Gang Stalking

A upto date blog about my adventures with gangstalking. This is my way of sharing with the world what gang stalking is really like. Some helpful books. Gang Stalking Books Mobbing Books

Friday, September 19, 2008

The side you don't see 2.

The side you don't see part two.

There were two more incidents that should have been added to part one.

The first thing I have now observed, is that on several occasions where the Citizen Informants on the train, don't quite know if they have the right target in sight. Meaning they have another person that fit's the description.

What will happen is, I have sat there, and personally observed, them using my specific sensitivity to try to annoy the other person. So for example, if my sensitivity was Jingle keys, they would be jingling keys at the wrong person. I believe the theory is, that if they have the wrong person, that person will not react, but that has not always been the case.

I have personally witnessed the Citizen Informants, using the sensitivity to such a degree that they have annoyed the wrong person, or someone who was not me, by using the same sensitivity that I use to have. I have seen this happen more than once. So what I am wondering, is how often do these incidents get reported back, under my file?

This brings me to the second incident. I was at work, and this was during the time I was just starting to realise there was something really wrong, and that people were doing this out in public deliberately.

Well apparently an incident happened. I was getting the blame for it. People at work that I knew, were walking past me giving me dirty looks, saying thing like "some people are so rude," "would you want that getting said to you?"

I knew enough to know an incident had happened, but I didn't know the details, and knew that I was getting the blame and disdain for it. A few days later, apparently the correction was made, and people all started to act all fake nice again. The thought that crossed my mind then, and still does is how many other times have incidents happened, and I had them ascribed to me?

Remember these people are looking for a description, and if they find someone who fits, eg. Asian, male, 5' tall, they will go after that person, wither they are the true target or not, etc.

The last thing that I have observed on several occasions is that they will have people that appear to be crazy or on a couple of occasions it's been Citizen Informants doing a skit and pretending to be crazy. I say snitches pretending to be crazy, because I have observed them, quite clearly and coherently doing the one handed sign language to the other Citizen Informants.

They will appear at the same spot where I am located. It's in my opinion that they appear to be deliberately trying to have someone pretend to be crazy or someone who is crazy, I suspect it's the first where I am located at the time, talking to themselves or doing other really crazy stuff.

Think about it, I am being tracked around the city. So someone calls in a crazy person at Crazy Ave and Insane St talking to themselves or acting crazy in some other way and all of a sudden, the incident is attributed to the target who was in that spot, even though it was not the target.

I do not know how many incidents I have attributed to me, that have nothing to do with me? I do know that I will probably never get to see a file on me, and have a chance to clear my name. What I do know is this system has done some very deliberate things to try to make me, and others look crazy or unstable.

These are things targets should be mindful of, when out in public. I didn't at the time, but if you suddenly see another person, who seems to be acting crazy, or more than likely just pretending to be so, write down the date and the time, because this could be attributed to you in future.

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