Gang Stalking

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Sunday, February 11, 2007

Nowhere to run to baby, nowhere to hide.

First it was our cars, and then our cell phones, but now you can be tracked with your running shoes?

Relax it not just any running shoes, that's not going to happen for another year or so down the line, but it's coming, and it will be for your own good and your own safety.

These new running shoes are made by Isaac Daniel, who apparently spent millions of dollars to do research to create these shoes that can track you to most places on the planet.

[quote]Days later, the engineer started working on a prototype of Quantum Satellite Technology, a line of $325 to $350 adult sneakers that hit shelves next month. It promises to locate the wearer anywhere in the world with the press of a button. A children's line will be out this summer.
"We call it a second eye watching over you," Daniel said.[/quote]

Or one big bother illuminati eye watching over you depending on how you look at it.
The shoes have a lot of practical uses, if you went to keep track of your kids, all day long, then it's one way to go, provided they don't take off the shoes or loan them to their friends, which we know that kids never do.

It also brings us ever closer to having everything we own tracked and easily located.

[quote]It's the latest implementation of satellite-based navigation into everyday life — technology that can be found in everything from cell phones that help keep kids away from sexual predators to fitness watches that track heart rate and distance. Shoes aren't as easy to lose, unlike phones, watches and bracelets.
The sneakers work when the wearer presses a button on the shoe to activate the GPS. A wireless alert detailing the location is sent to a 24-hour monitoring service that costs an additional $19.95 a month.

In some emergencies — such as lost child or Alzheimer's patient — a parent, spouse or guardian can call the monitoring service, and operators can activate the GPS remotely and alert authorities if the caller can provide the correct password.[/quote]

In some other cases this is a good way to have people keep track of you without you knowing it.

[quote]While other GPS gadgets often yield spotty results, Daniel says his company has spent millions of dollars and nearly two years of research to guarantee accuracy. The shoe's 2-inch-by-3-inch chip is tucked into the bottom of the shoe.[/quote]

Millions of dollars to find one more way that we can all be easily identified and tracked on the planet. However these shoes also have practical applications. For the time being they are optional and until they become popular or common they will not become mandatory.

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