Gang Stalking

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Monday, October 27, 2008

A presence of evil

A presence of evil.

Have you ever felt it? Have you ever experienced it? There seems to be some places and people that give off this presence of evil.

I have experienced this a few times in my life, coming across a location, or a person that the only way to explain it is a presence of evil. I just again encountered that.

As many in our situation can attest what they do to us on a daily basis might fall off into the category of the hidden evil. Doing atrocious actions on a daily basis, hidden under the guise of state and national security.

However this is something outside of that. This is a presence of evil. I don't know how else to explain it.

This also brings me to some of the types of people that they hire to stalk us. I don't just mean the daily people, but I mean the types of people they get to move in on all sides of us.
Now I have written about emotional sappers before, those that drain your energy, emotional vampires of sorts, however this is beyond emotional sappers. This is along the lines of serial killer evil, that's what I am talking about.

I don't know if serial killers give off a sense of a presence of evil, but the creature that I just encountered does leave such a presence.

When it goes out at day or night I worry. I wonder if any children will go missing, if any woman will be violated, or if anyone will be harmed. I know evil when I feel it and sense it, not always, but when something puts up this much of a dark presence, it's hard not to not notice it or sense it. I think it's worth writing about.

I have such a creature that has moved in directly across from me. This creature has lived there for several months now. I mean it fit's the profile, but this has nothing to do with physical presence. Evil is not necessarily about a physical presence, it's about something else. It's the unseen realm.

Several months ago when it first moved in directly across the hall from me, I had an encounter about 3:00am in the morning with catching it trying to peek into my apartment. Now sometimes the snitches do try to look into the apartment, but it's usually during the day, and usually to try to determine if I am still in my home. This encounter was outside of that.

However that is not what it is. This is just a shadow or a sense of darkness, it's almost a dark shadow that it casts. I don't know what kind of person they have recruited in this case to move directly across from me, but it's not just my safety that I worry about. Like I said, I have encountered a sense of evil only a few times in my life, but it's been correct the few times that this has happened.

Like with anything evil, the best things you can do is expose it to the light. Let them see themselves, this seems to work very well. Exposing them or evil for itself, laying it bare before others, so that others can know it when they see it.

I am wondering how many of my readers out there have encountered this sense or presence of evil?

I recently encountered it at my door again. Oh this time it was an official spot check, but I knew it was him, before checking to see which snitch was at my gates. Every time it comes near my door there is such a sense of darkness, that lingers, it's hard to explain. It's like your soul is trying to explain from an evil shadow. It's almost like a choking presence that leaves the whole place devoid of light.

I swear it's like one of those movies, where the dark shadow passes, and everything in it's wake can feel it. I almost feel like warning mothers to hide their children, women to lock their doors, and men to remain armed.

I know it sounds outlandish, but like I said I have sensed evil only a few times, or walked into a few places, and just knew to not be there, with this creature, I am often left praying the few times I have encountered it's presence. It just leaves behind such a lingering presence of evil,
darkness, call it what you will.

Darkness can only be fought with light. Exposing what you know to be evil to light. I see that a lot with the people stalking us, and with them I know that most are just average people going along with a system. I don't count those stalking us as evil. I know that it feels that way what is being done to us, but this is something else. A true presence of evil.

I know that these people do hire people with criminal backgrounds, pedophiles, rapist, murders, and I can't help but wonder what this creatures dark past is, or what bodies remain hidden under his former door steps? I am not necessarily saying that's what it is, but that's the kind of presence of darkness, that I am tuning into.

It's a sense of evil that's hard to shake or explain, one that can only be felt. A dark presence or a dark shadow that stretches into personal spaces.

I am thinking that bible saying about the "eyes of the lord, going throughout the earth" and what things must be seen. What wickedness must be encountered? What hidden crimes must go unseen by many?

I think I will take a moment to ask those who still believe in it to pray. It's not good to be this close to a presence of evil, but I also worry about those who don't know it when they see it, and for the unaware who may encounter it as it goes prowling along the path.

I am hoping that enough light will go forward to expose the darkness. I think just like with what is happening with us, exposure is one of the key things you can do to expose evil. It might not always stop it, but sometimes it can make just that little bit of difference.

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Blogger On_GangStalking said...

Yes, I have posted it many times. Perceptive targets can always get this 'vibe' and it seems it isnt imagined. It seems like they stink up an area, the real nasty perps..and after they are gone there is this energy that lifts off of the whole area. I cannot explain what it is..I think being a woman one is more attuned to this in people and perhaps more accepting that this exists. It tells us as targets that these people are dangerous. I have tried to see what could make them give off this horrid energy. Sometimes I think they have been tortured into being perps and now that they are actively stalking and harassing people, all this bad emotional energy comes out. You'd have to be messed up to stalk people in the way they do anyway. I think this energy they give off that is so repugnant to some of us is a statement to how screwed up they are as people. Its like when something dont smell right-stay away from it, it must be bad for you. Its just our natural warning systems as humans telling us to stay away from these people.
Hope U R well.

Tuesday, November 04, 2008  

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