Gang Stalking

A upto date blog about my adventures with gangstalking. This is my way of sharing with the world what gang stalking is really like. Some helpful books. Gang Stalking Books Mobbing Books

Saturday, July 07, 2007

First off, it's been close to a year for my survival as a T.I. Targeted Individual. Well that's not wholly I was was a target for years before I became fully cognizant of it. It's a year since I became aware that I was no longer in Kansas anymore. Realising it was the government doing this would come much later, after many hours of research, and consulting with others, learning about the history of Cointelpro and the modern day forms of this, which matched to a tee, what me and other targets were experiencing. Finding out that my government was capable of this sort of corruption and Communistic, Stasi like tactics was the biggest shock of it all, second only to the fact that my fellow citizens are willing to go along with this.
Things like this happened to John Lennon, Martin Luther king, and at least back then you had to be semi famous for them to do this, or at least part of a cool group like the panthers, or civil rights, anti-war, where nowadays, I guess it's those threatening whistle-blowers, and outspoken types that have to be watched, cause we could be dangerous, we could get people to think for themselves, grow a will of there own, seek independence, realise there is something incredibly wrong with a system like this. So I guess that makes some of us the new it people, without knowing why.
[quote]From early in 1972 John Lennon knew he was under surveillance, being followed in the streets and with his telephone tapped. More ominously, in late 1972, he told Paul Krassner, a left-wing friend of Yoko Ono's in San Francisco from the early 1960s: "Listen, if anything happens to Yoko and me, it was not an accident." [/quote]
Princess Diana 10 years ago, mentioned that she might die in a car accident, do you see the world rushing to get her justice. Martin Luther King, placed under covert investigation, marked for death an a month later he dies, even after we have documents that say this much, do we see justice for him? So if the rich and famous don't stand a chance, and this has been going on for years, then what is really going to change now? Just curious, just a thought.
A year later still not closer to finding out my exact point of inception. Maybe as long as you are outspoken and a leader type you get a file opened automatically. Several hundred thousand Canadians did just by attending our universities and colleges over the years.
All I know is unlike what I thought most of the last few years, this monster probably began before my job with Rogers wireless/cable. Rogers however was where I first noticed the workplace mobbing, but apparently not the inception point, like I had first thought. Since this corrupt system is systemic why should I even still bother trying to find my point of inception? It the curious part of me I guess. still trying to find patient zero, where the big bang started, the moment that set it off, if there was a moment. Things like that I still need to know, the micro stuff that affects me, and not the macro stuff that affected everyone else.

I do now know that people along the way used the situation to further set me up. To make what was a bad and unspeakable situation worst. Eg. CIBC. I had Stephen Snell a manager at CIBC who consistently brags about his friendship with our current Prime Minister, Stephen Harper. (He does actually know him.) He lied or misconstrued an incident at work. As far as I am aware he took something I said purposely out of context to try to frame me and me it look like I had said something threatening to him or violent when I had not. Like how low can you go?
At the time of the incident I sort of had some inclination of what he was doing, this is way before I learnt about how targets of these sorts of investigations are routinely set up. I sent him an email so that he was very clear about what had been said, and the context it had been said in. However my understanding is he did not make any attempts knowing this to get the matter rectified, and since I was not suppose to be aware of this, it was hard to follow up on this.
In retrospect since working at other jobs, I have now learnt that the mobbing I was experiencing and constantly complaining about was purposely being done and coordinated. That was shocking, cause I had no idea when I was working at CIBC. Purposely being done, to create a self-fulfilling situation. My fellow sheeple going right along with it because they were asked or told to. That is messed up, and not just asked or told to by anyone. They are doing this because they are part of these programs. That is just so wrong. Looking back, some of the things people said, and the way they did stuff, now make sense, but there is no way, I could have figured this out, or believe it. These are the sorts of yes men, and woman at the helms of society.
The other factor that is still creepy and hard to understand at times, is that via directed conversations about things that I had done or said, very specific things, these people knew what was happening inside my apartment. I suppose I am suppose to be impressed by the scope and the power of this, but I am just not. Even with everything that's happened, I just think it's so sad that there are so few in our society with any balls of their own. Any minds of their own. Any wills, any courage, any gumption. It's just leaves me even less impressed. I guessed I learnt a long time ago about who to fear, who had power, and who was really impressive, and unless you meet those standards, you are just so not it.

Hindsight is 20/20. A lot of things people said, did, why they were scared of other certain people, I just could never get it then. When you are not aware of this stuff, there is no way it's breaking through. Your mind just does not work in this corrupt fashion, so how could you ever become aware of this stuff? I was lucky. I know it seems weird to use that word to describe my present situation, but I guess in a way I was. I had something super duper weird happening in my life, it was ongoing for years. I knew the people around me were taking part, but could never figure out why people were going along with whatever was happening. Remember at the time all I was aware of was the mobbing, the harassment outside of work, and that there was some super duper, nasty stuff being said about me. I had no concept that the world was like this. (Don't know why, the bible does mention that the world is corrupt, Jesus was a target of the state, and Judas did spy on and betray him.)
Wanting the truth badly enough was the lucky part for me. Opening myself up to the fact that when the truth about whatever was going on came out, it was going to be pretty big, encompassing, and a lot of betrayal would be uncovered, this I knew. The rest I could never have imagined.
Before I figured this out I knew my Internet activity was being tracked. I knew this because again things that were of a personal nature were making their way online, and there is no other way it could have been happening. I started to suspect internal monitoring, so over time I did little things, said little things, and in time had it confirmed. I don't know what was more creepy, suspecting or finally knowing. It was not just the people at work, seems a few of the people in my community on my street were aware of what was going on in my apartment.
Since then I have learnt all about technology that can listen through walls. That these creatures Suburban Spies seem to have a network, that they like, use, to communicate with each other. (If you didn't like it, and it didn't work for you, you would just not be a part of it. I honestly believe it works for these people and that is why they are a part of this. Everyone else is doing it. That mentality. It's that simple.) It's also how our society is, but unless you see this in action, you just won't get it. I still have trouble wrapping my mind around this, some days I get it, other days I just don't. I just don't see how our society could be like this, how could I have spent so much time here, and be unaware? So sometimes I get this, then other times I don't.

Later on at CIBC, just before I quit. I noticed that people would call in, which is normal, but in the course of the conversation, I noticed something that I had not noticed before, and do not believe or think too much was being read into the interaction. I notice what I guess might be called a form of nuero linguist programing. I had not heard the term at the time, but I think this is the likest scenario to what was happening that I have been able to find. They would call in and in the course of the conversation get you into a series of yes responses. Our scripting on it's on did this as well, but this was something else. It was like you were blank and just mindlessly responding to programing? It's hard to explain, you would just mindlessly give a series of yes responses, but normally not be cognitive of it, but just before I left, I became aware of this. It's almost like being programed or something. I never noticed it for most of the two years that I was there. I know some workplaces use nuero linguistic programing, but the way it was being used in this circumstance, I do not think could have been on the up and up. I really don't know how to articulate it very well, but if it can help someone else, then this was happening, and more than likely is still happening.

The freak show at my home, and at work were a bit much to handle, so I quit and spent the next ten months doing research to try to figure out what was happening. The research is online where most of you can see it. It involved talking to the police, Amnesty, crisis centers to see if they were getting reports of this type of stalking harassment, centers for the marginalised, reading articles, talking to other targets, however I would not get a clear picture until the ten months were over and I went back to work in the real world. That was an eye opener for the scope of this thing. It's systemic. There is no getting your name cleared really, cause this goes from the bottom to the top. That's the part that's hard to wrap my mind around, is that large chunks of society are part of this. From what I am seeing, we are at over 80% if I go by my ex family. We are at 100% capacity. My job immediately after CIBC again 100% capacity taking part in this. What I see on the trains is 90-95% capacity. I always give the more conservative figure of 80-85%, but what I come across is really 90-95% capacity. Again however this has changed since last year. So again as a target what I see, might be a larger concentration than what is actually happening in society. I hope so, but I am doubtful. If this is the case, then getting my records cleared and this stopped, is not the likely. Least not without some spiritual interference. Yes I do believe in a higher power.

During my time of doing research if you will all recall, that is when I was introduced to the fun world of electronic harassment/torture. I spent most of last summer, fall, winter getting accustomed to being electronically shocked, burnt in my home. Unable to believe that stuff like that happened, could happen, and did happen in the world. Not only was I being monitored like an insect in my apartment, my neighbours were taking part. My landlady knew what was going on, and had for some time. I judged these people so harshly back then. There was no way I could understand the scope of this, not back then. I do now sometimes, but then it goes cause I just can't believe that this much of society could go along with this. I grew up with these people, shared the same culture, music, movies, books, mentally? Yet they are willing to go along with this? I guess I have always lived in the world, but not been of the world. The bible recommends this cute little thing, about living in the world, but not being a part of it. The more you live this lifestyle, the more you understand what that means.
I guess the wills of my fellow humans were bought and sold a long time ago when they choose the things of this world. The giving in that was just so comfortable at the time. Doing whatever anyone else was doing. A lot of real targets don't seem to fit this bill, or have anything that the world could use on them. Nothing to threaten, bully, or bribe them with, and so this seems to be what is being used to systemically destroy them. Yes there are people in the world that are still not aware of this, and there will be again.

I recently started listening to one of those speakers who know all about the New World Order, Illuminati. I admit that I had avoided listening to them for the last year, because I just wanted to get my mind around some of this stuff first. The whole secret society stuff took a back seat, I had so many other things to try to understand. I had heard of Free Masons, and each time I tried to research them, I just for some unknown reason, keep thinking they were carpenters or something. Seriously. I knew they were like ancient, and they would pass their craft down the line, and that others joined them to be successful, they helped each other but other than that, every-time I heard the name, I was like, oh that carpenter society. For some reason every-time I tried to learn more about them, that is as far as I had gotten. A year ago I didn't care about secret societies. I still don't. Even if they rule the world, I still find it hard to care about their business, except for where it affect my world, that's where I care.
I mean I get now that there are people trying to make people aware of how entrenched these people are in society and that they are in positions of power: judges, police, politicians, and other important people in these systems of power, however the average citizen if they are like I was a year ago are not getting this. You can say Secret Societies, Illuminati, Free Masons, Secret Cabal's, and it just does not register. We don't think that way, so this is not the best approach for waking the world up. The unaware if you use this approach will probably remain unaware, even if it pertains to them on some level. Remember after starting to be aware of some of this stuff I watched an AOL video, one of those famous movie directors was all like the world is ruled by a secret Kabul. It registered with me because I was more or less aware, but I don't know that the average citizen would get that or interpret this, our minds just don't work that way. Afterwards it's another story, and then when you look back at stuff, it's like oh. Hindsight is 20/20. It's like when you are innocent and people try to tell raunchy jokes, you just don't get it. Your mind does not work that way, afterwards, it's like oh. Most people trying to make others aware do it on a level that the aware can understand, but you are not reaching the sleeping, sheeple people, at least not to the degree in which you need to, and not fast enough.
I know I did not care about secret societies and still don't, but if you can link in average things, and then build to the connection to this, more average people might just get this sooner than later. Just a thought. Not that anyone would really want to get this.
I was not sure if I should make this several short posts or one really long post, but things seem to get lost in translation with really long posts.
Electromagnetic energy. Seems not only is this being used to track targets in their homes, at work. They seem to be using it to track heart rate/beat, and vibrations. It might also be getting used as a blocker on some levels, like a sort of jail cell for some functions if that makes any sense. To stop us from tuning into things that might be of use to us. Things that might help us gain information. Also the EMF-(Electromagnetic frequency vibrates targets at their level not your own, which is not healthy. You can feel it. Maybe this video can help you understand what I have been thinking about. (In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God? Where did he get sound from? Can't find it in any translation. Still the stuff he says is interesting.) So if they use EMF on targets it could be with the intention of throwing off our vibrational patterns and causing illness over time, not to mention it makes it hard for us to sleep. Needless to say, as a target it's important to find a work around for this.

I don't know if David Icke will end up being a disinfo agent or not, or even an accidental disinfo agent, but I think the things he says are interesting. Not so much the lizard stuff, but the Matrix stuff, and the multidimensional stuff, also the stuff on electromagnetic frequency. At a time when I am trying to understand this stuff, his stuff seems to have crossed my path.


The other thing that is interesting that I have not written too much about is the ability of these people to remotely control electronic devices. Now I figure it's some sort of powerful universal electronic remote control or something similar, wither it's something on the market that the average person can buy, or not I don't know, however, these are objects that I have seen that have been remotely manipulated.
Eg. DVD player, portable CD/tape player, computer, fridge. Stuff like things turning off and on remotely. Stopping on their own remotely, like this has happened over a period of time, observable, repeatedly. I have been able to observe it, and have enough of my stuff tampered with, till I feel comfortable writing about it. Other targets have mentioned this, but it's something to see it on your own.
So getting things turned off and on is something that they can do. I don't know if any universal remote controls on the markets can do this from the other apartment, but I have seen enough to say that this can and is being done. I just don't know if it's something the average person can get, or if it's something a little more off the market.
When I lived at home my neighbour had an electronic door bell, we got the exact same one or similar, and whenever our door would ring his would also and vise versa, so things can work on the same signals from wide ranges, and the door bell sensor worked through walls, but a type of universal remote control that controls most electronic devices don't know. I have not looked into it. For me it's enough over the last year to say this is something that other targets have reported, and that I am reporting. I don't think it's anything spectacular, it's just one more thing to piss targets off, when their electronics stop working, or start messing up.

More fun. After doing some groceries, where the S.S. still try to find out what I am putting in my cart. I assume this is so that they know your buying habits later on if they need to this will come in handy. That rare product that you buy that no one else does. I had to wait for the train, so I got down to the platform. Everyone got in positions on the platform. The SS take 2 each per train care minimum. It was crowded and I wanted to see what would happen so I waited for the next train, it was out of service, so was the next one, until the suburban spies were all in place again. In the course of 45 minutes to an hour, there were 7 trains out of service. That's an exceptionally high amount of trains out of service, in a short space of time.
This is again the one thing I don't know. From what I see, it looks like most of society is taking part in this, but that's only when they know where I am going. The few times, where I have taken unexpected turns, which doesn't happen that often, it's like they need time to get the people in place. Otherwise I see the large concentrations that I am always writing about. So that does beg the question of the scope of society that is taking part in this?
Eg. The seven trains that were out of service over the 45-60 minutes that I waited to watch and observe, could very well have taken on passengers at the next stop. So except for the girl that was also waiting for someone at the station, no one else would have noticed this, or even been aware. Eg. The suburban spies would not be aware that there were seven trains out of service in a short space of time cause once in place, the train would come that batch would go, and be done. At the next station if the trains that drove through as out of service at my station went back into service, it would hardly cause a delay and no one would notice. If someone was waiting at the other station, they might just see a brand new in service train. Don't we all just love those? So what the target experiences and sees in a day, could be very different conceptually than what is happening. For me, I have been taking the train for years and I can not recall seeing seven out of service trains in a 45-60 minute period. The few times that I have had to sit and wait for someone you see maybe one or two, but not usually seven out of service trains. Even with delays I don't recall ever seeing that many, and I have been taking the subway for years. Things like this must waste money, and for what? So that was interesting to observe. It does not take a lot of effort. Now I was going to stay there for a few more hours and let them waste more money, cause I love doing that to them, but I had things to do, so I found a workaround. Thank God they are so robotic and stupid.
Again as a target, what I am seeing is phenomenal, and encompassing, however this does not necessarily mean it's an accurate depiction. I can say that my environment is being manipulated, but to what degree, I have no idea. Eg. It's very possible for these people to set targets up in this way so we know that we are being stalked and manipulated, but the rest of society has no idea what we are talking about, again so it gives the perception that the target is loony, but the targets environment is being manipulated. So the average person again sees what, 15 minutes of this, where the target sees 24/7 of this?
Eg. Most of the time at was at CIBC, I could go to the washroom facilities alone one one would be around, I could take the elevators by myself and no one would be stalking me. I had moments where I could go to the park, and I have memories of being by myself, so even though this was going on, the monitoring at close range seems to have happened some time near or around the Stephen Snell incident, or right after I decided to file the human rights complaint. Although the Snell incident seems to have been orchestrated because I decided to go to the human right commission, and because a manger at work, had finally pointed out the harassment that was happening. Again how can someone set someone up and that person has no recourse, because someone else decided to lie? More importantly I am not suppose to have been made aware of this. Doesn't make any sense to me, but then this does not have to make sense, lies do not have to make sense. The only thing that has to make sense is truth. If that makes any sense. The point is, after this stuff came out into the open at CIBC, that's when I noticed the being followed at close range in the elevators, washroom areas, and that's when I have noticed the monitoring at close range. So even though I was being observed previously to this, it was at none close range, if the apartments around me can be considered none close range.

So although this is a lot of ground to cover, I don't want to do a billion short little posts. I hate long post, but you will just have to read through this one somehow.

The freaking looser Suburban Spies seem to be spraying what I think might be bug spray, or something at nights when I am suppose to be sleeping. You can hear it, and the other day I walked into one room in my apartment and it was very noticeable and so gross. Had to close in the door. I know other targets complain about this consistently, but my only other experience was at Christmas time at the other apartment.

Decided to associate with the betraying family, there was some people that I had not seen for a while. The whole thing was there, but afterwards, I could not help but notice that the whole thing seemed so staged. Again i wanted to attend one location, and they all wanted to have the location moved to a smaller more controlled location. Then ofcourse we had the Suburban Spies all take up their position in 30 minute shifts. After the gathering I left, but could not help but notice how empty the whole thing was.
I sat on a side lane street shortly after this to just think. Houses are situation on just one side of the street. As I was passing up the street the house three doors down had one Suburban Spy there, with her son on a bicycle. Then a short while later after I sat down a few houses over, one came down to walk past me, then a few doors further up another one came out to water the lawn. Then later another one came to walk up the street. Then after the house where I was sitting a man came out, looked to see what I was doing, I had been almost expecting him. I had looked back several times, and I had not seen anyone peeking through the window, or anything, or even felt that I was particularly being watched, but there he was. I looked back he realised I was doing nothing but sitting there, went back into not the house he came out of, but the joined house beside him. Don't know if he owned both homes or what, but that should give you an idea of what the target observes perceptually. At no point was I alone, or out of sight. It seems that wherever the target is, the little S.S. (suburban Spies) my fellow citizens get some sort of neighbourhood watch alert goes up. I know my cellphone was used previously to track my whereabouts, and now it's my laptop, but they are pretty good on their own even with this stuff out of the way, not perfect however.

(Hey this is freaky, I am watching this video as I am typing and and it just talked about a Faraday shield.) It said something about a captured alien. (I don't have an opinion on aliens.) However this is interesting, according to this, they kept the alien in a Faraday shield, because it blocks or prevents the transmission of electromagnetic energy. Apparently aliens can disappear through walls and by preventing this transmission of this energy, you can prevent them from doing this. Don't know about aliens, currently don't have an opinion, but this is going back to my other question. Why is this electromagnetic thing being used? I mean I know it feels torturous to the targets, and the S.S. (Suburban Spies) use it for monitoring and tracking purposes, but is there more going on? Eg. Like does infact as some sort of a blocker for sending and receiving electromagnetic energy. I had just talked about this on the forum a few days ago. I really have to do some more research on this. I just thought it was cool, that as I was writing this post, something else popped into the fore front about electromagnetic energy. Interesting.

I guess I will cut the post short and go do some research. So if anyone has any ideas, or feedback, feel free to holla back. I guess you are getting one long post, but I will try to clean it up a bit.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

It looks like this hasn't been updated in many years so I'm probably wasting my time making a comment.

It has some good information ,particularly on criminal pesticide fumigations of apartments, so please change the color scheme to a neutral color as your blog is almost unreadable.



Yes it's the government. Law enforcement.

Saturday, December 12, 2015  

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