Gang Stalking

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Sunday, September 28, 2008

Gang Stalking, Sexual Assault, and E-harassment.

The next thing I wanted to talk about was an Interview Greg Syzmanski did with Ramona Lopez. The interview is from a couple of years ago.

She was a regular mom who saw kids in her community doing drugs. She wanted to help these kids, so she started with some others in the community to help try to get the drugs stopped.

What happened to her was a nightmare. Along the way of trying to stop drugs, she learnt that the officials in the community were actually trying to push drugs on the kids. There she was trying to get the kids off drugs, and the police and others were trying to keep them on drugs.

Well she started to make this known and that is when the trouble started. Her and her friends started to get set up, several of the woman who had tried to help her were set up with narcotics, arrested and placed in jail. She herself was almost set up, but she had tapped the conversation.

She was gang stalked, she actually walked into one of the community policing meetings where they were trying to set her up and demonise her. They didn't realise that she was the one that they were going to be following around, so they spoke openly about her, saying things that were not true. When they realised it was her, they stopped talking at the meeting.

Her family would later be harassed, they started to electronically harass her, she was drugged with needles, she was gang raped in her home, when she went to file a report about it, they did not want to perform a rape kit, when she reported it to the police, the report when no place. She was constantly stopped by the police, demonised, she even eventually lost her home because of the harassment.

They used everything to silence her and the rest of the people that had tried to help these kids. What she discovered is what many others have discovered, the authorities in these areas were the ones trying to push drugs on the kids.

She also when she went to the doctor found that she had been chipped. She has x-rays of this, and other documentation.

She awoke in the middle of the night on more than one occasion when they were in her home, thinking they had her in a drug like state, she could hear them talking above her. (The scene she described reminds me a lot of what some of the abducties have said about waking up, with people around them. I do think there is a tie in to these scenarios.) She talks about how they can make you pass out. What she is referring to by this is how the electronic pulses can put you to sleep, many targets including myself have experienced this. We will be fully awake and if we are not cognizant of the electronic harassment beginning, we will just fall asleep and awake later. Your energy is just zapped, and you just fall asleep, as if you have no energy. Kind of like a small child being instantly rocked to sleep.

She was still being stalked and harassed, they had gone after her family. She is very credible when you listen to her, and there was no reason for the government to do this to this woman, but they did. The drugs in the community never stopped and she became just one more target of the state, who stumbled upon the truth and was silenced for it.

Please take the time to listen to the full audio interview of what they did to this woman.

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