Gang Stalking

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Thursday, August 21, 2008

PSI Phenomenon.

I thought this would be a fun little post about psi phenomenon. Since I have been reading up about reincarnation, not really psi phenomenon, but interesting. I thought I would do a quick blog post about some of the other stuff that is out there.

ESP-Extrasensory perception [(ESP) is the purported ability to acquire information by paranormal means independent of any known physical senses or deduction from previous experience. ]

Basically it covers the others senses that are not discussed openly, but that science and others have been aware of for some time, and that your governments are dipping into, more than the you want to know.

[Telepathy-Telepathy (Greek τηλε, tele meaning "distant" and πάθεια, patheia meaning "to be affected by",[2]) describes the purported transfer of information on thoughts or feelings between individuals by means other than the five classical senses
Transhumanists believe that technologically enabled telepathy, called "techlepathy", will be the inevitable future of humanity, and seek to develop practical, safe devices for directly connecting human nervous systems.]

Imagine being able to talk and communicate this way with others, not needing to use words, just thoughts. I like to believe that this can be done, but I think you have to be pretty open to others for this to be achieved. I also think we close off these channels early in life, and that's why it's important to teach this stuff at an early age, as experiments into this have shown. Also if we are emotionally or psychically closed off from others, this could block the communication channels as well.

This of the uses. Going to be late for the movies? No need to text, or call on the cell, just send a telepathic communication that you are going to be late.

Of course if your signals are not being picked up by the other party, then keep the cell or text messaging option handy.

Astral Travel- (Having an Astral Boday)
[Astral projection (or astral travel) is an esoteric interpretation of a type of out-of-body experience that assumes the existence of an "astral body" separate from the physical body and capable of traveling outside it.[1] Astral projection is experienced as being "out of the body".[2]
The idea of astral travel is rooted in common worldwide religious accounts of the afterlife [3] in which the soul's journey or "ascent" is described in such terms as "an...out-of body experience, wherein the spiritual traveller leaves the physical body and travels in his/her subtle body (or dreambody or astral body) into ‘higher’ realms."[4]]

Just think of the uses, this is every nerd boy's fantasy. That hot supermodel you could never get near, now you can.

It means never having to ask for permission again. No doors to be screened through, no walls to hold you back, or restraining orders.

This would be like the ultimate way to stalk someone. Imagine being a target and having to deal with stalkers who can get past walls?

You could stalk the ex-wife this way. Continue that family that you always wanted, even after she moved 3000 miles to get away from you. It means never having to break up again, or being able to.

You could peek in at the creepy things your government is doing, no too boring, and does anyone really care?

You could be with the love of your life, no matter how far away they were.
If you are a kid you could go to school, and attend classes this way. (I like this one.)

Mind Reading-Reading someone else's thoughts.

Uses, when we can't find the target just ask the the mind reader where the target is.
At work just ask the mind reader that you have place right across from the target what they are thinking, so that they don't have any hostile thoughts.

Find out all the targets secrets and share them with others, cause life isn't violating enough without this aspect.

Try to understand others better. Keeping in mind what people think and do are not always the same thing. People's minds are not there hearts.

[Reincarnation- Reincarnation, literally "to be made flesh again", is a doctrine or metaphysical belief that some essential part of a living being (in some variations only human beings) survives death to be reborn in a new body.]

I don't know if it's really psi phenomenon, but since I have been reading up on it a lot lately, thought I would add it.

Uses, you could come back and get all the people who targeted you in this life time.
Or you could come back and find true love, and fix all the stuff you did wrong last time. Ofcourse if you screw it up again, then maybe quit trying after like the third incarnation or something. However that's what's neet, you never have to stop trying.

You could stalk someone through every single incarnation, obsessive love anyone?

[Teleportation-Teleportation is the movement of objects from one place to another, more or less instantaneously, either by paranormal means or through technological artifice.]

Jumpers is the only movie that really deals with this. Don't know if it's being studied by the government, but we do know science has had quit a bit of luck with this stuff via artificial means.
Uses, I am sure you can think of a billion. First and foremost, getting away from the creepy government that is keeping everyone enslaved.

Failing that, how about a trip to Paris, Rome, Milan, New York, etc.
Pick up stuff at the grocery store, never be late for work again. (You know you would still be late for work.)

Telekenisis-[The term psychokinesis (from the Greek ψυχή, "psyche", meaning mind, soul, heart, or breath; and κίνησις, "kinesis", meaning motion; literally "movement from the mind"),[1][2] also known as telekinesis[3] (Greek τῆλε + κίνησις, literally "distant-movement"), sometimes abbreviated PK and TK respectively, denotes the purported ability of the mind to influence matter, time, space, or energy by means outside the laws of physics.[4] It has been called the most powerful of psychic powers, essentially the power of a god.[5] Examples of psychokinesis could include distorting or moving an object,[6] or influencing the output of a random number generator.[4][7][8]]

Have a prom night to remember, just like Kerri did in that Steven King movie.

PyroKenis- [The term pyrokinesis is derived from the Greek words πυρ (pûr, meaning "fire, lightning") and κίνησις (kínesis, meaning "motion"). It literally means "to move fire," but more commonly denotes the ability to create fire using only the mind.]

Be a little fire starter, like Drew Berrymore, in that other Steven King movie.

Empathy-[Empathy is the capacity to recognize or understand another's state of mind or emotion. It is often characterized as the ability to "put oneself into another's shoes", or to in some way experience the outlook or emotions of another being within oneself.]

You could be all like councillor Diana Troy on Star Trek, Next Generations.

Remote Viewing-[Remote Viewing (RV) refers to the attempt to gather information about a distant or unseen target using paranormal means or extra-sensory perception. Typically a remote viewer is expected to give information about an object that is hidden from physical view and separated at some distance.]

Uses for this, well you could find your cell phone, ring, etc that you left someplace.
Stalk someone, cause that restraining order is just a suggestion.
Work for the government in finding hostages. I wonder what the pay for that is?

Psychometry-[ (Greek: ψυχή, psukhē, "spirit, soul"; + μέτρον, metron, "measure") is a form of extra-sensory perception in which a psychic is said to be able to obtain information about an individual through paranormal means by making physical contact with an object that belongs to them. ]

Uses, where did the target go?

Who do these grungy socks belong to?

What political figure do these illegal narcotics belong to?

Here are a few more that I found, and I am sure there are a billion that I have forgotten, or don't even know about.

Telekinesis (the ability to move objects with thought alone)
Hydrokinesis (the ability to manipulate water)
Cryokinesis (the ability to manipulate temperature)
Pyrokinesis (the ability to manipulate fire)
Geokinesis (the ability to manipulate earth)
Photokinesis (the ability to manipulate light)
Magnokinesis (the ability to manipulate magnetic fields)
Gyrokinesis (the ability to manipulate gravitational fields)
Aerokinesis (the ability to manipulate air)

Combinations of the above (example: hydrokinesis and cryokinesis to manipulate ice)
All really interesting stuff, which I use to sort of know about, but kind of forgot. Guess it's a time for remembering.

I wonder if the government gathers list of people who take these types of classes in high school, college, and university?

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