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Tuesday, July 07, 2009

MJ makes sainthood.

What a crock. Not that Michael Jackson made sainthood, but the fact that the world is as hypocritical as you can get. I think it's finally gotten to me, on an elemental level.

I just can't take the world that seriously anymore. One person on one of these forums was saying how hypocritical it all was. I think they said something along the line of Jesus when he want into Jerusalem, he had people spreading palm leaves and worshiping him, and many of those same people a few days later were crucifying him, or standing there while he was crucified.

The person on that forum, went on to say that a few days before his death, many people did not want to touch Micheal Jackson with a 10 foot pole. They were still making jokes about him being a pedophile, and most would not even give him the time of day, and suddenly he dies and it's all different.

Well not to worry, right after dying it was sort of the same for Jesus. I was learning about some of the stuff that Michael had gone through. Do you know that he felt that there was a conspiracy against him? I read that he paid to have a voodoo witch doctor curse some people. It's hard for me to believe that someone of his caliber could be so demonized by this world, but he was, and the chances are good that he was not guilty.

Don't get me wrong, some really did believe that he had harmed children. I had always left that at undecided, but I felt that he had not. However I always gave him the benefit of the doubt. I did think however it was a good idea that he stopped hanging around kids that were not his, not because he was not a good person, but because when you are good, it's easy for the world to take advantage.

His situation, and what a I found out, really solidified some things for me. Not that I don't see what the world is capable of on a daily basis, but knowing what the world could and did do to someone like him, kinda really put's things in perspective for me.

The world is a funny place, I think I will leave it at that. They demoralize and crucify that which is not there's. They don't understand someone with a child like mentally, and because most of the world is corrupted, they assume that everyone else must be the same thing. I have not found anything that would lead me to believe that he was a pedophile. Most of what I read was rumours, gossip, people taking events that happened on the surface and not looking at the bigger story, the articles that I read about his accusers lead me to believe that it was not true, and extortion played a great role in the first case, and and the secondary case was also someone trying to extort money.

MJ was as big as you could get in this world, well close enough, and yet the world was able to leave him, in poverty at times, hopeless, depressed, and just broken. I am not going to pretend to be a huge Michael Jackson fan. I liked his music, I thought he was a great artist, but that's about it. What made me go looking for truth after his death was a need to know the truth.
For me I feel how I felt before, but more so. I don't think he was what the world said about him. I am still open to hearing evidence if there is such out there, but for me, what I read leads me to believe very strongly that he might have been set up, and there might have been a conspiracy initially for money, and then other factors took over, or if you read the transcripts, there might have been other factors from the get go, and for once, I just don't want to know.

What I do know about his life after the accusations, is pretty sad. What I learnt about what the world did to him, on a spiritual, financial and emotional level is more than I needed or wanted to know. For once I think this world has truly been put into perspective for me.

The world vs Jesus. Nicknamed king of the Jews, praised by some, but crucified by many others. Crucified and died, and then worsphipped after death.

Michael Jackson vs the world. MJ also nicknamed king of pop. Crucified and demonized, by the world for a large part of his later life. Now dead, yet worshipped after death.

It's like the world just can not appreciate the good when it's given it, it always has to destroy that which is not like it, or that which it does not understand.

The world is a funny, and hypocritical place.

Anyways, I truly hope that Michael can finally rest in peace. I hope his soul has found some kind of better harbour. I hope.

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