

What happens is that the losers who are monitoring me, lose track of my heart rate and can't detect where I am in my apartment. I have spent months learning how to find ways to make it hard for me to be detected. Most times if they can't detect where I am in my apartment or if I am there, it's harder for them to figure out where to burn my skin. Eg. Whatever they are using is mobile and I believe some have hand held items, but at other times I have distinctly heard something mechanical being wheeled from room to room. I suspect at those times, they could well be using a portable X-ray machine or something similar. I suspect at other time they are using a radar flashlight, someone told me once that it might be a radar gun, but I think it could be this a radar flashlight. They are cheap, portable and the informants could have access to them.


[quote]A prototype device called the RADAR Flashlight, developed at the Georgia Tech Research Institute (GTRI), can detect a humans presence through doors and walls up to 8 inches thick. The device uses a narrow 16-degree radar beam and specialized signal processor to discern respiration and/or movement up to three meters behind a wall. The device can penetrate even heavy clothing to detect respiration and movements of as little as a few millimeters. [/quote]

What they use detects movement and pulse or heartrates. The little idiots or whoever is on shift in the apartment below me, (including the creepy neighbour) using whatever they are using to detect movement, heatrate, etc. It let's them know where I am in my apartment. The more movement there is, the better reading they can get. I had a video from Youtube showing something similar, but the video is no longer on Youtube, just like many other good videos. If I lie perfectly still or avoid my pulse points touching any surfaces, they don't get a reading, and then you notice that they start to bang on the walls, or other items below, to cause vibrations above, eg. Some time the noise might cause an accellerated heart or pulse rate so that they can get a reading. If this fails, they often use something else that causes vibrations in my apartment, again designed to do what their idiotic banging and kicking on the walls can not do. For the banging and kicking on the walls, record and complain, that stops this problem. I have learnt how to overcome much of this, not 100% but enough to annoy the more stupid ones. It's funny, when I think of learning how to overcome this stuff, I always remember that scene in terminator 1, where kyle is like,


The H-K's use infra-red so you
still have to watch out.
But they're not too bright.
John taught us ways to dust them. [/quote]

In every period of turmoil, people have to find interesting ways to survive. Everytime I hear one of those dumb creatures banging on the walls cause they can't get a heart rate, pulse or movement, I think of this scene. They are not too bright.

I go through this day in day out. Whenever I am employed and working at a job, just to be spiteful, they use whatever it is that causes vibrations at full blast. It's like being on a construction site, or being shaken all night by a jack hammer. If you don't find ways to limit the effects you get no sleep, or body aches, which makes it harder and harder to get up and function for the eight hours that a job requires, and gives you a good chance of getting fired if you don't show up, because you got no sleep. I have found ways to limit the effects, but when it's on full blast not completely. I have tested it out when it's on full blast and I go into the hallway, the vibrations can be felt outside of my apartment, so I am sure if I had normal neighbours and not informants around me, they would also be complaining about it. People are just willing to go along with just about anything as long as they convince themselves that it's for the greater good. How many times in history have we heard that before? Or how many times have we heard, I was just following orders? The Nazi's used that one a lot. Anyways after reading the other targeted individual blogs recently, I realise that we have to keep sharing our stories and letting the world know what is happening to us. I try not to share the trivial incidents, but with Gang Stalking, it is the trivial day in and day out incidents that make the difference. It's the accumulation of those incidents that help to paint the bigger picture.

What I realised about other events in history such as what they were doing in Russia with dissidents is that they lied about it, and life in the Soviet Union continued just the same, it was the story after story of the same thing that finally brought the truth to light, so I guess we have to keep bothering the ACLU, or whatever organization in your country that handles these complaints. We need to keep filing reports.

I don't know if I should waste the time with a police report, but whet if this neighbour is someone who has a history of this, and by doing nothing I put someone else in danger, again keep in mind since they are twisted, he might have been just trying to vandalize my signs again, but there is no way to know for sure. Seriously what would spiderman do? Yes I know he is a comic book character, but don't we learn from these characters in our darkest moments, and other things around us? Anyways I was thinking of the time he got ripped off for the wrestling match and he decided to not stop the crook who eventually shot his uncle Ben. I always want to do the right thing. Like I said I believe in being a good neighbour, look out for each other, and if it does mean getting others involved I am not against doing that if it's truly required. At the same time, I deeply believe that you never have to be a part of an informant program to do so.

If I do file a report, I know to type it up and not do it over the phone. As I explained a couple of years ago after two attempts to get my Gang Stalking report filed in person failed, I decided to make my report over the phone. I had researched all about the informant force, and spoken to other officers who even told me some information about how the program worked etc. I gave them some details they gave me details etc. Either way I was well versed and when I filed my report I was very clear about what was ongoing with the harassment. I got a copy of the report via Freedom of Information Act, she had twisted just about everything I said and in the report, she wrote community services might need to get involved. Some of these cops are corrupt. So I immediately tried to get this fixed over the phone, no can do. So I wrote up my own report and requested they change the parts where she had deliberately twisted what I said, or flat out lied. I dropped off report after report. All were lost. I walked into a station and requested the officer change it on the computer, he said he could not do that, but would note that I was not emotionally disturbed or anything like that. Great what good does that do? I finally found out what the process was for disputing incorrect information in a police report was, I went through the process of opening a complaint, and sending in my report to get the correction made, and in the long run they did not change the report. It's still the same as it was. During the course of this, I found out the officer that had filed the report had taken some time off, etc. See some cops are still good, but there are enough that are corrupt, so that you have to be careful. It's a balance.

Either way, it's renewed my belief that we have to keep up what we have been doing, getting our stories told and heard. I don't mean some of the fake stuff that informants are putting onto Youtube to make us look crazy, but testimony of real targets. The sad part is many real targets do get turned into informants.

Either way, I guess the lesson is, keep sharing as best as we can, keep annoying the ACLU, Amnesty, keep posting in the forums, getting the blogs up, and getting our stories told. I still think for the most part, keep some information private. One target who use to post her information online posted her address, and as I pointed out, some people in one forum were discussing her in a very unflattering manner. She also stopped posting to Youtube about a year ago, and I don't know what happened to her. There are a lot of crazy people in the world, and even outside of the informants that would not hesitate to harm targets, so be aware. Do what makes you comfortable, but I guess we have to keep trying no matter what we decide.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

I do get a lot of car headlights doing the high beam on-off thing at night. One reason, I figured, is that those incandescent lamps (not the newer LED ones) have plenty of energy lost as heat, i.e., infrared. So maybe the shining of headlights on targets (pit lamping is a good term) is used to get more infrared in the target's vicinity, which could aid in detection. Or maybe the light itself is somehow putting the body in a more excited state -- remember that light is still the same phenomenon as radio waves (electromagnetic energy), albeit at much much much tinier wavelengths. Hence, at the atomic level, having any light shining on a body may excite the atoms and allow for better detection.

Note that "visible" light is nothing more than electromagnetic energy our eyes can detect. They are detectors of this phenomenon described in this article. Interesting that our eyes can only see visible light, not radio waves. Evolution had to have played a role in this regard. see, if you can see radio wavelengths, then that means you are always "seeing" cosmic rays and other things that make it through our atmosphere. for some reason, it was important for us not to be able to see radio wavelengths, but only a narrow band comprising the "visible light".

Friday, May 29, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And about the guy standing outside your door: to me, it looks like an intimidation tactic by the perps in order to deter your activism.

Of course. Their evil MUST be heard and they must not be stopped in their "fight" against targets, right?

They figure, the guy is "disposable" to them; if it weren't him, they'd be using another like him. If he gets caught or arrested, it's no big deal... there are dozens like them they can use. They say they like to use, reload, whatever. They have a whole army of these types at their disposal.

I've got perps harassing me at all hours via email, saying things like "you upset me". Like I give a damn about the leeches on society who are trying to take away what we hard working targets work soooo hard for.

Friday, May 29, 2009  

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