Gang Stalking

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Thursday, August 20, 2009

Measure for measure

Some people are cry babies. What they don't like for themselves they are perfectly happy to dish out to others. We see this all the time with the informants. They love to dish it out, but most can't take it and are just cry babies.

They can slander us, make up stuff about us, but the moment we throw the truth back into their faces about what they are, and the truth about the society that they live in and what they are taking part in many go ape, and freak out.

I really wonder about the types of people that have been created by this society, they like to think that they have control and power over others, but most have no real power, no true character to speak of, all they have is the fear they try to exert over others, or invoke in others Worms like this all too often are the cry babies that rise up in society. Worms that are all too often happy to dish it out, but point back a little truth in their direction and they can't take it and fall apart.

We see this all the time, with informants and the pack mentality. We see them have to gang up on targets, because they don't have power on their own, cowards, who are given position where better people should be.

Measure for measure, but that's a foreign language to them. They can dish it out, but they can't take it. The favorite thing for these creatures is an unfair fight, where two or more are beating up on one. They don't have any true power of their own, and use fear to control others, and each other.

What I find interesting about these cowardly attitudes is that if you even throw truth back in their face about how disgraceful their actions are, they can't take it. They are in complete denial about who they are, yet are often happy to make up the worst, insinuate the worst, and believe the worst about others. In other words they believe their garbage does not reek, when often it's what's smells in the room. This denial, and dehumanization of others is what allows these creatures to flourish, well for a little while anyways.

Being around people like this on a daily basis is a real lesson. Measure for measure is a concept they just don't understand. They get upset, I wonder how society create such creatures without any true character, but then I know the answer.

Measure for measure pound for pound, but a fair fight is not what these creature understand or are capable of. Honor where it may exist amongst thieves, does not seem to exist amongst snitches. (Again there are exceptions to every rule, but the longer some people are snitches, the more of their self they seem to loose, the longer they are snitches, the more of their humanity they seem to lose.)

Societies like this function for a time, but eventually a society where the worms rise to the top, will fail and fall. Measure for measure, pound for pound.

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