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Thursday, July 02, 2009

Are informants stupid?

what I have learnt from the extremist sites.

Try your best not to generalize. What get's me most when I am on the extremist sites is that there is a lot of generalization. These sites tend to generalize groups of people and that is just not the thing to do.

I can however see that if you have too many negative experiences with too many people of a specific group that you might tend to have a general negative attitude towards that group.
I find that I tend to do this with the informants. I really try to avoid this when I can. Though a majority of them are parasitic bottom feeders, there are some, the odd few that are not stupid, that are helpful, that have retained their humanity, that are not going along with this stupidty, and who are equally looking for a way out. I am not including those people in this posting.
Everyone is different.

Many of them are just what they seem to be. Just like in East Germany where they baited the Jews, or the south where they baited the blacks, many of them are the same things. They are not happy or fulfilled unless they are getting targets to notice them, or doing something to be in conflict with targets.

I still believe the primary thing to do in most cases is to ignore them. Lately I am honestly more interested in the flowers, the trees, the dirt under my feet, etc, more so than I am interested in them. I am happier, I think I finally came to the realization, that it's just not worth it.
For me personally, there is little or no merit with interacting with the majority of people that have chosen to be a part of a system that is corrupt. The vast majority of these people are at the heart of what is driving this system. If it was not working for them, they would change it. However I believe that this system does work for the vast majority of them.

I believe many people unfortunately are base at heart, and this attracts the worst sort of people, and the worst sort of vermin. It's a sad truth. Most people probable feel they are part of something wonderful, if you will recall, the Stasi were the same, and the Nazi were the same.
What is the difference between these people and the Nazi? The world eventually recognized the Nazi's for what they were, I believe it will be a bit longer before these people are recognised as the same thing. Right now I believe the vast majority, are still in the we are right stage.
For me personally limiting my interaction with the vast majority works. In my years of mobbing, Gang Stalking, Cointelpro, I have not found that it's often in my best interest to interact with them. I generally avoid the vast majority of them when I can. They generally do not seem to understand this. I don't want anything to do with the vast majority of them, they are not my type of people, we have nothing in common, and it's not in my best interest to interact with them. It's nothing personal.

There are many informants that I like, that I still like interacting with. They are just very few and far between. No I don't believe that they are all stupid, but much like the rest of the society, the system that they subscribe to is corrupt, and thus they are corrupt by being a part of it. Willingly or unwillingly.

I am going to try to give some examples of this.

I once worked with a girl let's call her J. J was being harassed very badly by Steven a manager at one of the jobs where we worked. She use to come to me and complain about what he was doing. In my opinion he was very badly harassing and bullying her. She was a shy reserved creature and unfortunately drew Steven's harassment.

Even though I was being mobbed, I helped to shield her the best way that I could. I even gave her the information that she needed to get away from him. At the time he was her manager. She did not want to go to HR, because everyone knew that going to HR only made things worst. (I still tried to work through the HR process, but I agree that the majority of times when a manager is involved, HR does not help and is not helpful.)

She was stressed everyday and worried constantly, she just wanted to get off of his team. I found a way that she could do so without having to go to HR, it worked and eventually she got off his team.

During this time, we had become quite friendly, because I felt protective of her. Anyways one day she stopped talking to me, and became very unfriendly, not just unfriendly, but rude, and she also got several of her people, from her culture to be rude as well. I could not understand what was wrong with this girl. I eventually found out that I had wished her good health in German, and English not being her first language, she had misunderstood what I had said, and thought that I had insulted her.

A simple error, which could have been fixed, by asking me what I had said, or to explain it. No. So in essence, what she had done was advised people that I had reacted in a negative manner to her "stimuli" and insulted her. I would never have guessed at this, because it was just not the case.

Do I believe that she misunderstood what was said, yes. Do I believe she did so intentionally? NO in this case I do not. However it does not change the fact that because of the stupidity of this informant system, and the stupidity of human nature she saw what was not there. The problem is that if you tell people that someone is XYz they will not only see XYZ in many cases, but they will also add ABC.

Another example of this system at work. When I was at school we had what I now recognize to be informants. They were always signalling, I do recall this, but I had no idea why at the time. Anyways this person and her friends came and told a group of us, that this male in our class had been self pleasuring himself in class. Her two male friends confirmed this information, by agreeing with her. Thus the group without questioning them, accepted there story. She said he was a pervert and a variety of other things.

Naturally people were disgusted and did not wish to be around this person. We believed them. He was avoided after this by the class, because of what this girl had said. He missed a lot of school and eventually did not come back the next term.

In the middle of this, I could not keep up ignoring him. No matter what his so called crime, he had not killed anyone, but none the less he was treated as a leaper, and though I did not see it at the time. I believe this is what was ongoing in his life. I also believe that what the class was told was a lie, by this group of informants. He was an ethnic minority, and I do believe the goal was to get him to drop out of the class.

Because of what this girl told the others, many of the other girls in the class avoided him, the guys would not befriend him, but I eventually gave him notes, and stopped avoiding him. This interestingly enough made me enemies with the person who had started the rumours. I had been a thorn in the side of what was probably a Gang Stalking attempt in his life, but for me it was just being nice to another human being, that in my opinion there was no reason to be cruel to, and certainly not for such an extended period of time, or to the lengths that they were going to.

Did I realise that I was doing anything wrong, or being manipulated? No I did not, but I understood how to be human, and something within told me that what was ongoing was wrong. Some of the informants in this system will have that capacity, the vast majority will not. Even if they have the impulse that something is wrong, many do not have the independence to stop what is happening, or confront it.

For me a lot of things are trial and error. After years of dealing with them, for me personally, I don't want anything to do with the vast majority of them. The interactions do not enhance my life most times, I have watched the vast majority, and they like this system, it works for them. They like the snitching friends network, and many of them would be lost without it. It's their source of information, let's them know what's happening, and they feed off of it.
They feed off of having confrontations with targets the same way the Nazi's feed off of having confrontations with Jews, and congratulated themselves about it. It's the same things, they are the same level of baseness. The KKK did the same thing with blacks. Piss them off, get them to react, it's the same thing.

Where the last two groups were seen in a negative light, the members of this cult of informants, see themselves, and their actions in a very positive light. A vast majority of them, act in the same mindless fashion, one right after the other.

For me after years of being around them. My recommendation is to ignore them. The vast majority of times, they are not worth it. They want someone they can play games with that will respond to them. The "look at me, look at me, I am something special." The vast majority of times, I literally do not pay attention to them, anymore. If like the Nazi's or the KKK, they interact with me in such a way that they cross the line, I let them know it. Because if you let them cross the line a little, they will cross the line a lot. They must be kept in their place. This is what they try to do with us, and we must do the same with them.

Again, I do not mean to generalise. I hate that, and I try to avoid it when I can. They are not all like that, but too many are. The contempt has been earned.

This system is not sophisticated, many of them do not understand why targets don't want anything to do with them. Targets see the world in a very different way. I am often grateful for this experience, because it really is something I could only have learnt by experiencing. My whole life, I wondered how Nazi Germany happened, how did normal people go along with it? There was no reference source that had the material that I needed. Only the human experience could have given me what I needed.

As such I have been blessed, to understand how base human nature can get, how deprived, how people that start out decent can become corrupt. How a system of corruption can be made to function. I do believe such systems will eventually do themselves in, but in the meantime, it's an amazing study. I would choose no other side to be on.

I might dislike stupid people around me at times, but it's a great learning experience, how they function, operate, the types involved. You could not pay for such, I know most targets will not agree with me, but when we can let go of the targeting aspect, and just look at the social psychological aspect, they are an interesting study.

Anyways I had one actually try to cross the line today, and it had to be confront and politely advised, to not cross the line. Much like the Nazi, they seemed delighted, oh my gosh, nothing else has been working, no other stimuli, we finally have something. Yes sadly I am their world, but they are not my world. Even a very broken and corrupt clock can get the time right at least twice a day. The same with this broken and corrupt system.

I hate the targeting, but when I think about what these people have become, I will take this side of the coin. I don't like it, it's not always my favorite, but I thank God everyday, that I am on this side of the coin. I believe we spiritually choose things, and I do believe on some level, I choose this side of the coin, and this path, because I would not want to be on the other side of the coin.
I have no desire most times or care, what the snitching network is up to, I care not for their stupid system, which is corrupted, and being a parasite who's only job is to spy on others, or bait them, like the Nazi's did the Jews, is just not my cup of tea.

Targets this is not a great place that we are in, I know that most of us hate it on a daily basis, but when I really look at who and what these people are, and the things they do, my life is not that bad. That's one of the reasons I have been happier lately. We are blessed that we ended up on this side of the coin. No I don't like the job loss, baiting, stupidity, evil, corruption, petty, amebic parasites that we attract, but can you imagine being one? Most of us can not. So though it take a lot of efforts, realise that our glass is still half full, we have retained our humanity, and as long as we do that, we are doing better than the vast majority of them.

As for me, I have been happy, I am going to continue to be so. Avoiding them and ignoring them has worked for me. I finally came to the stage where I do realise the vast majority are just not worth it. Again, I am not generalizing. There is good and bad everywhere. There always will be. Everyday we remember that, and maintain our humanity is a victory. These creature are petty, and irritating a target is all that they have going on in their lives most days, think of the efforts that are expanded for targets? We have life, and they do not, in many cases, they are dead, and empty on the inside, and they often do not like to have that truth mirrored back about themselves, but it's true in many cases.

I could go on, but targets, be thankful that we are where we are, everyday that I am around them, or encounter more of their stupidity, it leaves me grateful. You don't want to become what they are. Being a target is not great, but I honestly believe that what the vast majority of them are is something worst.

Keep that in mind, as you go out amongst them, and the best recommendation I can give, is truly to ignore them, they really do just crave the attention, and it's what they feed off of, they are parasitic in nature. The vast majority, not all. I don't think I have had to confront one too directly prior to today, and if you must interact with them, be polite, use appropriate language, and leave it short and sweet. Parasites in many cases probably have far more potential, and intelligence than the vast majority of informants in this system. They want you in the dirt with them, try your best not to be there.

There is good and bad everywhere, try to not generalize. So are informants stupid? Sure some are stupid, they always were and always will be. Some are bright and intelligent, but this system does not cater to the bright or the intelligent, most times it caters to the petty, and corrupt. They are always looking for a reason to hate, it's what fuels them, nothing else does. It's a system that has not changed since Jesus' time. It's a system that will hate one minute and praise the next, it's a bi-polar system, and the people within that system are equally the same.

I find in a majority of cases, they hate without reason, they act without reason, and they feed off of each other. They do what the other tells them to do, independent thought is not something that this system fosters. Yet good still functions below the mire. Lately I focus on the good.

Unfortunately if you look for stupid you will find stupid, even when you don't look for stupid, you will still find it. I have stopped looking for stupid, petty and corrupt. This however does not mean that stupid, petty and corrupt will not find it's way into my realm, but limit your changes.

Are they all stupid, no, but enough are where I have doubts if this society will survive. Much like the movie apocalypto, such societies, eat themselves from the inside out, and when the time comes, they destruct from the inside out, I believe these societies are entering such a stage, and it's sad, because from the outside, they look very good, but as one who has witnessed the corruption, I believe these societies are in a problematic state, and will likely create their own downfall, due to the types of people these types of societies eventually create, which is sad.

"Dr. Andrew M. Lobaczewski. Political Ponerology: The science on the Nature of Evil."
[quote]Pathocracy is a disease of great social movements followed by entire societies, nations, and empires. In the course of human history, it has affected social, political, and religious movements as well as the accompanying ideologies… and turned them into caricatures of themselves…. This occurred as a result of the … participation of pathological agents in a pathodynamically similar process. That explains why all the pathocracies of the world are, and have been, so similar in their essential properties.

…Identifying these phenomena through history and properly qualifying them according to their true nature and contents - not according to the ideology in question, which succumbed to the process of caricaturization - is a job for historians. […]

The actions of [pathocracy] affect an entire society, starting with the leaders and infiltrating every town, business, and institution. The pathological social structure gradually covers the entire country creating a “new class” within that nation. This privileged class [of pathocrats] feels permanently threatened by the “others”, i.e. by the majority of normal people. Neither do the pathocrats entertain any illusions about their personal fate should there be a return to the system of normal man. [Andrew M. Lobaczewski Political Ponerology: A science on the nature of evil adjusted for political purposes] [/quote]

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

I could never understand the Nazis... why they would be so proud and aggressively stand behind their crimes. The fact is they were going along with the whims and desires of a Dictator, and for some reason they felt like they were powerful and mighty going along with this sick madman's whims. All the while, they had no mind of their own, no accomplishments... maybe they felt like they were part of something great, and they shared in that power. The fact is, nothing was approved without this Dictator, and I don't think I could live in a world like that. Maybe the Nazis felt like they had plenty of "freedom" despite being restricted. Maybe they felt this restriction of being bound to one Dictator's whims was a small price to pay for their Power.

Of course, I've learned my lesson, and don't wish to report on any of these perps' tactics, as it will only serve to stroke their already too big (IMO) ego. A lot of perps seem to be on this huge ego trip, if you haven't noticed. Reporting on tactics seems to give them some of the attention they are craving. You'd think these perps were creating a wonderful and astounding piece of art or something. I've decided that I've rewarded their idiotic tactics long enough by reporting on them. Of course, they get off on hurting targets with lies and insults. For some reason they are proud of that. I guess being sick mentally and on a power trip can really get to a perp's head.

Thursday, July 02, 2009  
Blogger gangstalking said...

Yes but in my official capacity I walk a fine line. I think it's great to ignore them, but I think since my blog is there to help other targets when I find or observe a new tactic it must get reported for the sake of the other targets who might in turn get a benifit from it. Also exposing what these people are doing is the only change targets have.

How else will people like Jiverly Wong ever get any kind of truth or justice? Yes what he did was wrong, but what was done, what is being done is worst, and must be reported.

Otherwise, I prefer to ignore them.

Friday, July 03, 2009  

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