Gang Stalking

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Saturday, October 04, 2008

Small ways to unplug.

So what can we really do to unplug from the system?

We can all start in small ways. Here are some suggestions that I have come across, or figured out on my own.

If you can cut down on how often you watch t.v. it really is programing for the masses. Try to slowly take yourself off the tube. Maybe a day here, a week there, some people have reported going a month cold turkey. The feedback is that they think more, and function better.

Try to get your news from additional sources. Try to avoid the usual doom and gloom of the nightly news and check out other news sources that might provide more balanced coverage of the news, but sites that might also give you additional news that you are not getting right now.
Cut back on radio as well, or switch channels to something that helps you tune in to what is really happening around you.

Change from the big telecommunications company to smaller ones. Use online services for some of your entertainment need. Try to unplug from the bigger giants over time.

Put your money in some of the smaller banks. Does not have to be all your money, but if people had their assets in various places, it could help prevent these monopolies, and the financial meltdowns of the future. Try to avoid putting the eggs into the same baskets.

Change your vibrational energy. What we think really does have a big impact on what we feel, see, experience. We do pull specific experiences into our realms, so change the frequency.
Take a moment to breath. Go outside of yourself, and tune into your higher self. Believe that you have a higher self to tune into.

You can do this by willing it, and by thinking it. It all begins in the mind. That is where we can start to affect change.

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