Gang Stalking

A upto date blog about my adventures with gangstalking. This is my way of sharing with the world what gang stalking is really like. Some helpful books. Gang Stalking Books Mobbing Books

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Death Threats. Mistaken Identity. Business as usual.

I have not had a chance to keep you up on some of my day to day stuff, so I thought I would give a brief update.

I meant to post some time ago but I have been busy.

It seems for the last little while the informants have been under the mistaken identity that I am one of them. I have tried politely to indicate that I am not, but the Iamnotazoombie tee-shirt has been in the laundry my apologies. No seriously. Two things in my opinion seem to have lead them to this belief.

In typical me fashion I took the time to make inquiries into a situation that I thought might not be right, like strangers and neighbours use to do for each other at one time,in the not too long distant past. Well with actions like those, it seems to have given them the indication that I was maybe one of them. No people in the not too long distant past, if you thought something was not right or something was off, you did little inquires to find out what was happening and to try to help. Watch little house on the prairie sometime, it's chocked full of such moments. (It's retro show, but you can find it somewhere on the net.)

Anyways apparently the open communication signal that they have can be performed in a few different way. Along with taking a drink from something or pretending to yawn, it can be done by slowly placing food into your mouth, because it's still the hand to mouth gesture. I was not aware of this previously, I am now, and though I try to avoid yawning in public now, or if I do I try to cover in a fashion that does not lead them to think that I am one of them, I also try to avoid taking drinks that might lead them to believe that I am opening communication with them. I do however refuse to stop eating in public. So if you see me doing the hand to mouth signal with food, take it that I am just eating.

Sometimes this adventure reminds me of the tv show the greatest American hero. Got the suit, missed out on the instruction manual, and trying to learn all the rules as you go. What works and what does not. Lot's of fun along the way.

So with that in mind, not to mention that I have some smarmy agent that I am around in one capacity or another, who I do believe deliberately tried to make people think that I was one of them. Snitch Jacketing? I don't know for sure. Anyways because they though I was not doing my mindless zombie informant duties, I mean citizen duty, they became infuriated.

Keep in mind that one a daily basis for the last several months, I have had the car swipes, you know when cars just try to freak you out and pretend they are going to hit you, however like any good game, some of the players have tried to see how close they can get, with some sometimes lemony snicket results.

Anyways in a Targeted Individuals life, it comes with the territory. I have had death threats before, I am sure most of us have. I have also had the electronic monitoring, (what we call torture), get so intense that my body started to suction to my bed. At my old place, where I had no shielding, when I was first attacked, I guess they call it monitoring. Whatever they used creates I believe it's a static electric effect. I am not sure, but it creates an effect that produces some form of electricity. Eg. A static electric shock can be produced from simple motion, such as walking across carpeting. Well I was lying down, and being attacked/intensely monitored, and whatever they were using was creating a similar effect, but they ramped up the level of what they were doing to such a degree that my body literally began to what I will describe as suction to bed.

Whatever they were using to create the electric effect, sounded like some type of generator. It created enough electricity or static electricity that I had to pull away from the bed, because I was starting to suction to it.

I have blogged about what I believe fits the description of an ultra sonic attack. Being fired at with something that was swift, fast, hit hard, but did not leave any visible marks. When it happened I was sleeping, and it did make my heart accelerate. I do believe that older individuals with heart conditions would be adversely affected.
Anyways the little twerp that did it could be heard laughing and telling someone that he had gotten me, like it was the funniest thing. I could not see who it was, from his vantage point he could see me inside my apartment, but I could not see him, he sounded like he was in one of the apartment directly across the street from mine, or at street level. I could just hear him laughing and telling someone he had gotten me in an excited and euphoric tone, so I said out loud, what I would like to do if I got my hands on him. :-) Needless to say, that cut short the laughter.

I have had a lot of fun with these people over the years. The guy with the knife, the threats as full on street theater in the subway, etc. Good times all around.

Anyways recently they decided to take a more direct approach. Believing I was one of them, and a cult member of theirs and that I was not doing my cult duty, sorry I mean citizen informant duty, they decided on a much more direct approach, and though usualy on my guard, as I was expecting them to try something, they did get me a bit off guard. Had they succeeded, it might have gone in their favour, anyways, interference was ran, and their attempt was not successful, but they are cleaver little beasts. The way it was set up would have looked completely accidental, and would have caused a very bad injury or worst. Cleaver little animals. Cute little creatures.

I know this should be upsetting, but when you are in a nest of vipers and one tries to sting you, can you really be too surprised? This system and it's agents are such, and so an attempt at my person can be no surprise, they are what they are. They will move to protect the very system that is enslaving them. It's how they treat their members who get out of line, just like a cult would. I am not one of you, can you try to remember that. If I show concern for people it's not because I am some agent of the state. It's because I am from a not too far distant past where people did such things instinctively. If I am snacking out in public, it's just that. Unless I am testing out or trying to translate something.

I am on the good side, and my kind don't work well with vipers who try to snipe each other out. Apparently they will go to any lenghts to protect their secrets, thus the pathology of these people. I know nor care about what secret alliances they have formed with their state slave masters, and I care not. I am sure there was probably some ceremonial blood oath involved, or maybe it looked like a scene from a zombie movie, or night of the body snatches, not sure, don't care, between the informants and their slave masters, I mean handlers.

Anyways it's business as usual. There is a lot of good stuff that has come along. Read the stories over at following the links should help to paint a clearer picture of the system that we are up against, and those who have gone up against it in the past. Visit the section, check out the stories, videos, and articles.

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