Gang Stalking

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Monday, April 02, 2007

To the victor.

How will history view this time? To the victor goes the spoils, and apparently their version of history. I am wondering how this time period will be written? I watched Rosie Odonnell get dissed yesterday because she spoke the truth. I always grew up thinking that we were the good guys, the democratic ones. However now I see our western society on the brink of yet another war. I have to wonder if this is how the German people felt as Hitler invaded country after country? I have seen two wars in recent times. One that was definitely not necessary, and which caused the destruction of 10's of thousands of lives and a country. A country that held riches that were coveted, by a greedy malignant hunger that needs to be fed. A war called unjust by some and illegal by others like the UN, and yet the aggression continues.

In the last war we had Hitler, Mussolini, Hirohito on the one hand, and now we have the US, UK and allies on the other. We just went out of our way to try to provoke a war that can and will have dire consequences if it happens and yet the aggression continues. Purposely Provoked by war-hungry trouble makers. Yet we are silent. How will history remember this time? The same as now. For now there are voices who would stand up in opposition to this, and say that it is wrong, while there are other who will see it as duly justified and necessary.

How will history remember this time? The same as now. To the victor will go the spoils, and the writing of the history books. History is not necessarily about the truth. It's about power and conquest, with little bits of truth shining through here and there. Most people seem to have trouble understanding that there is a difference between loyalty and mindless conformity. You can be loyal to a person or a place without mindless conformity, or not going along with every dictate issued and that's what most people are doing. Individuality and independent thought are not taught in the schools. All they are teaching the children are to be mindless conformists, who are not capable of independent thoughts or actions. They teach them to learn to follow orders and obey. These are not the traits that made up our many and more memorable leaders of the past. They were people who could think independently. They could strategies. They could perform the most complex of mathematical equations, and create new mysteries or schools of thought. They were creators not destroyers. They could think and they were charismatic inside and out. Don't get me wrong, history also has many great fools that pass for leaders when better people were not available, or could not be called forth, but I like to think that the truly remarkable ones, the ones that we remember most, had something special and unique.

How will history remember us? To the victor will go the spoils.

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