Gang Stalking

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Friday, August 07, 2009

Fits the description

Troubling incident recently.

I have mentioned this before, but I will mention it to targets again, and I would have you be on the look out for this.

I have mentioned that what I believe is ongoing in many cases to keep these so called cases of investigations ongoing are a great deal of set up's, and deliberate provocations, so let me go over a couple of recent incidents that I have noticed.

What I have tried to do off and on is if I notice a troubling incident, I will try to report it, provided that I am aware of it. I am trying to do this, because I believe there is clear evidence to indicate that what they are doing during these investigations is that they are using other people who fit the description to try to portray targets as crazy, perverts, drug dealers, etc, whatever they are trying to portray you as, they will them if they can't get you, you get what I like to refer to as doppelgangers to do the dirty work for them.

I use the term doppelgangers very loosely, because these people are not doppelgangers, they are simply what I call fits the description. In other words if you are male, 45, white, 6'4 that is what they would ruffly try to use. The person does not have to look like you, dress like you, or anything else, they just have to fit the description. So if they are trying to get you to look like a pervert, they would use someone like, and have them insult females near where you are, look at them, or watch children etc. It does not have to be you, the incident just has to be attributed to you, and this will keep their investigations going, it will keep the informants who are getting paid to follow you, employed, and it keeps the need for this system going, and going.

So Eg. If you are an Asian, female, 5'2, 25, and they are trying to portray you as crazy, then let's say that they can not get you to act out in public, they will get a female, who looks around that age, most likely Asian, maybe not, and then they will have that person act out in public. What's most disturbing for me, is that I have blogged about this before, but I have seen it enough now, to be able to confirm that this is what they are doing deliberately.

I think you get the idea. What I have seen lately on a few separate occasions are that they deliberately have targets who fit the description crossing my path, (I use this term very loosely, because they dress nothing like me, and hygiene wise they look very unkempt, and I would say crazy. One Saturday as I left the house about 4 weeks ago, I had one cross my path who was talking to themselves and carry some bags in their hands, seemingly mentally unwell, but that has to be determined. Eg. I have seen informants, pretending to be crazy, I mean literally sane informants, who are pretending. In this particular instance, I do feel that the person really was crazy whoever, just by appearance, and unkempt manner, but there is no way to tell.

They were going in one direction, and I was going in another, but the thing with the informant force is they do not seem to be required to comment on appearance, or state of dress. Eg. I am always well dressed, never unkempt, and for the most part pretty polite. Except if I am making sarcastic comments under my breath, or commenting on the snitches. This happens very rearly, but I am guessing that these are getting used as well, as oh target was disturbed and talking to themselves.

The other incident recently involved someone who was in my opinion clearly disturbed and talking to themselves, the person was much much older looking, very unkempt in appearance, and clearly not looking anything like me to any sane and rational observer, yet I passed this person talking to themselves and telling people off, I left the location where this was happening, and walked not a short distance.

Within a short space of time, I had the street theater begin. Eg. People trying to run into me, etc, they were doing things to try to provoke me. Now I was in a pretty good mood, so just ignored them. What was disturbing however was there was a woman with a baby stroller, she was deliberately oncoming in my direction, in my direct path without making any attempt to adjust where she was going, and as I adjusted, she adjusted to keep in my path, from a far away enough distance that there was no reason to that I could see, however, and this is what's disturbing, but I am reporting it, because I believe my observation on this is sound. She looked behind her to the side, and made eye contact with the cop in the car that was right near us both which I had not immediately noticed, and even though I could clearly see that she really did not want to aim her baby stroller at me, after looking behind at the car for instruction, she continued to do that, the look on her face was clear, she did not want to be doing that, she was clearly being instructed, and from what I could tell it was by whomever was in the cop car, whom I assume was observing the deliberate incident. It happened fairly quickly, yet it felt like it was in slow motion, because I had enough time to see the exchange with her and the person in the car, so all I could do after seeing this, was smile at her, and encourage her to do what she was doing, while moving out of her way, the best that I could, because she kept a direct path at me.

I was so sickened, but not for myself, I mean what kind of a society is this, where you get a young mother to pimp out her kid like that? What if I really was a dangerous and crazy person, you were willing to gamble that the brave officer sitting in the car would get to her, before an incident happened with the baby? I am not wrong in my observation of this, but shocked and disgusted. I don't know why I am disgusted. I have an idea of how the Stasi worked, I know with these community policing programs they work similar, I know people are being asked to do things like this, but when you see it like this, it's gross.

The thing is if that really had been me having a bad day, they were trying to provoke an incident. See when something is happening like crazy person talking to themselves, the snitches start to put in their little reports, so I don't know how long the crazy person had been set up and in position.

I do know that this is happening and the best thing that I can do is report what I have been observing. Now I have had the neighbours watching and leaving when I am leaving, and we have the snitch force trying to chart my way from when I leave my home, to work and back etc. Since I am clear that I don't require the babysitting, I don't appreciate it. What's interesting is that when there are people around that I know, I have never seen one of these little incidents happen, but when it's people that I do not know, suddenly these incidents happen. So I have no way of knowing how many of these incidents that I am not aware of are happening and being attributed to me.

Shy of my baby stroller incident that I reported, and handing out flyer's about a year ago, which I have also reported on these blogs, these people in my opinion are continuing to stage incidents, using the doppelgangers and the fit's the description reporting. We do not have a moral society, we have a Stasi society, and the corruption that when on there is what is happening here. I believe the incidents are in many cases staged, set up's, I believe the motivation is to portray the target as whatever they see fit, and I believe that it's also to keep these programs going, and the informant force employed. Much like a lot of the fake hate posting online are designed to keep up the appearance of a threat to society, I believe these incidents continue in the same way. Eg. Jiverly Wong was reported as a drug user who was going to rob a bank by an informant, there does not seem to have been any validity to this, but after his death, thanks to the police, these details made it into every paper across the nation.

I find that these little incidents tend to happen more when I openly talk about the fact that we have informants in the city, or identify one of their citizen informants as such. I don't know why they care, it's not like most of them are not informants anyways, I guess gangs are like that however and don't like their members identified as such.

As I pointed out before, legal action is I believe effective, but only if you can afford to do so, and second if you can find a law and lawyer that would allow you to do so. As for me, I refuse to be followed around the city like a child, the only disturbed people that I have seen are the people that have to take part in these programs, I find it very disgraceful, that citizens are being at times forced to do such things. I think it's one thing to volunteer to go along with something like this, there are enough bottom of the barrel people to go around, but what I saw and witnessed today was fear, and cohesion. The female should not have been used in the prescribed manner I described above, I think it's wrong, and again I would not take the time to report this, unless I sure the observation was correct. It's also not the first time that I have seen something similar, with citizens being coerced by cops in similar manners. To serve and protect, who's interests?

What I can tell you is that this society is what has become paranoid and disturbed, with good reason, because when you are a Stasi state, you will have people in disagreement with you, and it's sad to see something that I though was good, as something that is not. I don't view the citizens the way I once did. They are still the very polite people I once thought, but what is behind this is something that is quite scary. A Stasi society is apparently a polite society. It's also a society where activists, and dissidents are portrayed as enemies of the state and are dealt with by being made to appear as mentally disturbed.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've also noticed that we have a high incidence of people being forced to go along with the harassment of a target. This is a big part of what is keeping the system going. I experienced a really weird "accident" out in the parking lot, complete with cops being called to the scene and everything. The person I was with commented that the woman had great damage to her car, while the guy's truck she (supposedly) backed into had no damage at all. There was screaming and crying by the woman driver, complete with kids standing outside her car talking to her. The cops happened to show up later.

Everyone out there seemed to be "posing", i.e., playing a little script, including the cops. It really seemed to me that the whole scenario seemed fake. I got an email, which I assumed to be from a perp, which simply stated "Yes!!" in the subject line. I took this to mean the perps were excited they were able to pull this off and have me witness this.

I don't know what purpose this served, but the woman's "erratic" driving resembled me trying to get out of a tight spot in a parking lot a day or two earlier. I guess it was a form of psychological harassment by the "system", because it was making me feel like I was that woman doing the erratic driving, getting arrested.

The whole thing seemed like a scripted stunt. Everyone there kinda looked like the typical actors I see in such events.

I read that they do like to stage accidents like this to test the targets' reactions, or to gaslight the target into thinking that somehow he or she can't drive or is insane, as the events parodied what the target did earlier.

Friday, August 07, 2009  

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