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Saturday, October 24, 2009

U.S. National Emergency. The ADEX Index

Back in Feburary of this year I blogged about something called the ADEX Index, it's a list of people that the U.S. government keeps, these people could potentially be rounded in a national emergency.

[quote]These ADEX lists have been around since the time of the Black Panthers and others. Many of the Panthers were on this list, Malcolm X, many others, and these lists exist now. The theory is that many of the outspoken are on the lists, journalists, just the usual suspects, and people have said political bloggers, etc. So if an emergency does happen there could, and it’s been speculated by these sites, will be round up’s.[/quote]

Well guess what, the U.S. recently decleared a national emergency for swine flu.


Emergency rules will make it easier to handle anticipated surge in patients

President Barack Obama has declared a national emergency as swine flu deaths reached 1,000. Photograph: Brian Kersey/Getty Images

President Barack Obama has declared a national emergency in America as swine flu deaths reached 1,000. In Britain, meanwhile, 122 people have died and cases of swine flu have more than doubled in the past seven days.[/quote]

1000 deaths and it's a national emergency. Keep in mind that the regular flu kills 36,000 people every year. Also according to a CBS article the CDC asked the states to stop testing and tracking swine flu cases back in July,


If you’ve been diagnosed “probable” or “presumed” 2009 H1N1 or “swine flu” in recent months, you may be surprised to know this: odds are you didn’t have H1N1 flu.

While we waited for CDC to provide the data, which it eventually did, we asked all 50 states for their statistics on state lab-confirmed H1N1 prior to the halt of individual testing and counting in July. The results reveal a pattern that surprised a number of health care professionals we consulted. The vast majority of cases were negative for H1N1 as well as seasonal flu, despite the fact that many states were specifically testing patients deemed to be most likely to have H1N1 flu, based on symptoms and risk factors, such as travel to Mexico.


The development is very interesting and should be watched closely. Based on the CBS report, the swine flu was being overestimated when testing was happening, it was not as wide spread as believed. Since some testing stopped in July, how can the true state of swine flu be determined? Even if 1000 U.S. citizens have died, it does not compare to the seasonal flu, which kills 36,000 in the U.S. annually.

So instead we have a government with national emergency powers, which include round up's of citizens on the ADEX Index, and other measures that they did not previously have for a flu that is no worst than the yearly flu.

One has to beg the question, what is the true purpose of this national emergency being called?

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