Gang Stalking

A upto date blog about my adventures with gangstalking. This is my way of sharing with the world what gang stalking is really like. Some helpful books. Gang Stalking Books Mobbing Books

Monday, May 12, 2008



I was just thinking of the walls that separate people. Some of them are needful, such as boundaries. These let people know what's acceptable and what is not acceptable. These walls are needed. During the course of Gang Stalking, I had to extablish a lot of these. If you don't people will walk right over you. I mean I have these creates try all sorts of unheard of stuff. Just stuff that's wrong. Boundaries were the best way to get some of those things stopped, they were needed and had to be implemented.

Some of them are stupid and artificial. Like money and social status. Who can walk free and who get's to be stalked. Who get's to be loved and who get's to be hated in this world and why.

Some are completely unneeded. Color barriers, age, race, gender, fear, trust, anger. However these are used in society all the time to keep people apart. To control many in society. Being targets of Gang Stalking many of us have seen these barriers used to try to create fear, and hatred within us. Used to manipulate and separate in society.

Others are ones that we are not even aware of. Walls that separate one realm to the next. However once you become aware, you can never become unaware again.

Someone just reminded me how us targets put up these walls. How we learn not to trust, and learn not to hold onto things. It's true in a lot of ways. It's a survival instinct. I mean over the last 2 years, people that I should have been able to trust, are some of the people that have betrayed me the most. Your instinct for survival becomes to go for the hills without looking back.

People who you thought would always be there for you, situations that you always trusted, your government, family, friends, all gone. You are betrayed by everything in your life, and you learn to view things with those shades on. It's a wall of thorn that is needed for survival. It's what's sane in a world that suddenly becomes insane.

Are all the walls that go up needed? Hard to say, each person has to judge this for themselves. I mean for some they have been able to keep those walls down, I say good for them. For me it was not the case. Does it mean that you always have to leave these wall up? Not always, but maybe.
There are some walls that targets do not want up. Eg. Targets with children, do not want to have the walls up around their children. Children are too important and the walls should always be left down where they are concerned.

If you happen to already be in a situation with someone who you love and who loves you back, who is not out to destroy your life, then try to keep the walls down. I get so many people writing in to me, to tell me that their families are being destroyed. One partner is being affected by the stalking more than the other. They are stressed and the family is about to fall apart, and I always tell them to fight for their families. It's one of the best defences you have. You might want to put up a wall to defend your family, but keep the walls down within your family. I always thing that people with families would have it better, but in some ways they don't cause they have more to loose. Yet if they can hold it together, they have more to gain.

Being single in this realms is tuff in some ways, but it's nice in others. It's a balance.
The idea as a target is find some of that balance. I think being a target you can get into a really closed off place, not a bad thing for survival. However as a person who has become aware that there is more to life than just what we see and experience with our physical beings, I am aware now that we sometimes live in 2 worlds at once. I realise that if you want to explore and have access to those worlds, you have to let yourself be open. Also I realise that by letting yourself get closed off, to the mystic, the divine, the happy, the joyful, the laughter, etc. You give these people what they want, you let them rob you of what they don't have. You let them feed off of you, and that is not a good thing.

There are a lot of things I don't want to be closed off to, but still am cause I like feeling safe, and for the longest time those walls were my protection. Trusting people does not come easy for many people, it's just one of the things that holds us in place here. As a target we learn not to trust 100 times more than that. Not each other in some cases, and not the world at large. There are still some good people in the world, but we must help light their way as much as we must light our own, no one else is going to do it for us.

So though walls are good for somethings, and they can keep a lot of bad stuff out, sometimes they are restrictive, and preventative, and they separate you from things, people, places, realities that you really do want to be in touch with. It's all about finding a balance.

Walls are just like people, some people are open and they share everything, and they have no walls up. I think that's great. I think that gives you the ability to touch base with so many things, and it's a wonderful way to be, but then other people are like me, and we are walled off, for safety, yet that also shuts things out. I realise now that both can be a bad thing, and it's good to find balance. As a target you might tend to forget this overtime, because these people tend to strip our humanity, and they often rob us of what is good and beautify within. I think we have to fight really hard not to loose sight of that.

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