Gang Stalking

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Saturday, November 15, 2008

The Inner Realms

What happens when we dream? Is it really just dreaming? Is the mind really just working out the days events replaying them over and over again? I think that is true in some cases, but I think that the dreams are the souls communications with the conscious world.

Yes this post is one of those posts that has very little if anything to do with gang stalking.
Now as I have already posted about here, I think that we do come back from time to time to this plain that we are calling the earth.

I have come to the belief that we do exist before we come here, and we come here for experiences, for understanding, sometimes to complete a mission of some kind.

I believe we are all part of one conscience, then if we choose to we can take form. Spiritual form if you want to call it that. Once we take spiritual form we learn, we grow, we experience, similar to what happens here on the earth realm. I believe at some point in spirit there are things that we can not fully understand, appreciate, or experience and so we choose to take physical form.
I believe that in a spiritual form we can create things with our minds, which is great, but at times this can make things too easy, or not challenging enough so we choose to come to this realm which offers a few more challenges and opportunity for learning and growth. I think that this is a large part of what this plain is about. Not just learning but the ability to bring about change, challenge, growth and inspiration for ourselves and others.

I believe that beings can be created in spirit, and thus why we have so many billions of human beings. People always ask the question, if we are all merely being reincarnated, where are all the people coming from? The answer to that question would be that they are being carnated, created, in the universe, within. I believe it's all possible.

I think once we come here to this plain we still have some connection to the other realm from whence we came, for some that connection is very strong, and some children will remember their previous lives, or they will remember choosing their parents. According to what I have read on this, these spiritual being will choose their parents in order to have certain experiences or challenges. Most times this can be true with birth or adoption.

The above is hard to believe because their are so many messed up people, and situations in the world, and it's hard to believe that people would choose to come to this realm in the first place, and it's even harder to believe that they would choose specific situations, but I think in many cases this is the reality. I know, that's hard to believe.

As we grow, the subconscious which is the part that remembers our previous existence, is walled off from the conscience with good reason. This of course is not the case for everyone and some people do remember or have a great connection with what once was. We know as children get older, they tend to loose certain abilities they had in childhood, abilities linked to Extra Sensory Perception and things along that line. The conscience mind is walled off from the subconscious, because we are here to have experiences and remembrance or full remembrance might hinder our purposes for being here.

This also means that the subconscious stores all memories from every former existence that you previously were. So you could be a psychopath in one existence, a kind knight in another, a poor flower girl in yet another, and on and on. You could even be the head of a KKK organisation in one lifetime, and a poor black southern girl in another. You will likely never have any remembrance of the previous existence. There might however be moments where you meet people and you have a strong feeling of remembrance and or recognition and you just don't know why. The same goes for phobias, people we love, hate, etc. Of Course we know some people do remember past lives, but that's another story.

Apparently what happens when we dream is that the barriers are lifted and the subconscious carries on with it's existence. I have been reading about this and it's interesting. You have multiple plains of existence, most of us will never be aware of this, or accepting of this reality. In the western world, we tend to laugh and make fun of these types of beliefs. In other cultures, like the Buddhists, they are well aware, and even go on expeditions to locate reincarnated souls.
Now this gets interesting, because we do retain the memories of those that we once were in the subconscious, I think much like in Star Trek, Deep Space Nine, you could find circumstances as I have written about before, just like where Dax remembers her wife that she had when she was a guy. I also believe these struggles can happen on a conscience level, but also on a subconscious level.

What happens if these world's collide? This hardly ever happens because again everything is walled off. One lifetime to the next and the subconscience from the conscious. In the rear case that these world's do collide you could hypothetically be accessing one conscience and not even be fully aware of it. This just means you would be you, but your feelings and emotions would be those of a former existence. Sounds a bit like split personality, but it's not the same thing.
We live from one life to the next. We do die, but then we have the ability to continue on a different plain, and we also have the ability to go back to the conscience soup that I mentioned before. Then to once again take on a new spiritual form and a new earthly existence. The memories of what was, are retained in what's called the subconscious mind, which is normally suppose to be walled off from the conscious mind.

The danger of all this is what happens when science or an entity has access to these parts of your mind that you might not even be fully aware of, or cognizant of? What happens if you can be accessed on a subconscious level and not be fully aware of everything that is happening on a conscious level? Sounds weird, but if science has it's way, we might be looking at more and more of these types of scenarios. We already of the concept of mind rape, where someone access's your mind without consent, but that does not quite cover the scenarios with accessing your subconscious mind. Mind rape in my opinion more deals with accessing the awake mind without consent, not the subconscious mind.

It's some food for thought. I know some people are very familiar with these concepts. I have only within the last several months really been looking and delving into understand more about these concepts. Being in the west, I was more skeptical previously. I really didn't want to believe in reincarnation, but I realised a few years ago that I did, even though I really didn't want to. Recently I realised not only do I believe in it, I am sure of it. Then even more recently I am coming to realise that we have many existences that we lead. Since I don't believe that time is linear in the way we have come to understand it, could these different existence be happening simultaneously? I am sure the answer is out there somewhere. I think in trying to understand what was happening on a conscience level with gang stalking, why it was happening, and what could be learnt from it. I have begun to look internally at my world within. What goes on there? What is happening there? What goes on with our worlds within, to create our worlds without? These are questions that I want to find or rediscover the answers to.

I think it's very possible to have one existence with our conscience mind and another with our subconscious mind. Mind Control Targets and D.I.D. individuals have shown us this. I think the same is true for the awakened mind and the sleeping mind. I think the only way to really have an understanding of what is happening and to gain control is to open ourselves up to the mystical and be more alert on both plains. This is I am sure a lot harder than it sounds. I have just started to look into this concept and it's a hard one.

Most times we dream to escape the harsh realities of this existence. The thought that we might have to forgo letting go and remain awake to another existence or reality so that we can have full awareness of our inner and outer world is a very tiring thought. Yet if you want to quest or control your inner world this might be the very thing that you have to do.

If nothing else in the last couple of years, I have learnt that if you let things like gang stalking or people like stalkers take over, they will destroy your life and leave you with very little else. If you don't find a way to deal with what's happening in your world it can be very life destroying. This means figuring our what's going on, and then getting a handle on it. I think with any scenario this means starting within and then going without. I again think that most of us are not aware that we have a world within, and we often rely on all things that seem external to bring about a change in our lives.

What I realise more and more is that if we want change we have to go within, take control of what is happening, no matter how scary that is, and then start to get back what is ours. If not you run the real risk of losing everything that you have worked for, and of letting unworthy things and situations run you straight into the ground.

Life is a journey, it's about learning, experiencing and growth. We exist, and I don't believe that existence fully ends when we leave this plain, I do believe it continues. I also believe that we have the real possibility of returning, time and time again, and fixing, correcting, redoing, relearning things that we did not get right the first few times around.

This also leaves the very real possibility of having someone be your friends, family, trusted
companion, love, or confidant in one lifetime and in another having them be your enemy, rival, betrayer, destroyer, of foe. It's all very interesting and fascinating and it's all just one more things to discover of this amazing path that we call existence.

"Row, row, row your boatGently down the stream.
Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily,Life is but a dream."
Old English Nursary Rhyme

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