Gang Stalking

A upto date blog about my adventures with gangstalking. This is my way of sharing with the world what gang stalking is really like. Some helpful books. Gang Stalking Books Mobbing Books

Friday, September 07, 2007

Catch up

Ever notice how none of these so called conspiracy debunkers ever tell the world about the fact that we are one big snitching society? I mean many of them will tell us we are controlled, slaves etc, but none of them come right out and tell you this stuff. Makes you wonder? Well it makes me wonder.

Anyways there is still lots of really good information out there, but like I have said previously, I would not really vouch for any of these people, cause it's hard to know who you can really trust. If anyone.

So quick catch up. The world is on it's way, if it's not already there to becoming one big snitching controlled society. Families and friends, coworkers, landlords, strangers are actively spying, snitching, and lying on their fellow citizens. Yeah it's happening.

If you are like I was a year ago, then you also have probably been conditioned from birth to believe that we live in this free none controlled society, when in reality our society is this matrix controlled society. We really do not have the freedom that we think we do. We are slaves, (it doesn't feel like it, because we are totally controlled to think that we are free, and until we learn differently, it's hard to believe anything else.) We get up go to work, church, school, clubs,
amusement parks, read our magazines, hear about controlled countries, and assume that we are free. The opposite is true.

Normally when you think of slaves, you think of whips, chains, and cruelty. Well we are slaves, but not exactly in that way. We are psychological slaves, we are controlled and most of us don't even realise it. We are controlled without physical bonds, and without bars on windows. We are in a psychological prison, and you think, but I am smart, if I was in a prison, I would know it. Yeah same thing I would have said a year ago. I can't make you believe it anymore than someone could have made me believe this a year ago. You have to experience it for yourself. The truth of this will come emotionally, not mentally.

Most of society is either aware, or has some idea about what is going on. Most people just go along with it. It's true. I am not saying they want to, some do, but most just go along with it.

Here are some good videos that might help you with playing catch up. The David Icke videos you will have to go looking for yourself, cause I don't want to get anyone else's accounts closed down. :eyeroll:
The clips from the movie They Live, the movie with Roddie Piper were removed. Also the matrix clip talking about the fact that we are slaves, and the world is this fake thing that has been pulled over our eyes to blind us from the truth.
The matrix clip. I can post the script for. The They Live clip, you really have to see to understand.

The video links are pretty cool, the ones I can link to. The others, you will have to go looking for. David Icke has a lot of interesting things to say. I am not saying I am down with his whole reptilian theory, although stranger things have happened, like this creepy controlled society, but for the time being I would just say, look past that keep an open mind, and pay attention to most of the other stuff he talks about, it's really good stuff. I differ in my views with him, on some very specific stuff, but a lot of what he says is just spot on.

The other clips are from this guy called Marsboy683. He is suppose to be a targeted individual. Either way, the clips are interesting.

The other clips try to explain what the matrix is. I vouch for none of this stuff, and ask you to do your own research. Don't follow leaders, strive to be leaders in your own right. If more people had done this, then when some of the past leaders disappeared, ready and able people would have been there to step up into place.

Matrix script, since the scene was removed from youtube, shortly after the blog posting linking to it, here is the script.

Morpheus : The Matrix is everywhere. It's all around us, even in this
very room. You can see it when you look out your window or
when you turn on your television. You can feel it when you
go to work, when you go to work, when you pay your taxes.
The Matrix is the world that has been pulled over your eyes,
to blind you from the truth.

Neo : What truth?

Morpheus : That you are a slave, Neo. Like everyone else, you were born
into bondage, born into a prison that you cannot smell or
taste or touch. A prison...for your mind....Unfortunatly,
no one can be..._told_ what the Matrix have to see
it for yourself.

They live script.

First scene that I think is good. I am not saying it's completely accurate, just relevant enough to try to begin to grasp some stuff.


Our impulses are being redirected,

We live in an artificially-induced
state of consciousness,

Goddamn hacker. That's the second
time tonight that asshole has cut in.

The movement began eight months ago
by a group of scientists,

They accidentally discovered
these signals being sent,,,

That thing's giving me a headache.

It must have taken him months
to figure out how to do this.

The under-class is growing,
Human rights are non-existent,

In their repressive society, we
are their unwitting accomplices,

Their intention to rule rests with
the annihilation of consciousness,

We have been lulledinto a trance,
They have made us indifferent,

We are focused
only on our own gain ,,,

They are safe
as long as they are not discovered,

That is their method of survival,
Keep us asleep, Keep us selfiish,

- Keep us sedated,


[quote]The sleeping middle-class
is suddenly becoming poor,

We are their cattle,
We are being bred for slavery,

- Not again.
- We cannot break their signal,

The signal must be shut off
at the source,

- I have a headache.
- Me too, honey.

- What was that all about?
- That idiot's licking his nuts again.


The following scene is one of the best in the movie. He puts on the glasses and the magazine covers, billboard's all show what they are really saying. The pages dissolve into words such as obey, no independent thought, marry and reproduce, the dollar bill says, this is your god. It's a great scene and you really have to see it to understand. It's relevant, because underlying, our world does condition us in very similar ways, and we are equally unaware.

[quote]The warm collection revels
in freedom ofexpression,









What's your problem?

What's your problem?

How are you today, sir?

Thank you, sir.

Here you are, sir. Thank you.

Are you going to pay for that?


I don't want no hassle.
Pay for it or put it back.





I can't find any fake reasons for them to shut down his channel, so he should be ok. Keeping the fingers crossed. There are about 78 videos, I have not seen them all, but the ones I have are really good. Worth while stuff to watch.

The David Icke stuff, is mostly stuff about him talking about the real nature of physical reality, and also him giving an analogy of how we enslave each other. Eg. One slave tries to escape and the rest all run to block the door to stop the slave from escaping. It's interesting because we saw some of this in the mil gram prison experiment. Within days they had these middle class white males all freaking out, fake cops trying to get some to snitch and spy on each other, and the fake cops trying to get them to simulate sexual acts on each other, when they thought no one was looking, and that was an experiment, where people knew it was an experiment. Even the person conducting the experiment got caught up, and that was in less than one week. However it gives wonderful insight into how a society can become like this in such a short time period.

[quote]thoroughly confusing all the prisoners. Some of the prisoners who were the ringleaders now thought that the prisoners from the privileged cell must be informers, and suddenly, the prisoners became distrustful of each other. Our ex-convict consultants later informed us that a similar tactic is used by real guards in real prisons to break prisoner alliances. For example, racism is used to pit Blacks, Chicanos, and Anglos against each other. In fact, in a real prison the greatest threat to any prisoner's life comes from fellow prisoners. By dividing and conquering in this way, guards promote aggression among inmates, thereby deflecting it from themselves.[/quote]

See this is classic. Make people distrust each other, then they can't form together to get at the real problem and trust each other enough to form a real rebellion against the true oppressors, cause they are too busy mistrusting, and fighting against each others. Society does this with sexism, racism, religious and political conflicts, when really, we have common goals and should be focusing on the same things.

[quote]The prisoners' rebellion also played an important role in producing greater solidarity among the guards. Now, suddenly, it was no longer just an experiment, no longer a simple simulation. Instead, the guards saw the prisoners as troublemakers who were out to get them, who might really cause them some harm. In response to this threat, the guards began stepping up their control, surveillance, and aggression.


Much like our insane controlled society gone bad. They too have suddenly felt a need to step up their control, surveillance, and aggression.

As soon as I realized that #819 could hear the chanting, I raced back to the room where I had left him, and what I found was a boy sobbing uncontrollably while in the background his fellow prisoners were yelling that he was a bad prisoner. No longer was the chanting disorganized and full of fun, as it had been on the first day. Now it was marked by utter conformity and compliance, as if a single voice was saying, "#819 is bad."

I suggested we leave, but he refused. Through his tears, he said he could not leave because the others had labeled him a bad prisoner. Even though he was feeling sick, he wanted to go back and prove he was not a bad prisoner.

At that point I said, "Listen, you are not #819. You are [his name], and my name is Dr. Zimbardo. I am a psychologist, not a prison superintendent, and this is not a real prison. This is just an experiment, and those are students, not prisoners, just like you. Let's go."

He stopped crying suddenly, looked up at me like a small child awakened from a nightmare, and replied, "Okay, let's go." [/quote]

I find this experiment to be fascinating. How free people, even when they know it's an experiment, can be so completely over taken. Much like how the state breaks the will of the people, the experimenters and fake guards in this experiment were able to break the will of these boys, to the extent that they would turn on each other, to the extent that they would treat one of their own this way. Remember this was an experiment where the players had all agreed to take part. Imagine a society where the majority have not agreed to take part.

[quote]Several remarkable things occurred during these parole hearings. First, when we asked prisoners whether they would forfeit the money they had earned up to that time if we were to parole them, most said yes. Then, when we ended the hearings by telling prisoners to go back to their cells while we considered their requests, every prisoner obeyed, even though they could have obtained the same result by simply quitting the experiment. Why did they obey? Because they felt powerless to resist. Their sense of reality had shifted, and they no longer perceived their imprisonment as an experiment. In the psychological prison we had created, only the correctional staff had the power to grant paroles.[/quote]

I never really understood why in a slave society the slaves did not rebel more or over take their oppressors. I now realise that a) First you have to understand that you are a slave, and accept that. b) You also have to realise that a psychological prison is as or more effective than a real prison. It's the minds that these people enslave, the physical is just a sham.

[quote]Prisoners coped with their feelings of frustration and powerlessness in a variety of ways. At first, some prisoners rebelled or fought with the guards. Four prisoners reacted by breaking down emotionally as a way to escape the situation. One prisoner developed a psychosomatic rash over his entire body when he learned that his parole request had been turned down. Others tried to cope by being good prisoners, doing everything the guards wanted them to do. One of them was even nicknamed "Sarge," because he was so military-like in executing all commands.

By the end of the study, the prisoners were disintegrated, both as a group and as individuals. There was no longer any group unity; just a bunch of isolated individuals hanging on, much like prisoners of war or hospitalized mental patients. The guards had won total control of the prison, and they commanded the blind obedience of each prisoner. [/quote]

I think to really understand what is going on with some of our fellew humans in society, you have to really understand the above. I never realised the will of the people could be contained, controlled and broken so easily.

[quote]Prisoner #416 coped by going on a hunger strike to force his release. After several unsuccessful attempts to get #416 to eat, the guards threw him into solitary confinement for three hours, even though their own rules stated that one hour was the limit. Still, #416 refused.

At this point #416 should have been a hero to the other prisoners. But instead, the others saw him as a troublemaker. The head guard then exploited this feeling by giving prisoners a choice. They could have #416 come out of solitary if they were willing to give up their blanket, or they could leave #416 in solitary all night.

What do you think they chose? Most elected to keep their blanket and let their fellow prisoner suffer in solitary all night. (We intervened later and returned #416 to his cell.) [/quote]

This reminds me again of what I was noticing and what David Icke was also saying about prisoners, controlling each other and stopping each other from escape. This prisoner who was fresh to the fight, should have re-energized the other prisoners, but it did not. Instead they now almost view him as an enemy and why? For trying to achieve the same goals they had tried to achieve?

It's like this experiment with monkey's. You put them in a cell. Place a banana, and then spray them each time they try to get the banana. Eventually they stop trying, and start attacking other monkey's who are trying to get the banana, even when you stop spraying them they do the same thing. Even if you take out a couple of monkey's and put in a couple of new ones, they will still attack the new ones, and they don't even understand why, even without the water spraying the monkeys, and then in time the new one's also learn to not go after the banana. It's sounds almost insane, but that is exactly where we are in society. This is the part that I am still trying to grasp.

[quote]At this point it became clear that we had to end the study. We had created an overwhelmingly powerful situation -- a situation in which prisoners were withdrawing and behaving in pathological ways, and in which some of the guards were behaving sadistically. Even the "good" guards felt helpless to intervene, and none of the guards quit while the study was in progress. Indeed, it should be noted that no guard ever came late for his shift, called in sick, left early, or demanded extra pay for overtime work.[/quote]

Ofcourse those in society who are benefiting from this sickness, have no reason for poor health or to be ill affected. While the others who see it for what it is and who are suffering, have all the complaints.

I ended the study prematurely for two reasons. First, we had learned through videotapes that the guards were escalating their abuse of prisoners in the middle of the night when they thought no researchers were watching and the experiment was "off." Their boredom had driven them to ever more pornographic and degrading abuse of the prisoners.

Second, Christina Maslach, a recent Stanford Ph.D. brought in to conduct interviews with the guards and prisoners, strongly objected when she saw our prisoners being marched on a toilet run, bags over their heads, legs chained together, hands on each other's shoulders. Filled with outrage, she said, "It's terrible what you are doing to these boys!" Out of 50 or more outsiders who had seen our prison, she was the only one who ever questioned its morality. Once she countered the power of the situation, however, it became clear that the study should be ended. [/quote]

It does not take much to bring out man's inhumanity to man does it? Reminds me of Lord of the Flies. The other interesting part is that of all the outsiders that came and went, the parents, priests and others, none ever demanded that a stop be put to the experiment, it was just this one person who saw what was wrong and questioned it, that helped bring things to an end.

Well not unlike this experiment and McCarthyism, it does not take much to snap society back to reality. Eg. In the prison experiment, someone comes in questions it, and that helps to put an end to the experiment. I think that's when the exterminator begins to snap out of it, and realise that he's become a little too caught up. Same with Mccarthyism. Apparently a news caster Edward R. Murrow, played a big role in getting society to see what a lying, devious, fink the senator was and that helped to break his hold on society. Not before a lot of damage was done, but it helped.

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