Indigo Ribbon Quilt
Indigo Ribbon Quilt
November is right around the corner, and that is the month that we celebrate Indigo Ribbon Day. So if you have any stories that you would like to share, or ideas for this years Indigo Ribbon Day, please feel free to submit your stories to Gang Stalking World.
Last year there was not much of an Indigo Ribbon Day. The articles that came out in the New York Times and Washington post too the focus away from the event last year, but the articles were important to be responded to. The rest of the year has been spent Bridging the Gap between what the general public understands and what we understand. Getting them up to speed. I think there has been enough information over the last year, that some of the gaps have been filled, now it's just getting that information out to the public, which targets, local media can play a great role in. The information finally is there, it's a matter of getting it out there in greater capacity.
Most of yesterday was spent working on the quilt. It's one of events that was hoped for with the Indigo Ribbon Awareness Campaign and now it's finally been started.
Starting on the quilt was emotional. Remembering stories like Jeremy Blake, Teresa Duncan, Ruth Goodman, Kyle, even the Jiverly Wong quilt was hard, because some of these people will never get justice for what was done to them. With Jiverly Wong it's important that individuals like him have a voice, and they be remembered because despite their actions, I don't believe that people like him, and Kimveer Gill were killers, or would have been without external forces. I believe just like what we see with the workplace mobbing shootings these individuals were driven to their ends. I am deeply sorry for their victims, but before they became what some would call monsters, they were victims of the state, and that has to be acknowledged if we are to stop future events like that from happening. That is why they must be included in the quilt.
Anyways, I hope for more uplifting stories, but getting started was interesting.
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Indigo Ribbon

The Indigo Ribbon Campaign is meant to be a voice to the many innocent targets of Government campaigns, mobbing, Gang Stalking, mind control, Electronic Harassment, etc. The idea behind the campaign is to provide information and awareness.
This year the campaign will focus on a quilt, it's a quilt to commensurate those that have died, those in jail, falsely placed in mental institutions, driven to suicide, murdered, etc.
Only by continuing to make others aware, can we begin to make a difference.
Labels: gang stalking, Harassment surveillance, Indigo Ribbon, Indigo Ribbon Quilt, state targets, targeted individuals
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