Gang Stalking

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Thursday, October 01, 2009

Police Respond to Gang Stalking

After going over some other details, I found the information to be inconclusive, so I will post the links, but I won't embed the videos.

The following video is dated Sept 05 2009. Anyways I assume that the video was made recently and is a new video, but I don't know that for sure.

In the video a guy in a police outfit, who I assumed to be an officer describes the target opening th door as out of the ordinary behaviour. However it's out of th ordinary based on his life experiences, she could have many reasons that are sane and logical for having a video camera running, one of which could be a deep distrust of the police.

Again what's always interesting is that these experiences are being judged based on a third parties life experience. What if she had been robbed after opening the door, or attacked, and just felt safer having the camera?

He finds it odd because the camera is in her hands, what if she was just recording them without the camera in hand?

Why is it any of his business if she has a blanket or foil in her home? He is there to talk to her about a complaint that someone made so does he actually end up doing so?

She should really just stick to the topic, find out why they are there, I am not even sure why she let them in. I find it interesting that they are there for a report about her taking pictures, but the whole think is about sterotyping target instead, and the whole video never goes back to the reason they were there.

I find it interesting that after 1min and 11 second officer PHD can make a mental health assessment, he must be freakin amazing. He tells the woman in the video that she is displaying delusions of grandeur and delusions of persecution, because she opened the door to them with a video camera and because he sees foil?

Watch the video for yourself and make your own assessment of this officer.

So after 1 min and 31 second again he sees signs of mental illness, in the video if it's a real video and not another informant video, he never mentions about the original reason that they allegedly came knocking at this woman's door. Again two strange men in her home, she by herself, I say keep the video camera running.

I don't know if there is more to this video, but that was interesting.

The other video this woman pretend to go upstarirs to one of her neighbours and then knocking on the neighbours door. At one point she tells the neighbour that it's not in her head. I think instead of doing that, record the noises and the banging and then just go to the management office, with a complaint about the enjoyment of your apartment being interrupted due to noises after hours. Highlight the part of your lease that pertains to this, and then if it continues legal action, but they don't like exposure so that should get it stopped.

This woman in the video says that she lives in a condo, and that there is an asain guy who lives in another condo who is also a target, who is investigating Gang Stalking.

The other video was of the police cutting this woman off while she is driving. It's inconclusive, but again with being targeted it's the overall picture.

The last tape is of her video taping the downtown core, and she talks about some guy with a camera. First she was taking him, then he showed up and started taping her. The video however has no sound, so I just found it very there, till the guy showed up with the camera. The problem is there is no sound. So the audience does not really know what is being said.

On Youtube I have seen videos with no sound, and the narrator tells you what is happening, but you can't always trust what is being said. I find this part of the video odd. The informants don't usually engage the targets to this degree, however anything is possible. Again you have to be careful with youtube, that's why I stopped posting video like this in the first place.

Anyways it's been a long time since I did a post about Targets. I think Dave in Dublin was my last post about the Irish target.

I also found some spoof videos of Gang Stalking, they were funny.

The interesting point of this video for me was the fact that the officers could tell this woman that she was showing signs of mental illness for opening the door with a camera, and for having blankets and foil in her home in reference to an EMF sensitivity, which the officer knew nothing about.

This video is interesting because it brings me back to my investigations into Gang Stalking and when I first started investigating this. I was lucky enough to talk to a few police officers. One was useful in providing information that in one area in his division there had been five reports of Gang Stalking, and that they were all female, and single living by themselves.

This was interesting because again it matched what had been reported about single females and the disproportionate amount of targeting that might be happening to them.

I did not get into further demographics with the officer, though I wish I would have. What he did tell me however is that their reports of stalking had been written off as paranoia, and not taken seriously. I mentioned this before, but think about that, 5 single women living in the same division, who were reporting the same thing and it was not being taken seriously.

Anyways interesting stuff, provided that this is a real target and not an informant pretending, then I think some of the videos are of interest.

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