Gang Stalking

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Saturday, May 22, 2010


I was just thinking about how society adapts and gets comfortable with new principles. concepts and ideas. Throughout history there have been ideas, concepts that once seemed taboo, forbidden, and those same ideas, concepts, social norms are now common and everyday. From controversy in science, where you could not say that the earth was not the center of the universe, to Christianity being a banned religion, then being adapted and taken over by the church of Rome. We saw racial practices in America and other societies go from being the norm, to getting slowly overturned, in some cases.

Years ago interracial dating was much more difficult than it is today for many in today's society. I am not trying to imply that it's always easy for couples, but for many in today's society it's easier than it was just 30-50 years ago. Many would not even think twice about dating someone outside of their race, but there are still cultural taboos in some cultures.

In a not too far distant past, a royal marrying a commoner would have been unheard of or meant giving up the thrown. Classicism was very much in existence, and families at times did terrible things to ensure that those boundaries remained in tact. Today it's not that uncommon to see those barriers broken down, and wealthy individuals dating and marrying outside of their wealth and class structure.

At one time it was the norm for women to work in the home. Having the wife work outside of the home, was not thought of, even if the family was in dire straights, the man made the money and that is all that there was to it. Today women regularly work outside of the home, and many are the bread winners for the family. Society hardly thinks or blinks twice about women in the workforce, but just 30-40 short years ago, that is not the way things were.

Discussing groups like the mafia, Illuminati, unheard of. In fact both groups were said not to exist at some point in the past. Even discussing some cults, and street gangs was not as openly done as it is now in today's society.

Now talk of the Mafia is common, there have been movies, even a T.V. show about how this organization functions. Talk of groups such as the bilderbergs, Illuminati and so forth was a conspiracy theory. They did not exist, discussions were laughed at, but not this has changes and discussions about their membership, practices, etc, are becoming more common. It should also be noted that the reason such groups were not outed is in part because they asked for the assistance and discression of the mainstream media outlets, and as a reward heads of those media outlets were allowed to attend their meetings.

They are now mentioned on news shows such as CNN, on T.V. programs, their mention is now a part of common culture.

Discussions of childhood sex abuse though widespread at one point, was a forbidden topic, so were the abuses by the catholic church, now today discussions of both are very common. Again where talk of such was taboo, and might even have had the victim excommunicated from society today talk is all too common. Did these changes come about overnight? Oh no, many of these changes took years, and cost many people their lives. At the time these events were happening they created mini frenzied attitudes in society. People died, were arrested, socially annexed, but those who stuck it out, and survived slowly brought about change in society.

Societies attitude changed, and in time, they looked poorly on mistreating women who wanted to work outside of the home, those who wanted to date outside of their race (in some cases.), those who wanted to date outside of their class system (in some cases).

Today's society is not that dissimilar to the old Roman empire and occupied Jerusalem where Christianity was introduced. People have taboos that they do not wish to change. The system has always been one way and they don't want to have it changed. Jesus in his time, went up against an established system. He taught the people that those in authority were corrupt. He showed the people a better way to live, how to truly follow the true essence of the law. For his effort at time he encountered rumours, slander, death threats, and attempts on his life, betrayal by some friends, false arrest, fake trial, and death on a cross.

The people wanted change, but when truth came they let it be nailed to a cross, while letting real criminal like Barabbus go free, cause he was one of theirs. They were not willing to fight for their freedom from the spiritually occupying forces at that time, and so their bonds remained. Things have not change that much. People think that they are better educated. Many think oh if I was in such and such a time period I would have acted differently. I would not have betrayed Jesus, or I would not have harassed those people, or been too blind to see that the earth is not the center of the universe. Many people seem to think that they would have acted differently, and maybe some would. From what I can see people bring the same attitudes and mentalities to each time period, then the struggle has to start all over again.

In this time period the struggle is to expose a system, which is allowing a lot of corruption. As per history, those in the time period are not likely to see the faults and if they do, they are likely to do little to bring about the change, if the system is working for them. It's only if things get uncomfortable, or the corruption gets so bad, that social attitudes change, only then will things change.

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