Gang Stalking

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Tuesday, November 09, 2010

Who to trust

Some trust in chariots, and some in horses: but we will remember the name of the Lord our God. ~Psalms 20:7

As a Targeted Individual I often wonder where can help be found? Who can really look at or assist with the plight of Targeted Individuals?

God – A lot of Targets believe in God or express a belief and many pray constantly that an answer will be found. I think it’s well to have faith in God. I feel very sorry for those in our situation that do not. Some others have started to lose their faith. I hope that you will use this situation to have your faith enriched or strengthened, do not lose your faith, do not let this situation rob you of that.

Kings -Some will put their faith in Kings and Princes. In the olden days you might have appealed to the King who in some societies held the highest seat in the land and had real powers, true kingdoms on earth, where the word or a nod was enough to save and deliver from the jaws of death. Though principalities and kingdoms do hold some sway on earth, many of our countries are no longer governed this way, and those that are, might not hold the same degree of power that they once did in other times. Even if they did, the plight of targets might not be the cause of the day to champion, so again would it truly make a difference? Maybe if you moved to a small Island where the word of the ruling monarch was still the law of the land, but otherwise many monarchies are bureaucracies in today’s society, and governed by the laws of the land, and the will of the people.

Presidents -Do you turn to presidents? Yeah. As they are jet setting around the world, writing their next books, they do not care about the plight of the Targeted Individual. I am sorry, but I have heard from enough targets who have written to this administration here, that administration there. The sad reality is that many of these in power at some point, past present or future, probably wrote or helped to strengthen the laws that are today being used to carry out and conduct the tortures that we are experiencing.

I know many are under the false impression that someone listen or care, but I am doubtful. I think there have been enough letters written, enough cries and appeals for help, that the incense of the requests could have made their way to the highest levels and it will do no good. Sure they could someday be shamed into taking action, that is what is nice about the power of the people, it’s what worked in other countries for exposing abuses and I think it is what is more likely to work, than actually catching the sympathies or humanities of these individuals.

Yes someday in the future we are likely to get some lame apology from some politician, maybe even a future president and they will claim how much they did not know what was going on, what have you, but the reality will be that it’s a lie. Enough targets have written to enough administrations that there is awareness, but just not the desire to care, unfortunately if it’s not happening to them or their families, there is very little reason to care or put a stop to any of this.

Also presidents are people, and they only have so much power, stopping a system of corruption also requires the will of the people, many can not or might feel that they can not act alone, but reality is that our cause is likely not to be as important as the next international trip around the world.

Politicians -They are the same, the odd politician might pretend to be interested in the plight of targeted individuals, but like presidents, many of these people are probably happen and use the very programs designed to destroy our lives, thinking that it will protect them. I am sure you might find the odd politician that truly listens and does learn to care, or take on our cause, but a single politician in and of themselves might not be enough to stop what is happening, and if they did, they could well risk becoming a target.

Media -Do we trust our media to break the story and save us? The media in many cases are aware, and have unsympathetically chosen to not report the story. The odd time the truth does break through and the story does get reported, for those who have had a conscience and who have reported the story in a decent capacity in any manner we are greatful, but unless we can elevate awareness across the board, most of the media will continue to ignore the story. Unless this topic can become so everyday and discussed on the forums, and blogs, and local street corners, then the media in many cases will feel unsympathetically embolden to ignore our plights much like they do other causes that are not the popular cause of the moment.

Fellow Citizens -Many really are naive, they believe the government and these programs are there for the good of the people. Most just do not want to believe that this could be happening, the ones that do know that this is happening, in some cases believe that these programs are for their own good. Many others just like the politicians are going to be too callous to care unless it is happening to them or their families. The reality is, the sad reality is if it’s not happening to them, most can not comprehend or begin to comprehend the devastating impact that such a situation can have on their fellow citizens, and even if they could comprehend many would not care, cause it would distract them from getting the latest IPad, Blue Ray, X-Box, distracting gizmo. Many others are just so surverly struggling, they are trying to make ends meet, they are so destitute that they have to think about themselves and their families, that they just don’t have the capacity to care for others. Many others are stupid enough to think that if you are on these lists, you deserve what is happening to you, and they do not realize that we could be innocent and undeserving of this fate.

Our Selves -We have to look to ourselves to survive the best that we can, to help each other when we can. Sometimes I want to share what is happening to me, or what a horrible time I am having, but then I realize that only another target could truly understand what I am going through, could understand the impact of the situation that I am in. I also know that sometimes other targets can not help the way that they would like to help. I read the blog of one target, he is a writer within the Targeted Individual community, after a long struggle to keep a roof over his head, he has finally become without a permanent resident. He had a plan in place of staying in public locations in the city he is in, but it’s the saddest thing to be without a home in the heart of winter. I feel his pain, but other than praying for him, there is little that my own situation allows. There are many targets like that. Others that right in desperately asking what to do to stop assults, sexual and otherwise. Others who get so close to the breaking point they do know what to do. Other targets who get so scared and desperate for their lives and survival that they flee from city to city, country to country with no end in sight, many trying desperately to raise the awareness or attention of someone who might be willing to lend us a hand, to help our situations.

It is the most painful circumstance. I have others who write in who have children, it’s horrific to go through this situation as an adult, much less to imagine the situation and circumstances that children must face, and the fear a parent has to go through in order to try to protect and take care of their children, it’s a horrible, heartbreaking ordeal, and many of Targets face it alone, and by themselves. Except for the odd time they can maybe connect with another target, we are primarily on our own, but that does not have to be a bad thing.

Over the last several years we have raised some awareness, as predicted there have become more high profile targets. There cases are drawing more attention to our cause. The topic is being more openly discussed in many cases. People know to direct people with stories of community stalking and mobbing to the websites, but we still in many cases desperately need help. People can pretend to be naive, oh shucks I didn’t really know how bad things were, but the reality is unless you have been sleeping in a cave in Afghanistan, you probably have some idea of how bad the plight of Targeted Individuals are and the chances are you have just been inspired not to care.

This Indigo Ribbon month there is finally a chance for some relief in sight. With the awareness of the Threat Assessment Team programs if we start to direct some of our efforts towards these programs, and exposing how they work, we might be able to expose some of what is happening. How these programs are connecting with local programs to systemically destroy the lives of targets. We are the best hope and chance that we stand to make a difference. We have a come a long way in many cases. The road seems rocky, and it has not been an easy path, and I am not claiming that the path ahead will be any better, but if we can hang in their a bit longer, some solid ground may be in sight.

Support each other the best you can, stay strong, support the efforts that are truly trying to make a difference, don’t give up your faith or your hope. These are the best weapons and chance that we have for fighting agaist this evil time that is upon us.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

The ultimate power is always with the people. In this case, it's more like a huge mob. My sense is they will not stop. They enjoy being intentionally naive and ignorant. It's like when you're a kid, and you enjoy yelling things in the halls, and throwing things at other kids in the classroom, and then laughing about it, it's all cheap thrills.

Most people that go along with this seem to have this hate, and along with the hate of the targets, comes limited understanding. They'd rather hate the target than face reality, that they are f#@#$d up and the entire world is too, and it's easier for them to hate the target and accept the lies than to face reality. By facing reality, they'd be admitting they are weak and need to change, along with accepting reality, and they are neither strong, mature, intelligent enough to do this.

Back to the immature kids analogy: I'm sure you've seen this before. Those kids throwing things and getting cheap thrills off of it, know they can change and actually accomplish something great academically if they stop goofing around. But for some reason they won't stop goofing around and thinking that is their "great achievement" instead of improving their behavior and getting something going.

When I was driving to class Monday, what did I see? Well, I saw a middle-aged working man with his mouth wide-open, stuck open, as a harassment tactic. He looked as though he could be a school board member. Another middle-aged man was doing the thumb-sucking thing. All of these drivers I saw when I was out driving.

Now you tell me how stupid these people look. That another thing: these people routinely make themselves look very unflattering when they do this, yet they don't seem to care. How dumb they look and act doesn't seem to faze them. They probably think these are little paper cuts which will ultimately harm the target. I could never see myself doing this.

And after all of this, they call targets the crybabies, just because they can't grow the f&&^^# up. Also, what I'm hearing is that I am jealous of them because I am not one of them (the people going along with the harassment and beating them down). They certainly wish. Refusing to grow up and face reality, they still think they are better than the targets, because they are part of a large group that has targets outnumbered. Hence, they feel they are in a can't-close position, and the targets are the losers instead.

Tuesday, November 09, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Got harassment tonight as "retaliation" for this post. This is another great example of them not facing reality, but rather shooting the messenger. They chase away anyone trying to point out the obvious, to keep their cult/members in their little daydream club. Anyone not going along with this is suspicious, crazy, or, get this: "Crap". That's what they are saying. They are obviously programmed with this unreality they are living in. Everyone else is "Crap" except for them. Of course, the two girls they sent in were acting all immature and stupid to Mirror what I had written here earlier. This is one way they just firewall anyone not in agreement with their corrupt System. And meanwhile, it's nothing more than pedophile groups and Cocaine Importting members of a certain corrupt Agency. So you've got child rapers and pimp networks as well as high-ranking arms-dealing druggies trying to firewall out decent law-abiding citizens like me. Yeah, I guess doing the thumb-sucking thing and harassing me further is going to change all of this. They just put up a huge wall against those corrupt pieces of sh*t that sponsor this.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010  

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