Gang Stalking

A upto date blog about my adventures with gangstalking. This is my way of sharing with the world what gang stalking is really like. Some helpful books. Gang Stalking Books Mobbing Books

Friday, August 22, 2008

Patterns that repeate.

I am going to use this analogy to talk about patterns that repeat themselves. At one of my old jobs we had these three people in a repeating pattern. Two were into the game and third was trying to leave the game.

It was a bit of a dating game. Guy was into girl number one, then started seeing girl number two on the side. Every time girl number one would try to leave the game, girl number 2 and the guy would have a noisy break up in the middle of the workplace, he would swear it was all over, girl number 2 would throw a fit in the middle of the job, then the guy would chase off any other guys and try to get girl number one pulled back into the game.

He didn't just do that however, he would come off looking like the wounded victim that was not being treated fairly, even going so far as to lie to about his continued involvement with girl number 2. Then once he had the game back on track, the game would start again, with girl number 2, then the noisy break up's. etc. The guy and girl number 2 seemed to get off on the game and the noisy break up's and getting back together, because it allowed them to parasitically feed on a third party. Much like our stalkers feed on us with their games, and yes I do think some of them do get off on it.

One of the things that Targets have to be careful with is patterns that repeat. There own patterns and those of the snitches.

I mean they do the same things over and over again so we should be able to get use to it, but we don't.

We also have to be careful to avoid our own patterns. Patterns are a thing that you have to be able to look for, recognise and find a way to break, or work around.

Eating patterns, they watch us in the grocery store to try to figure out what we are buying. This can be done for a few reasons. Several targets have complained about specific items they buy being out of stock every time. They can use this to figure out our diet. If we move they can find us that way as well.

Shopping patterns. Go to a store too much and ever notice that suddenly a new face is there? I don't want to give too many details, but it's something to be aware of, especially with food places. If the normal store keeper will not report your eating habits or tamper with your food, the new face just might.

Also your shopping routes. They know where you go, so if you go missing they start to look for you on the old familiar routes. They have them mapped and they will report it to the foot soldiers.

This is why targets sometimes complain about things like, it was all set up before I got there, it's like they knew I was going to be there. If you have been there before that could be why, or it could be you were discussing it on the phone, or worst case scenario, you were thinking it.
Sleeping, bathroom, sexual, dating, Internet, workplace, etc. We have patterns and one of the things that these people try to do is to learn them. We are creatures of habit and we have to try to break away form those patterns when we can.

They have patterns also, if we learn some of these, we can deal with them better. I spent a lot of time watching them early on, trying to figure out some of the ways that they functioned, ticked, worked, etc.

Learning as much as you can about the one handed sign language would be a good start. Second if you have a sensitivity, what is the pattern they are using for trying to keep you sensitised? Eg. They used my sensitivity for over 8 years in and out of the workplace.

What are the patterns they are using to set you up? Themes that they are trying to throw your way, eg, Mark M. Rich said he thought they were trying to set him up to make him look like a rapist at one point.

What are the harassment patterns, sleep deprivation, street theatre, electronic harassment, online stalking?

Looking for patterns helps us to know what to expect, they are pretty predictable, and it helps us to be better prepared in knowing what to expect.

Since this thing started, I am so disappointed to know just how pattern filled I am in some ways, and what a creature of habit I am in others. I have had to learn my own patterns, and try to change some, modify others, and just get new ones from time to time.

I have had to learn theirs, so now I can know, ok it's going to be one of those days, expect cars to be lunging at you, people trying to bump into you, etc. Or expect extra electronic harassment tonight, etc. Kind of like trying or learning to predict the weather.

Another pattern that they now have is that in the area where I am, they use these headphone kids, on the trains. I am trying to figure this one out.

Now everyone has ipods and stuff, but what we have here is people 20-30's and they are always on the subway, one guards each door, it's not just random, these people have ipods and at times it appears that they are listening for something, other than the music. My best guess is the announcements of stops.

I know when I use to carry my laptop, it would announce the train station that I was at, and I know it could be heard somehow, thus I stopped carrying the laptop. I know the train stops were being heard via my laptop because at a previous job, when we had a meeting, my laptop in the middle of the meeting while turned off, started announcing stuff. I took the battery off, and there you could still hear the train stops being announced. I was about 20 floors up, and it was not the stop near where I was.

I never hear the laptop externally do this again, but I have strong reason to believe that it was being used in this capacity for this reason. Picture this. You are a head phone kid, you are on the same train as the target, the targets electronic device picks up the sound of the stop being read out, eg. "redwood, we are approaching redwood station." They hear this over their ipods, or other headphone devices, meaning that they are on the correct train with the target. The ones who do not, know that the target is not on the same train, and so therefore bugger off. Very cleaver and oh so illegal, but when has that ever stopped the government from allowing the snitches to do this sort of stuff, nice democratic country.

Try to remember that electronics can be used to track locations, and anything that has a microphone, can be used to listen in to conversations.

What I don't get yet, is how ipods and things like that can be used to listen to something like a specific station being announced? What frequency would they tune into?

Recently I had some luck in being alone without the above mentioned scenario, and it was pretty different. For a good 30 minutes they did not know for certain where I was, and I noticed that I did not see the headphone kids, as I have nicknamed them. In fact the experience was so different it's hard to explain.

This again brings me back to snitches and trying to manipulate the targets sense of reality and perception. Because what a target experiences day by day is so all encompassing, it could be as bad as we think, but it might also not be as bad as we think. What I mean is, the few times I have slipped away, I have noticed openings, in how things are laid out. Point being if they know where the target is going to be, they have time to set things up, and to make it seem complete and all encompassing.

Spotters, you have to be careful with these, these are in all the old familiar places, if you do elude the snitches for a time, you have to be careful to avoid places that are familiar, because familiar locations have spotters who recognise the targets and can easily snitch you out.

There is a lot more to say, but some of it, I have to hold onto. The point is however, be cognizant of patterns, they have a tendency to repeat, your own and those of others. You can not not break the pattern of others, all you can do is be aware of them, find a work around.

Your own patterns you can control, and those you have to try to change if you are going to survive being Targeted Individuals. They had to change how meetings were conducted due to Cointelpro Infiltrations and we are no different.

The last thing I wanted to point out, yesterday after posting about how I can't get on the Internet without the snitches, I noticed a change the next time I logged on. It seems that there is a wireless override which allows them to log onto my computer anytime they wish, which I can see, but it also appears that some sites that I am accessing might not be what they appear to be.
In some cases it might almost be like I am accessing an intranet, vs an Internet, but since I have no definitive proof of this yet and just a suspicion, my observation continues. However this is something you might want to be cognizant of.

Anyways patters repeat if we start to look for them, we can change them, manipulate them, and hopefully even free ourselves from them, or at least be on our guard for them. We have patterns and they do too, learn theirs and your own, then use it against them, or at least use it to protect yourself from them. Many of them are parasitic, they do get off on what they do to targets, and they like the game that is being played, where many of us just want to get out.

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