Gang Stalking

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Friday, August 17, 2007

Double suicide, sounds like gang stalking. Part 2

Wit of the staircase

[quote]The harassment Mr. Wit and I are still enduring featured as its centerpiece an FBI file I earned as an undergrad in Detroit for protesting the plant closings there and doing other labor organizing. I also wrote several eloquent articles for Wayne State University's student newspaper demanding a Federal investigation into the Iran-Contra cover up when I was a freshman.

Wit's family has generations of working class factory workers on my father's side, and generations of academic specialists in radical political movements on my mother's side. My mother, who currently works at Wayne State University and has a PhD in politcal science that is focused on Black Panther and other radical movements in the Midwest, also recently received harassing phone calls, as did my younger brother.

That is in Theresa Duncan’s own words. I have no way of confirming if she really did have an FBI file, but if it's anything like then large chunks of democratic societies do. In a controlled society such as this, we probably all have files to an extent, be it eschelon, or other spying programs. We now even have approval for satellites that can see through buildings, and underground bunkers.

Washington Post

The Bush administration has approved a plan to expand domestic access to some of the most powerful tools of 21st-century spycraft, giving law enforcement officials and others the ability to view data obtained from satellite and aircraft sensors that can see through cloud cover and even penetrate buildings and underground bunkers.[/quote]

I do know that according to what others have said about her blog, that in life she spoke and wrote well, very eloquent, and sophisticated.

In death I know that there is a concerted effort to make her look increasingly paranoid, and like someone who would take her life, and the truth is probably somewhere in between.

Theresa and Jeremy if they were targets of this sort of societal harassment had money, and his career was from what I have read was rising. This alone would set them apart from other targets.

Other things I found out about them, in my brief information collection session.

[quote]Then, a manager at Magnet questioned the racially tinged humor and recommended that the Shoo-fly Pie project be shelved. Gesue says Duncan lost control, shouting wildly — and was escorted from the building — a story confirmed to the Weekly by another former Magnet employee. Other staff packed up Duncan’s office things. Yet the two estranged friends still “had to do a photo shoot. It was awful. It was the last time I saw her.”[/quote]

It would be nice to have both sides of this story. Again it's too common for people to have their reputations trashed and they get to have no recourse after the fact.



This morning, the LA Times has a fascinating story that chronicles the couple’s detachment from reality. One tidbit from the story really jumped out:

Blake and Duncan were sure people were conspiring against them — in particular, the Church of Scientology.

In a 27-page “chronology” written by Blake in October in preparation for a lawsuit against the church that was never filed, he alleges the couple was “methodically defamed, harassed, followed and threatened” by Scientologists. The document lists Tom Cruise, filmmaker-artist-author Miranda July, writer-director Paul Thomas Anderson, former Viacom Chief Executive Tom Freston, alternative rocker Beck and Art Forum Editor Tim Griffin, among others, as players in the dispute. In addition, a number of Hollywood talent agents and major league art collectors were accused of being in on the conspiracy…

Also in the chronology, Miranda July is accused of spreading unspecified defamation about Duncan in New York and is identified as a “Scientologist filmmaker” even though she is not affiliated with the church. July declined to comment. And a spokeswoman for the Church of Scientology, Karin Pouw, called the conspiracy allegations “bizarre.”

It’s clear that Blake’s accusation is baseless; the article also writes, “In the spring of 2006, according to the chronology, Blake and Duncan began documenting cars with Florida license plates and graffiti (some allegedly resembling Duncan’s signature) in their neighborhood as more evidence of the conspiracy. Around this time, Blake tossed urine onto the barbecue of neighbors who the couple suspected were Scientologists.”

The more I read little blurbs like this it reminds me of things other targets have described, and the difficulty many have had with trying to prove high profile members of society are in on things. Why is it so hard to believe for those who don't know. Not only is this societal to begin with, but society is like one big sorority. I would not be surprised if many of the assertations they were making had some validity to them. I would however be surprised if it could ever be proven.

It's also interesting how they were focused in on scientologists as the main people stalking and harassing them, alternatively I have encountered others who are focused on Masons, others who focus on gangs, other who focus on extremist groups, other who focus on religious groups. Yet they all seem to be correct in their own ways. In their micro-cosem, that is what they are experiencing, but on a macro scale it's more elaborate, and wide scale than ever dreamed possible. It's a complete systemic system of control, and they just use whatever is handy, but also it would seem that they try to use nemesis, or groups you might not like, they play of fear, racism, sexism, phobia's, stereotypes.

If you are rich they use the poor, if you are black they use white, if you are poor they use the rich, if you are gay they use religious groups, I have had religious people tell me that they are being stalked by groups of gay men, and I have had others tell me it's gangs that they are being stalked by, and others tell me it's most definitely Masons. See I no longer doubt they are all correct and yet all wrong.

I don't know what these groups are being told about the people that get targeted, but since this is societal anyways, does it really matter?


In the spring of 2006, according to the chronology, Blake and Duncan began documenting cars with Florida license plates and graffiti (some allegedly resembling Duncan's signature) in their neighborhood as more evidence of the conspiracy. Around this time, Blake tossed urine onto the barbecue of neighbors who the couple suspected were Scientologists. He and Duncan were living in an office complex adjacent to Muse Productions' Venice offices after having been evicted from their apartment when Schlei encountered Blake shortly before the couple moved to New York in early 2007.

"He got a job at Rockstar," Schlei said. "He said, 'I like New York better. It's going to be awesome. I'm going into a new phase.' "

After the couple moved into the church apartment, Father Morales recalls them rapidly integrating into the church community. The two attended service every Sunday, a new thing for them, and kept a Bible on their coffee table. On July 3, Duncan helped orchestrate a benefit for restoration of the church.

Asked if he thought Blake and Duncan were running away from something, Morales said: "They felt they were being harassed by certain individuals. I have no way of knowing if it's true. I'd say, 'You're here now. We'll protect you.' I did sense they felt this was a sanctuary for them. They felt they had gotten away."[/quote]

I did read that she had been writing about MK Ultra and so it would seem they were not unfamiliar with Mind Control programs, wither they knew about the gang stalking aspect of it is still not clear. It does seem that they somewhat fled from L.A. to New York earlier this year, but the fresh start did them little good. I find it interesting the mention of graffiti found resembling Duncan's signature. It brings back memories of the suicide note that Anthony Brina found in his own handwriting, that he did not write.

When stuff like this happens I guess it's just easier for society to write them off as paranoids that took their own lives, not saying that that's not what happened, but from everything that I can see, they do seem to fit with what other gang stalking targets have gone through.

They started going to church and kept a copy of the bible on their coffee table. Not much point in running from something that is systemic, but you can try. Moving in this case did not help. The interesting thing is that even with money, social standing and popularity it did not help stop this assault. Much like when John Lennon reported being followed around. From what I have read of Duncan her blog was extremely popular, and well read and liked, yet there was no one it seems who could help them. They still grew increasingly cut off and isolated, well why not, when everyone is in on the joke but you.

It's sad, not just because they were more visible targets than others, but something out there should have been able to come to their rescue in time. I know there is no point of trying to make sense of this right now, I mean without all the details and background information, it's hard to put together a full picture.

I guess I will do what I can do which is just pray for them. Hope that they have found safety and peace that they could not find here. Do my best to help the targets that are here, and hope that someday people find the will, and the understanding to see that a system that does things like this to seemingly nice people, is probably not a good system.

The sad part is this will probably hold the worlds interest for all of two seconds and then they will move on to the next scoope and the next scandal, but for those two seconds, I hope that we can try to illicit something good from this, something useful, so that things may be better for other targets of this insane system, that seemingly controls society.

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