Gang Stalking

A upto date blog about my adventures with gangstalking. This is my way of sharing with the world what gang stalking is really like. Some helpful books. Gang Stalking Books Mobbing Books

Sunday, October 07, 2007


I am just really disgusted. I saw a newspaper article that was talking about how horrible what they are doing in Tibet is. What the monks are going through. I just thought, what about what the government of these western countries are doing to their people. They really think their garbage does not reek. Well it does. (Don't get me wrong the Tibet situation is horrible, but then our smug, controlled media get to report it, and then we get to feel all good about ourselves, cause we are not like that. Yeah right, you are something worst, because your stuff is hidden, like a dark, dank, dirty little secret.)

I mean really this is what the state is doing.

1. You have wall to wall network of civilian snitches who actually think that pimping each other out is the right thing to do. No respect, and it's the modern day version of browncoats. Been there done that, the world didn't need it the first time around, and they don't need it now.
They really literally nauseate me. I mean to see them in their lame caravans, driving up and down, and walking up and down, it's disgusting.

2. The state is actually using aerial surveillance. (Not joking.) These creatures actually use and do utilise airplanes to track targets. (Who is the fascists now? That right you are.)

3. They are torturing their own citizens in their homes. I guess as long as the media does not report it, and you are not beating them to a bloody pulp in the street it's ok to torture people. You make me sick. It's so hypocritical. How can you critics other countries, when you do things that are far worst? It's like the community leader who runs the anti pedophile campaign, only to turn out to be a pedophile himself. Disgusting.

4. The reason that they move in around us, is because these creatures actually think that we are like their prisoners. They are guarding and watching us. It's like it's meant to be house arrest or something. Then they report your comings and goings, and whichever snitches are on patrol that day, follow you around. (They work in shifts.)

5. Oh when they know where you are, they will call the snitches on that block, and tell them to keep an eye out for you. Eg. (We have a mentally disturbed person in the area and we need your help, or whatever lie they are using. Remember this is your government doing this and allowing this. These same hypocrites will claim they did not know what was going on under these programs. There is just really something wrong with them.) To the target it's no better than what the KKK use to do to black people in the south, or the browncoats to the Jews in Germany. As usual the citizens of the state are eating this bs up. They really do think they are doing something good. This is the part that I really just don't get. I can grasp it with my mind, sort of, but I just can't understand it. I don't understand it any better than the German citizens turning on their neighbours doing the same thing. Here we go again. We are so smug, we don't realise, that we are doing the same thing now. (How can I judge. A year ago, I believed my country could do no wrong. I would never have believed anything bad about them, or that they could be capable of allow such things. Oh well, I was just so wrong.)

6. Well you know about being followed around in public. Oh and then let's say they loose you. The snitches if they think they have picked up the trail will call it in. They will give your height, description etc.

Remember targets it's the state allowing this. It's not being done by anyone else or anything else. Then these same people turn around and tell you who to hate, and how horrible and evil everyone else is. Oh the hypocrisy of it all. The sickness. There is literally something just wrong with them and a society that could go along with this.

Again if you understand nothing else, understand that these people think that they are doing something good, patriotic. Every fascist society goes though this. Every police state, etc. Fighting for the greater good my ass.

I got a chance to watch a clip from the 80's movie, mini series V. The clip I watched was this letter that Abraham writes to his family, about why they have to help. It's pretty compelling. When I was younger and I first watched it, I didn't realise that it was about resisting fascism. Some time later as I grew up, I realised that it was almost like a world war II movie, with the resistance fighters and all that. I never dreamed that someday when I grew up, I would be living and seeing, and experiencing my own version of that.

I mean you feel free, but you are not. Nothing better than tools for the state, and those who resist, or are deemed none compliant, none conformist end up like us. Targeted. Now who is the aggressive, crazy nation that is hurting it's own citizens. Get the beam out of your own eye, before you go complaining about specks in other peoples. You have way more issues in your own country than others have in theirs. You are like that upstanding politician by day, and that pervert who goes home, and does unspeakable things to their kids by night. Just gross. At least in other countries, when they run over their people with tanks, we know what time of day it is. Here you torture and torment from a distance, then you form these fake committee's, and pretend you are so good and so moral, and you are not. You are just as bad if not worst than the others.

These countries are suppose to stand for freedom and democracy. They are suppose to be an example to the rest of the world, but instead, you are just as bad as every other government on the planet, you are just better at hiding what you are doing. You are literally doing some of the most evil and immoral things, and you are just better at hiding it.

Oh I noticed that the scrambling news site is gone offline for some time now. I wonder if they are trying to get rid off all traces of their bs? (Scrambling news was the satellite stealing site, that sold the book by David Lawson. The book that tried to make people think that gang stalking was caused by right wing, anti government groups.) Anyways.

It's so horrible because you think, if I was living in a fascist, or police state I would know it. On T.V. and in movies, they always have tanks, and uniforms and they are marching in the streets. Well just because you have not given the snitches uniforms, it's no better. The worst part is, these hypocrites use to tell us how bad countries like Russia, and Germany were for doing the same crap they are doing. The hypocrisy is just really bothering me today.

It's realising how crazy, and truly creepy these people are. How just like Russia they are getting rid of dissident, activities, their version of enemies of the state. However again it's not the government that disappoints me, apparently there have always been corrupt regimes. No what disappoints me is that society just goes along with this. Don't get me wrong. I do realise not everyone is down with something this crazy, and creepy. I do realise that it might not be wise or reasonable for everyone to be as open and vocal about it. I do realise these people are creepy and dangerous, but then that is why something has to be said. I really do believe that "all that is necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing." (Edmund Burke.)

We must resist all appearances of evil. (To the best of your ability.) The more I blog, the more I do realise that most of society is aware of what is going on. If you are not a target or a snitch then you will have no idea what I mean. I just realised that when not following a target, most times they just act normal and they don't use the one handed Stasi/Snitch speak, so you probably will not see that, unless you start speaking to them first. When they don't know that you are a target, they just seem so normal, it's easy to almost forget just how creepy this society is.

12 signs of fascism. I think waking up and finding yourself a Targeted Individual is a pretty big sign.

It's sad, because I like to think these people grew up the same way I did, had the same values, morals, were on the same page, and they clearly were not. For every dissatisfied person, there are those all too happy to be snitches. In the movie V, (The one with the aliens.) In the clip I was watching the couple are afraid to help, because they have just been turned in by their son, who is a snitch. (God I wish I had understood this stuff better back then. So many others knew and understood these times so much better.) Anyways so they have been tortured ruffed up, and released back into the community to be an example to others, who would help the resistance movement. They are scared and rightfully so, and the wife is explaining why they can't help. Then the husband who had his arm broken, goes and get's a letter from his father. His father had survived Nazi Germany, only to be dog meat to a bunch of fascist aliens. Anyways, he reads the letter. It's a great letter, touching scene and they realise that they have to help the resistance, or they will have learnt nothing. It's a great scene, and relevant for our time period.
It's not like it made me hopeful, because this generation, they have forgotten and so we are to repeat this garbage all over again.

Aggressive nation with too much fire power attacking other countries, that did nothing to them. Concentration camps, fake attack that get's the wars started, and a fascist government, that controls a legion of snitches. Which time period am I referring to?
Anyways, just some reflections.

Oh last thing. The snitching thing. Apparently goes back to England and maybe before. So all the colonies and the branched off countries, at some point probably carried the snitching infection over with them. It's nothing new. I don't know if this concentration is anything new, or this level of corruption, but why should I think it is.

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