Gang Stalking

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Friday, October 15, 2010

Google Censorship

Is the term Gang Stalking being suppressed from the google search engine?

It's been noted many times over the course of tackling the problems within the Gang Stalking community that the google search engine has been suppressing the term.

As a Targeted Individual one of my functions has been to observe how well things are doing in the search engines. When the term Gang Stalking was becoming popular google use to carry 1,300,000 results. Then at one stage those results dropped drastically to 387,000 and eventually to about the 187,000 that is seen today.

The term over the years however has not stopped trending, if anything the term has simply become more and more popularized. So the question is, is there a deliberate effort by some to suppress the term within the google search engine specifically? This is what the term looked like in the search engine about one hour before the filter, or suppression of the term was added.

Other search engines still continue to carry over 1,300,000 results, but google appears to be continuing it control, suppression or censor of the term.
Here is another screen capture. This one was also taken at the start of the month or end of last month, or at the end of last month. The term for sometime had been suppressed, then suddenly the term was back to where it had previously been. The term was trending at about 388,000 to about 399,000 results. Then within one hour the term suddenly started to return only 187,000 results. This one even shows the adds that were running 24/7. 5 days a weeks at the top of the page.

It might seem a small matter to many, since they are not typically concerned with the Gang Stalking term or the plight of the community, but think about what this might mean for your own search terms, or your own communities. If there has been any kind of interfarence, then we could well be getting into dangerous waters. Though this suppression is nothing near where China is today, the fact that a term has inexplicably been downgraded once again should cause concern simply because no one wants the major search engine to become a tool of the state to be used at will.

Google has been contacted and a response requested, but if this is a concern for anyone else, you might wish to write them a simple missive, asking why the term results have suddenly dropped for their search engine and not others.

The other interesting thing about Google that has been previously noted is that terms such as Jiverly Wong, and Yvonne Hiller which are often searched with the term Gang Stalking seem to be on google's blacklist.

In the slideshow below, we've selected some of the most surprising terms blocked by Google Instant, as well as those that have been inconsistently censored. Have you found others that seemed strange to be on Google's blacklist? Take a screenshot and send us the picture by clicking the "Add a slide" button. Find out more about Google Instant, as well as how to turn it off.

In other words they either don't show up with other terms, or they show up with limited terms. Is this just a coincidence, or is google truly being used as the states arm of suppression?

Interestingly this has happened within the last 48 hrs. Hopefully I am not posting or writing things that the state does not like. :-)

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've noticed there is always someone who seems to be messing with the Google search results. For example, if you search for a person's name one day, you might not see it appear the next. The results I get from Google appear to be very inconsistent from day to day, implying that someone can be interfering or skewing the results. Maybe they have servers down, but that's no excuse. After all, all those search results are stored in the same database, it would seem to be, so it must follow that the search results from a particular search should grow each day, not all of a sudden get drastically reduced or fluctuate up and down wildly. I'm guessing the people at Google are compromised, and are working with the "perps".

Friday, October 15, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I used to look for gang-stalking on google, and you're blog was 4th or 5th, today i had to look for gang-stalking.blogspot for it to appear.

I can be many things however. But using the concept of "National Security" they cand do almost anything.

Saturday, October 16, 2010  

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