Gang Stalking

A upto date blog about my adventures with gangstalking. This is my way of sharing with the world what gang stalking is really like. Some helpful books. Gang Stalking Books Mobbing Books

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

I want out.

Ever wonder if the Governments of the world are full of Passive Aggressive Manipulators? Now as many of you can remember I started blogging about these about 7 months ago. I thought I had identified one at my old job, that had set it's sights on me.

I was thinking about the Government and I wonder how many attributes they have in common with P.A.M.'s?They are big on being in control. They don't seem like it, but they are some of the most controlling people on the face of the planet, as well as manipulative. They also like to have all the power in a relationship, be it friendship or other. Now don't get me wrong they can be very nice people, people you want to be friends with, as long as you are not the one being manipulated by them, then it's another story.

It's the same with the government. I trusted my government. Thought they were nice, and so they are if you are not the one being Gang Stalked by them, then it's another story. They also like to be in control, they are manipulative and they also like to have the power in a relationship, as targets well know.

They love games, passive, aggressive, manipulative games. They like to hide in the shadow, behind a mask of sincerity, and harmlessness. The harmless geek type, wouldn't hurt a fly. Have you seen some of the people in government?

They like to play games that will psychologically over time weaken their targets. If they can find a hook, a way to dig into the target they will do it. Eg. Attack a persons weight, make them feel insufficient, unworthy, do little things to break them down, while all the time making the target seem like they have the problem, or that they are the ones who are causing the harm in the friendship, relationship. When called on the bullshit, they feign being hurt, or attacked, knowing full well what they are doing. They are good at dropping tears at the drop of a bucket.

Remember Gang Stalking is very similar, the government plays a psychological/Social game with the targets life that is set to destroy them, or at least severely limit their capacity. They do it over time, and if the target lashes out justifiably, they make it seem like it's the targets fault.
Also trying to get away from a passive aggressive manipulator is almost as hard as getting away from Gang Stalking. I have known people to leave the country to get away from one of these people. With Gang Stalking targets are hardly ever that lucky.

Passive Aggressive Manipulators are hard to spot and hard to identify, even if you do identify one, most people would not believe you. The same is true for Gang Stalking, even when you try to tell them that the government is crazy and stalking you, via snitches, most people don't believe. Also with both scenarios, if you do nothing to correct the situation it just get's worst and worst and you just get sucked further down.

[quote]They're not that hard to deal with. You can ignore them (hey, works for most) or just say things like;"I hear what you're saying and I fully understand what you're asking for. However even if I wanted to do this I haven't got the authority to do it, so I'll have to get someone else."However the customer won't want to hear this because they know that the next person will see right through them and veto their demands. They're hoping that the first point of contact is a clueless pusher of pencils. If the first point of contact makes a mistake and gives them something they're not entitled to then the customer has won. Handball this type as soon as it becomes feasible to do so, but make sure you give a very detailed account of any conversation that you've had with them because this type of customer will most certainly lie to the next person and say things such as; "The person I was speaking to said that you'd be able to do this." This is despite the fact that you've said no such thing. [b]The passive/ aggressive manipulator lives in their own plane of reality and everyone is lying but themselves. Remember that and you'll soon be able to spot them and easily deal with anything they have to offer. [/b]

Just like P.A.M.'s, they will say it is black, when you have said it is white, and the clueless people around them will just go along with it. The same is true with the government, once they list you as insane, a pedophile, drug dealer, whatever lie they use to get you stalked and mobbed 24/7, they will not give up, and unless you learn to use your voice and express yourself as a target, your side of the story will never get heard. It will be a one sided conversation, where you never get to voice or express what you are feeling.

Passive aggressive manipulators, seem really warm and caring, but they can also be downright cold and feeling less. They can also be ruthless and dangerous, just like the government. If you think you are dealing with one, handle with caution, if you know you are dealing with one, well handle with even more caution.

Doing nothing does not work, getting angry does not work, you have to find someway to express to the world how you feel about the situation without coming off as the aggressor, dealing with manipulators and Gang Stalking is the same. Also manipulators in some cases can be as bad as the government. Because they are controlling, in some cases they like to know your actions 24/7. If the government could get inside the heads of targets they would.

How to deal with them. Discontinue association. Stop talking to them and interact with them as little as possible the moment you know that you are dealing with one. However if you really are dealing with one, you might have to eventually go public about ending the friendship or association and even then that will often just spur on the P.A.M. The same is true for the government. The moment they know that we are trying to get away from the Gang Stalking, they try to turn it up a notch, they like to think that they have you in a death grip and will not let go. Sometimes I wish we could Gang Stalk them.

Anyways I was wondering if writing a public I want out letter to the stalkers would help. It would go something like this.

I want out. I never wanted to be a Gang Stalking target. This is not ok with me, it never has been, and it never will be. I have been saying I want out for the last two years, you have just not been listening or we have a failure to communicate. Either way. I find Gang Stalking to be psychologically, emotionally abusive, and degrading. I don't want to play this game anymore, I never did. I want my name out of this mess, I want my files removed and my name cleared. Stop spreading lies about me and the other targets. It's nothing personal, but some people like the attention 24/7 and I personally don't. I want my privacy back. I want the electronic/torture harassment to stop. I realise as long as I live in your country, that might not be possible, since there are just some ties that bind that can not be easily broken, but I still want out.

I want to live in peace and quite, i want to stop being psychologically degraded, manipulated, and I don't appreciate the control. I do realise that my fellow sheeple for the most part are ok with this, and some even like the game, however I don't. I don't like the jobs that I have lost due to this garbage, or the reputation that has been ruined due to this, and I want it to stop. Simply put I want out.

In the future should I get bored and decide I again want to be psychologically manipulated, controlled, etc, I will let ya know. Yours sincerely, Citizen Gang Stalking.

Do I really think that would work? No, but it might be fun to do. All we can do is realise that silence kills, but also over reacting does us no good. These people are looking to push our buttons, they are playing games that we never asked to play. They will hold on to and control us as long as we let them. We must do what we can to remove them from our realm, that means on a physical level, but also on a psychological level and that can take time. Remember the name of the game is to ruin the targets reputation, put them into stressful situations, make them seem like they are the ones with the problem. Never let them get their side of the story out, and keep the rumour mill going. While seeming like the friendly benevolent government that would never do their citizens any harm right? That's why I think governments are really passive aggressive manipulators at heart, and all we can do is work at getting out on every level that we can.

They do not have our best interests at heart, they are out to make sure that targets are degraded in every way possible, and it's up to us to find a way out. We have to realise they will play these games for as long as we let them. Our best methods of defence are again exposure and awareness. Will it stop the Gang Stalking, probably not, but it can make it less severe. When you don't have a voice and others are doing the talking for you you have no chance for survival.

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