Awareness Register
In Torbay Council the name of the program that keeps a record of all the targets is called the Awareness Register.
Managers (via, and with the discretion of, the Health and Safety team) must keep details of dangerous customers. Employees must report any potentially
violent situations they are aware of via the Accident/Occurrence form.
Awareness Register
Cross-directorate Awareness Register - a computerised database that contains names and/or addresses of persons (or dangerous animals at those addresses) who have initiated incidents of VATB against Torbay Council employees or whilst on Council premises. The data has a digitally encrypted password so that it cannot be read if copied.
The Data Protection Act – legislation which protects an individual’s rights regarding information held about themselves; information held on the Awareness Register must comply with this legislation.]An individual has the right to receive a copy (on written request) of the data held about them (and a right to compensation if the information is inaccurate).
Recording of Incidents/Individuals When an incident/individual is to be recorded on the Awareness Register, the Line Manager (or deputy in their absence) will:
· Countersign the Accident/Occurrence form before passing immediately to the Health and Safety Team; where inclusion is recommended, approval by a senior officer is vital in a situation should the record be challenged,
· Ensure there is a clear and accurate account of the incident (both relevant to the event and not excessive); officers can be held accountable for their decision to include on the Awareness Register,
· Ensure only those who are to interview, or visit people, will have access to information held,
· Ensure information on the use of the awareness register and safe working practices is communicated to employees at induction and regularly re-enforced.
Maintaining the Awareness Register
The Health and Safety team are responsible for updating the Awareness Register on receipt of the completed Accident/Occurrence form and providing general maintenance to the system. No other employees will make alterations to the Awareness Register. Individual managers will designate and authorise, by using form IT05, employees who have been identified through risk assessment by their line managers to have access to the Awareness Register.
Once a person, or address, has been placed on the register it will be reviewed for accuracy at six monthly intervals by the Health and Safety team and removed at the end of the expiration of the following periods where the threat to employees no longer exists:
Physical assault After 5 years Verbal threats and a person reasonably fears
for their own or another’s safety Review after 2 years Verbal abuse and a person reasonably fears for their own or another’s safety Review after 1 year The above limits will be halved where persons committing the incident were under the age of 17 at the time.
If there are multiple reports attributed to one person, a person’s name will be held on the register from the date of the last report.
The Health and Safety Team are responsible for monitoring issues concerning VATB, by reporting to the Health, Safety and Risk Management Forum.
Do you know and can you imagine how many lives and targets might have been saved if they just knew that they were on some kind of notification system? Instead their potential was allowed to be destroyed, while the parasites of society were allowed to feed on them. I don't think that this is ok at all. I don't think that the things that have happened are ok. I doubt these people will ever show any remorse for what has been done. The majority of the Stasi showed no remorse, and many Germans in WWI apparently saw what happened during Hitler's reign as a good thing.
All targets can do is use the legal means at their disposal to try to get some kind of justice. Here are a few places to start.
United States
Targets at this stage might just wish to focus on Privacy Lawyers, Labour Lawyers, Occupational health and Safety Lawyers, and maybe in the future human rights lawyers.
The Occupational Health and Safety laws are the ones that are being used to enact this Program against our lives, so this would be the best place to start for Freedom Of Information Act request. Privacy commissioners might also be able to provide some useful and helpful information.
Community Health and safety is another name that often comes up in regards to the people who make the decisions.
What has happened to targets has been so unspeakably wrong, I am not sure that what has gone past will ever be corrected. In 30 years maybe some politician will look back at the lives these programs stole, the livelihoods, and issue some official apology, but it will never make up for what has been done.
Like others who have gone through similar times, we just have to do what we can. Many of the targets of the Stasi never regained what was lost, they never saw justice. Even though Cointelpro was recognized as an evil program, a lot of those targets still wound up in jail, died, or still are remembered in a negative light. What justice we can get we must find for ourselves. Making sure the stories are heard, the stories are some of the strongest weapons, for recording keeping of this evil time.
Till then targets must do what they can to raise awareness about this system, and how it destroys lives. What has been done is not ok, but Targets must find ways to move forward. Activism is a really good way to begin to heal. By healing others, sharing what you know, ensuring that others do not go through the same experience are some of the things that can be done.
I think those on the other side of the fence really do not have the capacity to understand what they did, and how truly horrible it was. It will never be ok, but I do believe that targets can find ways to heal, and move forward. Many targets of bullying, and even workplace mobbing have gone on to successfully start forums, write books, and help others avoid a similar fate, and those are some additional things that targets can do to help facilitate the healing process.
Healing is subjecting, and it takes time, but I think it is possible, but it will not happen by covering up what has gone past, only by shining a light on what has happened, denouncing this program for what it was, can targets begin to remove so much of the devastation, and destruction that has crossed our individual lives.
For me there were so many times that I heard the stories of those in the community, our women getting attacked, assaulted, raped etc. Some of the men getting defamed, made to look like what they were not, and there was little that could be done, aside from trying to get others to understand, and care about what was happening. While the media wrote stories about how crazy our community was, while many of us battled it out on forums, with questions like: 'why would someone spend so much time and money', or snide remarks like, 'oh you are not that important, what a big ego you must have.' All this whiile many of our lives continued to be systemically destroyed and devastated. While so many innocent people, and their families fell by the way side.
This was truly something horrible to behold, and I don't want anyone reading this to think it was something else, or to diminish what targets went through. Worst than the inability to help, was knowing that many of our counterparts knew exactly what was going on and would not help. Others did what they could, but so many targets went to lawyers, doctors, police, detectives, and no help in sight to end the torment that targets experienced.
What society really does this, and calls themselves a moral society? I understand the community need to feel safe, I even agree that people should be given warnings about dangerous situations, but to systemically destroy innocent people? Then to act like you have the best most unblemished human rights record around, what a joke. This might not have been officially sanctioned by the state, but every time a target cried out for aid, assistance, and a blind eye was turned, or their plea was used as a reason to further gaslight them, it was a form of consent, and it was wrong.
I meant for this to be a really short post, just a few words about where targets needed to go, which direction might best suite their needs, but I could not keep silent about how wrong this was. I understand that many in the situation felt that they were doing the right thing, following orders, etc, it's the same excuses used in every time period.
I remain prayerful and hopeful. I am not delusional enough to think that this is over with, targets have a long way to go, but I hope some of this new information that has been unearthed, and uncovered will be of help.
I hope that the endless hours of research, digging, searching, can be used to help some of the innocent targets get what they can of their lives back. We were not in jails in the traditional sense, yet our careers in many cases, potential, livelihoods were bound, and diminished by this system. This system that saw us as less than in some cases, when that was from the truth. In other cases, our lives were destroyed because the system saw us as threats, people with too much potential, whistle-blowers, and others who they wanted to keep silent, and none of this has been ok.
I am disappointed that a country I once loved very much could do this to it's own citizens. When I grew up, I honestly believed that only other countries acted in this way, and did such things to their citizens. I honestly believed that I was so lucky in where I lived, and where I grew up. I believed that people around me would never do things that I grew up hearing about in other countries. I honestly believed we were better than that, now I see that all humanity is susceptible to the same weaknesses.
This experience has really opened my eyes. Awareness Registry, I guess because everyone targeted by this system, becomes aware. Anyways this system will have different names for other locations, but the concept will be the same. I am sure that it's had many friendly names throughout history, but the end results are always the same. In researching history, it's not hard to see that this is a pattern that is constant, consistent, continual, something in the human nature just needs to repeat this pattern. Witch trials, inquisitions, Crucifixions, etc, it's all the same. Why we don't learn, why we have to repeat? I am not sure. I guess it's because each generation starts fresh, they are told the basics, but the subtle aspects of what brought about those times, seem to be left out of the history books, and so each generation must relearn those lessons, and it's hoped in time come to see that their actions were wrong.
Till then those who remain, must pick up what they can of the pieces, and try to keep enough history for the future generation, and those who again will see such times.
Labels: conspiracy of silence, controlled society, gang stalking, life, Occupational Health and Safety, Systemic destruction, Systemic Harassment
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