Gang Stalking

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Sunday, July 26, 2009

Electronic Harassment. Enough for everyone.

I just found some really good articles about Electronic harassment and I think that they are worth having a look at.

[quote]THE Pentagon's enthusiasm for non-lethal crowd-control weapons appears to have stepped up a gear with its decision to develop a microwave pain-infliction system that can be fired from an aircraft.

The device is an extension of its controversial Active Denial System, which uses microwaves to heat the surface of the skin, creating a painful sensation without burning that strongly motivates the target to flee. The ADS was unveiled in 2001, but it has not been deployed owing to legal issues and safety fears.

Nevertheless, the Pentagon's Joint Non-Lethal Weapons Directorate (JNLWD) in Quantico, Virginia, has now called for it to be upgraded. The US air force, whose radar technology the ADS is based on, is increasing its annual funding of the system from $2 million to $10 million.
The transmitting antenna on the current system is 2 metres across, produces a single beam of similar width and is steered mechanically, making it cumbersome. At the heart of the new weapon will be a compact airborne antenna, which will be steered electronically and be capable of generating multiple beams, each of which can be aimed while on the move.

I wish people would read up on what happened in Iraq, where these weapons were approved for use. The dead bodies speak pretty loudly, and they point in the direction of these weapons.

[quote]Late last year, James Walbert went to court, to stop his former business associate from blasting him with mind-altering electromagnetic radiation. Walbert told the Sedgwick County, Kansas panel that Jeremiah Redford threatened him with “jolts of radiation” after a disagreement over a business deal. Later, Walbert, said, he began feeling electric shock sensations, hearing electronically generated tones, and getting popping and ringing sounds in his ears. On December 30th, the court decided in Walbert’s favor, and issued a first-of-its-kind order of protection, banning Redford from using “electronic means” to further harass Walbert. No, seriously.

I recently took part in a BBC Radio 4 program, which took a light-hearted look into the “the real Manchurian Candidate” — and examined whether there is any truth in stories of mind control. It gave me a chance to talk about exotic non-lethal weapon concepts like the so-called telepathic raygun, the system which beams sound directly into your skull, and the “voice of god” talking fireball. Most of these projects are just lab experiments, or examples of Powerpoint engineering. But in some legal, policy, and business circles, electromagnetic brain assaults are being taken seriously.

Walbert’s cause is supported by Jim Guest, a Republican member of the Missouri House of Representatives. He’s working on proposed legislation to addresses electronic harassment, including a bill against the forced implantation of RFID chips.

The U.N. is also now taking the possibility of electromagnetic terrorism against people seriously. And for the first time this year’s European Symposium on Non-lethal Weapons included a session on the social implications of non-lethal weapons, with specific reference to “privacy-invasive remote interrogation and behavioral influence applications.” Those who believe they are being targeted are getting a bit of official recognition. [/quote]

Lot's of good stuff in this article. If Walbert is a real target, then good for him. Even if he is not, then it's still exposure and so good for us.

The UN is starting to acknowledge this, great. I think, but since they were probably aware of it, and did nothing and let this be used in Iraq I am not sure what to think. Still it's more exposure and that is good.

A few years ago, I could not even get a pledge from Amnesty International about Electronic Weapons, they were busy working on tasers at the time. Times change.

The Microwave Scream Inside Your Skull Hyper_microwave_22_gr The U.S. military bankrolled early development of a non-lethal microwave weapon that creates sound inside your head. But in the end, the gadget may be just as likely to wind up in shopping malls as on battlefields, as I report in New Scientist. The project is known as MEDUSA – a contrived acronym for Mob Excess Deterrent Using Silent Audio. And it should not be confused with the Long Range Acoustic Device and similar gadgets which simply project sound. This one uses the so-called "microwave auditory effect": a beam of microwaves is turned into sound by the interaction with your head. Nobody else can hear it unless they are in the beam as well. The effect has long been a laboratory curiosity, with no application. But, over the years, the military has been intrigued. The idea (dubbed "the telepathic ray gun") was mentioned in a 1998 US Army study, which turned up in a recent Freedom of Information Act document dump. Five years later, the Navy decided to put some R&D dollars into the project. Now, as I note on the New Scientist website, Dr. Lev Sadovnik of the Sierra Nevada Corporation has provided more details. [/quote]

Wow remember trying to explain this stuff to others, that some people had this happening. For me I first had to believe that this was happening to people. The people saying that this was happening, to me seemed credible and I did not believe them to be crazy, and when I did the research on this. I felt that they were indeed telling the truth in many cases.

Sometimes people hearing things might be crazy, hearing things from other locations, fillings in teeth, we understand so little about higher spiritual realms, and in some cases, the government is just driving them crazy, or agents of the state.

[quote]Report: Nonlethal Weapons Could Target Brain, Mimic Schizophrenia
Mind_control Of all the crazy, bizarre less-lethal weapons that have been proposed, the use of microwaves to target the human mind remains the most disturbing. The question has always been: is this anything more than urban myth? We may not have the final answer to this question, but a newly declassified Pentagon report, Bioeffects of Selected Non-Lethal Weapons , obtained by a private citizen under the Freedom of Information Act, provides some fascinating tidbits on a variety of exotic weapons ideas.

Among those discussed are weapons that could disrupt the brain, as well as my longtime obsession, the "Voice of God" device, which creates voices in people’s heads. As the report notes, "Application of the microwave hearing technology could facilitate a private message transmission. It may be useful to provide a disruptive condition to a person not aware of the technology. Not only might it be disruptive to the sense of hearing, it could be psychologically devastating if one suddenly heard ‘voices within one’s head.’"

Well since the idea is to make people look crazy, I think that this goes without saying.

[quote] Meet the MEDUSA Ray Gun Are you disillusioned with Ionatron and all those other far-fetched weapons that just don’t seem to go anywhere? Are you looking for a new ray gun that will blast missiles out of the air? Well, earlier this week I heard from Dr. Robert Adams, CEO Optima Technology Group, which produces the MEDUSA Mobile Energy Device. Dr. Adams is angry because some time back, he wrote to Ionatron offering to cooperate: "Like your company, we own patented DE technology that works. We further feel that your company’s position in Directed Energy Weapons as well as your stock price would drastically improve by acquiring and/or taking the exclusive rights through a partnership with our company of our patented technology," he wrote. Ionatron gave him the brushoff. What do I think of MEDUSA? One website describes the company’s founders as consisting of an "ex-US Navy seal, the man who invented holographic storage, a games software programmer and a matter/anti-matter ray-gun which, had it been in existence on September 11, might have prevented at least some of the devastation ………." Apparently, inspiration for MEDUSA came to its inventor from a combination of crop circles and an article in Aviation Week & Space Technology (which, I swear, is probably where most weapons ideas come from).

Tax dollars hard at work to enslave you better.

Now when you finally wake up and get angry and try to do something about it, please keep in mind all the potential fun things that state has in store just waiting for the sheeple.

Remember this is just the stuff that we know about, many of these were being developed years ago, and we are just hearing about it now. Everything old is new again. Yeah.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Isn't it funny how you think you're living in a democracy, land of the free. Yeah, here in the USA, we had some great founding principles, and the same goes with Canada as well. But, there's always this "shadow" form of control keeping you down. So, especially with TI's, we don't have a voice, and we are at the mercy of whomever it is with its shills and operatives doing whatever it pleases with us. It's like being a paralyzed helpless being who wants to commit suicide but can't. And of course, they have dispatched gangstalkers suggesting I commit suicide with their street theatre.

Sunday, July 26, 2009  
Blogger gangstalking said...

See they want us to think that we are powerless, but it's really them that are powerless, they have had their lives taken from them, they really are zoombies, broken, and dead inside.

We are alive and must stay that way for as long as we can. This is a cult, and this is one cult you do not want to be a part of.

Being powerless is a myth they fear us, because we are not what they are. That's why they try to kill and destroy us, because we still have our power.

For some odd reason everytime I blog and place the blame on the government, expose the fact that their informants are running some sites, or being groomed as the speakers for when this does get exposed, or other things, they seem to not like it, don't know why.

They used what might be an x-ray machine on me yesterday after my blogging. I guess it means i am doing what I am meant to do. If they end up successful, in their campaign, then at least I fought back, and did not give up. We are not powerless, they are.

Monday, July 27, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks; it seems like so many people I care about or like are on "their side". They take their side always; ever time I try to have a conversation with one of them, the "compromised" individual in question always ignores me. Then said person tries to find an excuse not to have a conversation with me. And when I point out to this individual that he is harassing me, taking part in organized harassment, he just smiles and ignores me. One of the compromised ones. Other times, said individual is plain nasty and ignores me, and wasn't like this before. I believe the stalkers have a firm grip on him. What I can't understand is, why can't they simply open up and see my side? They seem to be brainwashed into thinking I should be avoided and harassed. Do these compromised individuals fear the stalkers that much? I always believed everyone has a choice, but most seem to be on "their" side, when it's clear to them they are doing the wrong thing.

Then I hear in directed conversations loud enough for me to hear "oh, he was never my friend in the first place". That really stings. Then they have as**holes outside timed to my departure, laughing their asses off. They knew I was hurt by their tactics.

That's probably why the perps have gangstalkers laughing and saying insulting stuff about me, because that's probably all they have left.

I didn't think about that, the compromised ones who "turned" don't seem to have much choice but to go along with it.

Monday, July 27, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Or, maybe the person who turned was always a perp in the first place, and was just trying to gain enough friendship to partake in his role in my harassment. They are really trying to kill my morale and self-esteem with their tactics.

Monday, July 27, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I should also point out that the imposed isolation and mind games along with the harassment and humiliation tactics are enough to kill a person. They also have the e-harassment, too. For some reason, they love attacking the genitals. They must not want the TI's to reproduce; only the ones stupid enough to get sucked into the harassment are allowed to bear children. That way, the perps can self-multiply.

Monday, July 27, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I also feel that I am being softened and "worked" a bunch of different ways so I too can become one of them. They have asked me to become one of them, and of course, I declined and decided to keep my mind.

Monday, July 27, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am a target, stumbled onto this site, which has not been updated in many years. Are you still a target?

Sunday, March 29, 2015  

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