Gang Stalking

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Thursday, April 12, 2007

The thought police.

The thought police strike again.

Now I usually write semi nice postings, but after reading this.
Who the hell are you to be telling us what to write, think or feel? It's not your job to be the thought police, or maybe it is? Most bloggers who post do not have their posting carried across the offline world, and hitting all the online news papers, but obviously you do, and that is when it crosses the line.

A blog is meant to be your thoughts, feelings and emotions online. Now if people have to start issuing a user name and password so that the very sensitive can read their blogs so be it, but don't tell us what to think and feel.

In France they are thinking of or they restricted who can post some violent pictures, then it willl be who can post, because only certain voices should be heard.

When we start having to restrict all our voices, feelings, emotions, then what's left? Gosh the Internet is the last free frontier, and even though it's not that free, it's something that we have left.

Now you could have said something like, bloggers just need to be a little bit nicer, but no, you are actually trying to tell people how to act and be.

Once you take away all your little, act this way, think that way, what's left, honestly?

If people blogged the exact way that they speak in person, there would be a lot less interesting blogs. There would be a lot less interesting content. There would be a lot less people writing.
It's bad enough that the government is taking away people's voices, hijacking our media, force feeding what children learn, think, and become, and that average citizens have no power and no voices, and then you come along with this. It's irritating and annoying.

Do tell people who to be and what to think and how to act. If you don't like a posting then, comment on it. Maybe you are just coming across a lot of offensive posting, or maybe someone in a position of power asked you to use your influence to try to tell people what to think, act and be, but you know what, it's just not appreciated.

I am currently surrounded by a world of stupid people, who can't think for themselves, who can't act independently, and who just do whatever the crowd is doing. They do not know how to act, interestingly the things they say in person, are not worth my time, and if the Internet turned into another version of that, it would not be appreciated, at all.

The only interesting people seem to still be online, same with the content that I like to read, and the people online, the ones that I have come across might act up, but that's their right, to an extent. Don't get me wrong there are limits, and maybe an article expressing that would have been good, but trying to enforce your views and values on everyone else about what should be included in a web blog and what should not be is not appreciated. We don't need yet one more
venue of mindless auto-bots.

There are things that I blog about that I would not necessarily say the exact same way, oh I would say them, but I would at times try to be more nice and considerate, which I am sick and tired of. It's ok to tell us to be more civil or state that opinion, but to write a code, and use your influence to tell us what to think and feel is just not appreciated. I wish you wouldn't do it.
When it's a posting on your site, that's your business, but when it makes national headlines, then it seems like someone might be using you to use your influence to become the thought police online, and it's just not appreciated.

[quote]"But frankness does not have to mean lack of civility. There's no reason why we should tolerate conversations online that we wouldn't tolerate in our living room."[/quote]

In reference to the above quote, are your serious? There is every reason, in your living room it's your turf, you don't want to hear swearing, that's your damn business, but to come and tell others what to do, that is crossing the line. It's also going to influence people that are pretty moderate to possibly write harsher postings.

If you think someone is swearing too much, don't read their blogs. If you think that they are irritatingly racist, don't read their blog, if they swear too much, don't read their blogs, if you don't like the way they roll, don't be around them. The point of cyberspace, in case you missed it, is this is not your damn living room, don't tell people what to think, act and be. It's freaking cyberspace.

[quote]O'Reilly wrote that a final version of the code would eventually be posted on Users wishing to adhere to the standard could display a badge that would link to the rules.

In reference to the above quote, does your little badge say brought to you by the thought police? I honestly feel like boycotting any blogs that would adhere to this, but with the world of mindless sheeple that now lies before us, I am sure that you will have plenty of followers, I obviously will just not be one of them.

My point is, if you want to enforce this on your blog and your space, that's your business, but when you try to tell everyone else what to think and feel, that's my business, and I am telling you it's not appreciated.

However I am sure that the government will come up with some cleaver ploy in the near future that will have bloggers scared for their life and oh so willing to give up yet one more right and freedom. Maybe we will see a terrorist crash into the blogosphere, because of people posting too liberally, then it will be the war on blogging, then nowhere will be safe, and they will then be forced to issue bans, and tell people who has the right to post. Then you will have the mindless sheeple who have taken over the offline world, trying to take over the blogosphere. All we need, more none animated, none thinking people, telling everyone else what to think and feel and how to be. A lot of stuff online is not fit for the queen to be reading, but you don't see her issuing a royal decree saying I don't wish for things I would not want to hear in my presence to be posted online in blogs, we have spoken. You don't see her doing that do you? Because cyberspace is not meant to be a mindless little, restrictive bubble where everyone walks on eggshells. I deeply resent the people who came up with these rules, trying to force them down everyone else's heads.

Don't tell me what to think, don't tell me what to feel, and don't tell me how to express myself. If you haven't noticed that's what they do offline, thus why more people are turning to cyberspace in the first place. If it did not offer so much more, than than the insipid conversations found offline, approved by the thought police, do you think people would be here posting?

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