Gang Stalking

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Thursday, July 02, 2009

A baiting we will go.

As a target I get to see the business end of things, and it does not make me hopeful for humans, but it's a good study none the less.

I see how truly controlled people are, more importantly I see a system where many do not even question that control. I see people getting used all the time. From the co-workers who now babysit my route to and from work.

What the informant force has been doing is they have been using positive identifications. This means they are now trying to have someone who I have had contact with before positively identify me, so I now constantly run into people at every location that I know. I think in many regards this method works better than others, because at least you can say yes the target was on the train, etc vs what I have personally witnessed which is them not know who is who vs what is what. I also recently saw a informant that was on the same bus, get followed. The informant gave the signals, but since the target was not readily visible, they just ignored the informant, and followed the informant off the bus. Still it's an improvement, but not one that I will be going along with.

I believe if they had used this method in the first place there would have been way less erroneous reports, however after years of the garbage, I have no intention of assisting with this venture. I keep finding fun ways around it.

This is one more reason that it's easy to associate with informants, but it's hard to form any real associations, because in an informant society motive must always be questioned. I get them all the time fishing for details of a personal nature. Yes normal people do this, but when you are aware of a secondary purpose in mind, then it's impossible to take them seriously.

What I do now is report any incidents so that I can get my own words in, I find that this is more balanced, since informants can not in many cases be trusted to tell the truth.

In Stasi Germany, it was friends, family, lovers, co-workers, neighbours that betrayed people.
Today I had an informant wheel over me quite deliberately. I firmly but politely advised and requested that the informant be more careful in future. Even though it was fully done deliberately, you want to be careful of accusing them, as they are very found of accusing targets of being paranoid. It's part of the baiting process.

I truly believe that many of these people don't care about the children in their care, they often use them for a variety of purposes. Similar to the way they use their dogs. Part of the dog and pony show.

I think children have more value than that, but very little surprises me now. Two examples.
The pot shots that we have to put up with. Now the odd time the informants are instructed to get up close and personal and to try to cause the target problems.

Today I had an informant use it's own child to cause trouble. I really find that some these people have no integrity whatsoever. I don't believe that they care about their children. Just like the way they get puppies, and dogs, I do think that some have children just to make it easier for them to be a part of this system.

I have now had numerous occasions where an informant was so busy watching me, that they literally endangered their children. It really makes me sad, but I am not surprised.
I remember the one time that a young mother was with her friend, and her children were with her, she was so busy watching me, that she missed the fact that her child was climbing on an object, and was about to get impaled. I drew her attention to this fact, and she seemed to muster up some motherly instinct and was able to go and retrieve her child. She could pay attention to what I was doing, but not to the immediate danger her child had placed herself in. Priorities are frightening.

Many of them take the informant game so seriously that they forget anything else. Another time I had one woman send her young son off to sit by himself at the back of the bus, while she stayed at the doors in the middle to watch me, her back was turned so she could not see the child, and could not have been aware of what was happening.

Anything could have been happening to the child, there are strangers who are not above physically reaching out and grabbing a child on a public bus, yet here she was so intense on me, that her child could have been in danger. I was seriously wondering if I got off the bus there and then if she would follow me, or take the time to remember that she has a child, but then they do what they are told, so provided that she was not instructed to do so, I assume she would have stayed on the bus. The loyalty was once again to the state.

Both of the women in the above scenarios were Asian decent, but I do not know if they were from outside of the country. I am pointing this out, because I do know that these types of systems have been very popular in communist countries and that it's like second nature to some people. The point is, I don't think that many of them have their priorities in tack, and they use their children in many cases, in very wrong ways.

Other targets have reported skits where children are paraded around in inappropriate outfits. Eg. Female children are placed in inappropriate situations, or outfits, in order to help make someone look like a pedophile. Other have reported where children are being left or paraded as bait by these people. It's disgusting.

Today was one of those days where the less snitches the better. That's a rule everyday. However after this informant wheeled over me, with her child, I really thought about the other stories of the things they do, and how they use their children and I was so disgusted by some of the things I have heard that they have done. Anyways once home, I let all my disgust out. My rule of thumb is if you want to vent in your own home, and others wish to listen, too bad.
The thing is lately I realise that the less I have to do with them, the better I feel. I have really been feeling very happy lately, and I think that is because I am getting a lot of negatives out of my life and it feels really good.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

The irony here is that, the more you care about others and the children, the more of a bad person the Stasi will make you out to be via their skits, harassment, and directed conversation.

Have you noticed how they do this? Their system seems to be shift the blame onto the target, make the target out to be the culprit, i.e., the negligent one, while that frees them up for more negligence and gangstalking activities. It's like they've effectively made you out to be what they are, so they are made "pure" in their eyes.

Friday, July 03, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think the Stasi are an interesting case study in themselves... I firmly believe that all of this pain they're inflicting on us targets is getting received as a sort of sexual pleasure in their brains, i.e., we are getting raped and they are reaping the benefits of that rape. I believe the system has fostered a change in their brains as well, having some "re-wiring" take place from all of their gangstalking activities that allows our pain to be perceived as a sort of sexual pleasure to them.

Friday, July 03, 2009  
Blogger gangstalking said...

"The irony here is that, the more you care about others and the children, the more of a bad person the Stasi will make you out to be via their skits, harassment, and directed conversation.

Have you noticed how they do this? Their system seems to be shift the blame onto the target, make the target out to be the culprit, i.e., the negligent one, while that frees them up for more negligence and gangstalking activities. It's like they've effectively made you out to be what they are, so they are made "pure" in their eyes."

I fully agree with you, but then the other choice is to lose my humanity. These people can do no wrong in their eyes, the blame always get's shifted back to the target, the target must always remain a non sympathetic character, someone subhuman. When you want to destroy someone that is the first step.

The system is corrupted and thus we must try not to be. Anytime the target does something notable or praise worthy, they try to character assassinate the target.

They are currently trying to make the Cynthia McKinney efforts out to be her fault, and blaming her for caring about palestine, and trying to make her seem oppertunistic.

If you go on the forums, you will see this is being deliberately done. It works the same on every level, and they will then push there selected people to the forefront, and tell the people who to worship, and the people usually go along with it. That's the irony.
They destroy those who would help them, and they praise those who would destroy them. Maybe it's poetic justice.

Friday, July 03, 2009  
Blogger gangstalking said...

"I think the Stasi are an interesting case study in themselves... I firmly believe that all of this pain they're inflicting on us targets is getting received as a sort of sexual pleasure in their brains, i.e., we are getting raped and they are reaping the benefits of that rape. I believe the system has fostered a change in their brains as well, having some "re-wiring" take place from all of their gangstalking activities that allows our pain to be perceived as a sort of sexual pleasure to them."

I don't know about sexual pleasure, but then again you can't discount anything with these people. I do believe that being in a society like this, it changes people. If you read about the Stasi, many to this day have to tell themselves that what they did was right. That there actions were correct.

Because this system gives people the ability to act as independent agents to an extent, it gives them false power that they would otherwise not have, this brings out the worst in people.

It creates just what we have a psychotic society, that is set to fail.

Friday, July 03, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

One starting observation is that most people doing the harassment are very surprised when I react negatively to the harassment. I'm not sure why that is... if it's because they genuinely think they're doing nothing wrong, if they believe we deserve the harassment or what... Maybe they see as as their "prisoners" and we are expected to accept our positions as beneath them. I'm sure they are surprised when we don't see us as deserving of the "prison" they've put us in.

Friday, July 03, 2009  
Blogger gang stalking said...

[quote]One starting observation is that most people doing the harassment are very surprised when I react negatively to the harassment. I'm not sure why that is... if it's because they genuinely think they're doing nothing wrong, if they believe we deserve the harassment or what... Maybe they see as as their "prisoners" and we are expected to accept our positions as beneath them. I'm sure they are surprised when we don't see us as deserving of the "prison" they've put us in.[/quote]

They are fricking stupid. Everytime I have to be around them, I have to calmly remind myself of this. One dude got so close the other day in the guard the target, that I thought we were about to have a drop the soap moment, it's like they are so wrapped up in their stuff, they don't get it.

They will put themselves and their own children in danger just to monitor us.

Sometimes I just have to laugh at how stupid they are, if I didn't I think I would cry that there are people that stupid in the world.

They expect us to accept our prisoner roles from a bunch of fricking morons, and when we don't they get offended. Or if I call them informants, they try to make it look like I am anti-social or cracking up.

It's normal for us targets to be disgusted by their stupidity and yes, these people don't realise that their ish stincks to high heaven. They are just stupid, in many cases.

Not all, but enough so that I just lately have had to block them out. You can't watch stupidity like that for too long without having a negative reaction to it, and my reaction has been to just zone them out.

Sunday, July 26, 2009  

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