Gang Stalking

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Sunday, February 03, 2008

Britney Spears. Insane or Targeted Individual?

Sources tell TMZ that the pop starlet has been classified as "GD" --gravely disabled. "That means the patient is unable to take care of basic needs, such as the acquisition of food, clothing or shelter,"[/quote]

Wow in one year we are to believe that she went from Pop star to psychiatric poster child. I admit that this could happen, it's not impossible, but the problem that I am having with it is that someone on one of those gang stalking forums some time ago had mentioned that the system had finished with Britney and that this is how the system deals with some people when they
have finished with them.

Now as I watched Britney's breakdown, I kept this in the back of my mind. If for some reason Britney is not crazy and the system is really just trying to bring her down, then they are doing a good job. Remember we have not heard from Britney herself most of this time. What we have heard is what third parties are trying to tell us about her.

All I know is, if you are not crazy, and the system wants to make you look crazy, seem crazy, they can do it.

We have Britney with a years worth of odd behavior. Most of it seems bizarre, but then we are not getting her side of the story.

A lot of the stuff that Britney did initially with paparazzi, could easily have been written off as public baiting. I never had any doubt on this score, that she was being publicly baited and then when she was reacting, we would only hear about how she lashed out. As a target I have seen this too often to not recognise what I was seeing.

What about the other stuff? Since I have had to worry about myself, I really have not paid that much attention to this pop brat that I never cared much about to begin with, but with the possibility that she was somehow being purposely systemically destroyed, I thought about specific events.

Eg. I know she shaved her head, but it is never clear why she shaved her head. I mean was it drugs, bad hair day, lice, or maybe she is just a little out there.

Then she had the stay in rehab and that is when the odd behavior really began. It's after this stay that I really noticed the odd behavior, the breakdown of her visitation rights with her kids.
During this time of course she is trying to come back to the top, with new music, and little mishaps, seem to be happening to her along the way.

The main thing that is hard to understand is Britney's behavior with her kids, but since we are never hearing from her, it's hard to know what the truth is. I know that I have seen targets get their kids taken away by the system and then be forced to say and do anything to get them back. All I know is it has always seemed odd that Kevin Federlaine should be considered a
more fit parent than Britney, or even her mother. To me I can believe that Britney would want to do everything to keep Kevin away from her kids, including a 3 hour standoff with police. It's amazing how he is suddenly father of the year.

I also think that Britney has never had the best family influence, but as we all know, most targets of the system have families who are already down with the system and would happily go along with making a person look crazy. My family is no exception to the rule, just like most other targets.

I will be really worried if she goes on medication, or starts to hear voices after this stay.
Watching Britney's case, all I can say is, if I did not know about how the system takes people down, a year ago, I would have just flat out gone with the girl is mentally unstable. Even knowing what I know, it's still hard for me to not think that she might be mentally unstable, but knowing what I know, I am aware that there is the possibility that the system could be trying to take her down. Remember Theresa Duncan. They made her look nuts as well, before her unfortunate suicide. (Well what seems to be a suicide.)

If Britney goes on meds, and we find her dead, or something, I would not be surprised, they are setting the stage for it. The problem with the system bringing you down, is that the target, never get's to tell their side of things, and they often don't know exactly what is happening to them. Here is some of the crazy stuff Britney has been accused of listed below. There is other more odd behavior, but unless you are seeing both sides of the story, don't even begin to think you are looking at the whole puzzle.

[quote]At other times she has arrived at public events in short skirts and without underwear, shaved her head bald, ran over a photographer's foot, left the scene of a fender bender, flogged another car with an umbrella and abandoned a car in traffic when it had a flat tire. Earlier this week, she was photographed holding her pet dog and crying.[/quote]

I was not sure if I should blog about this or not. I am not saying that every person that has a break down is getting gang stalked, but I am saying that in the case of Britney Spears, there is some reason to believe and suspect that this is what might be happening.

If someone knows about gang stalking and the methods that are used, then you can put a lot of what has been happening to Britney in line with this. However of course you can also put what has been happening to Britney right in line with mental illness, cause that is the idea.

I am not a Britney fan, I won't hide that fact, but if there is something else going on with her, something so insidious that it's hard to fathom, then the possibility should be put out there as well.

I have seen a few targets, get involuntarily confined the same way, and the idea is to either get them to cooperate with the system, or to put them out of commission permanently.
It's funny, a year ago, she had fan, friends, family, and now she is so disturbed, that no one can go near her, she can't take care of herself, I know this happened or was made to appear to be happening gradually, and sitting back from this side of the fence, I could almost believe the illusion, but I also know that there is often times more to the story. I would just ask people to keep an open mind on this one. Before it's too late for Britney.

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