Gang Stalking

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Friday, April 09, 2010


Why I reject this system that is currently in place?

I reject this system that is currently in place, and I want no part of it, and have no desire to be a part of it.

As a Gang Stalking target I have seen what this system is capable of, and it's not pretty. To say that it is not pretty is an understatement. As a target I have had the pleasure of hearing the stories of people targeted by this system. I have seen lives destroyed. I have heard of and reviewed many cases of innocent people who have been jailed, put in mental health facilities, people have written in about relatives who have committed suicides, and deliberate deaths, due to this systemic type of targeting. Plus all the other stories that have turned up.

At this stage it's I who objects to, and rejects this system, and not the other way around. This system seems to want me to be a part of it, and I simply want nothing to do with it. I have examined all angles and I deeply feel this system will do more harm than good for too many that are like me, and thus it is not in my best interest to be supportive of such a system.

Most of the people that I see on our in public who are a part of this systemic program, seem to think that this system is just some system to tell them who is bad, vs who is good, who needs watching and monitoring. I agree it does perform that functionality, in part, but on the other hand it's used as a system to falsely target perceived enemies of the state. When there is a threat such as a bombing in another city, a mass shooting, you can see the individuals that are a part of this system go into action, it makes them feel safe, in the loop. On the surface it does fulfill this purpose, but underneath it functions as a gang, a cult, handmaidens of the NWO if you will. I understand most people do not view the system this way, and will not readily share this opinion, but that is the most practical comparison, that I can give for how the system tries to bring in individuals who want no part of it.

This system functions like a gang because they use intimidation, and bullying tactics. They function like a cult in the sense that the community is controlled just like a cult is. Most people just like every other cult, have no clue that they are in a cult, being a target of this system, has afforded me a perspective that is most likely in opposition to how many view this system, but that it's a point of view and perspective that I am grateful for.

This system targets individuals for various surface reasons, but the underlying reasons of why someone really gets targeted are quite different. I have no plans to wake up, or be threatened into embracing this system. In a free society, that should be a choice of each citizen, but what this system tries to do is use intimidation, bullying, systemic destruction, to try to break individuals down, and to try to then rebuild them back as part of this system. This has not been successful in my case thus far. This system has not been able to break me down, and instead of making me want to cave and become a part of this system, what I have seen, puts me in deep opposition to the way this system functions. I deeply have no desire to be a part of this system.

Don't get me wrong, there are people who are legitimately trying to do some good, or trying to do the right thing. I do understand that there are good people who are part of this system. I appreciate you, respect you, and have an affinity for you. I also see naive people who are part of this system, that just don't and will not see the bad that this system does, I respect you also, because I was also naive myself once. Then there are those that understand the brutality of this system, that this system is working towards a specific goal. A more malevolent outcome, those who take advantage of this system, use it to try to undermine, degrade others, or get even with enemies. I have no respect for these people, or this sort. I believe that the majority of people, just like in Germany, have to believe in the purity of what is being done. I am not like that, I have had the pleasure of being on the opposite side of the fence, and see all too well, the injustice that can happen under such a system.

What I am saying is that though I would like to get my records cleared of wrong or false information that might be out there, I am not interested in becoming part of this system. I will look out for my neighbours, be a good citizen, help out when I can, but I never want to be a part of this system, I am not looking for an in, if anything I am looking to stay out. It's an offer that I feel that I must refuse, consider the invitation declined. I believe the way this system functions is in direct opposition to creating a truly good society. This system functions not that dissimilar to witch trials of the past, inquisitions, Stasi listings, Cointelpro, etc. Targets are flagged, systemically destroyed, set up, and often ruined systemically, and unjustly.

I am trying to be as politic as I can be, in saying that this system is not for me. I understand that many of these people think that they are doing something good, like any cult they believe in what they are doing. They love bomb you when you do what they want, and act psychotic when they don't have control. I am not a fan of control systems. I am also not much of a joiner. I have seen all the tactics over the last several years, and feel more strongly today, than I have in any other point and time, and at this stage, I have a clearer understanding of how this program works. The problem is that people are told that they are targeting undesirables, but this program is targeting enemies of the state. Innocent people are being targeted and destroyed, that has been the bulk of what the research has shown over the last several years.

I have witnessed, bullying, love bombing, thugs in sheep's clothing, and I am not impressed by what I have seen, not at all. There is no allegiance that I desire, no membership that I seek, nothing that I wish to do with a system that is capable of destroying the innocent, under the guise of rehabilitating them, or keeping society safe. In that capacity this system has nothing that I want.

Over the last several years I have been blessed, to see some of the worst of what people are capable of. How they are capable and able of systemically destroying others. I have watched the sheer inhumanity of this system, the silent deaths that will never be acknowledged or brought to justice. Those locked away falsely, or imprisoned falsely due to this. This system and how it works, functions, destroys is against everything that is good. I think the former East Germany and Russia worked in similar fashion. People on the other side think they are doing good, cleaning up society, but that is not the case. What is happening now is a systemic cleansing. Most won't see it for what it is, or if they do, they won't do anything about it.

I say this with as much light and love as I can, I truly believe that this system is not right in the way that it currently functions. I think it's toxic in it's current functionality, but I am not sure how such a system could be fixed or changed. The grease that oils the wheels currently, are the underlying injustices, and vigilante cult like mentality is what keeps it functioning, and in place. I am also not sure what the answer is. I think people have to want change for change to happen. I believe that for most this system with it's flaws works for far too many people, and I think that is what keeps it in place.

For my little part, I do what I can when I can. I have exposed the bits and pieces that I can, it's up to others to do the rest. I have brought exposure, awareness, but everyone then has to examine their individual actions and roles in contributing to this system and how it works.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think a lot join the movement with good intentions, but later find out that once you agree to become part of the herd, there is no way out. Hence, they have no choice but to go along with what the "leaders" want, or face the consequences. What these consequences are, I'm not completely sure, but I've read that they have something "happen" to them, like a mysterious death that results in a cold case.

So that's why I chose to not become a part of this herd. It's all about crime and managing crime, not watching potentially dangerous people like they want everyone to believe. The rumor and slander campaigns and false fronts these informants put on is what makes it work. It's all about deception.

Saturday, April 10, 2010  
Blogger gang stalking said...

I don't think it's that dramatic. The communities have people they are flagging. Under the stupid community health and safety program, they have to teach the sheeple who the bad people are. That means that they under the health and safety programs tell them who to watch for. As a flagged target travels through the area, they are on alert, and they use the one handed signal to communicate to each other.

They use this to watch for terrorists, pedophiles, crazy people, drug users, and a variety of others. They think this is great, cause it flags the crazies, they don't have to independently think anymore or ask critical questions such as why was this person flagged?

The state tells them who is bad, and they protect their little selves from the big bad, labeled us. They seem to have recognized that I am an asset, but I don't care, I don't want in on that side. I am not loving life on the hunted side, but I can not fail to see the evil of this set up, and want no part of it.

You Anonymous have either not been reading the latest on what is Gang Stalking, cause you seem to still be spreading the stalking gang myth. Just average people, who are letting the state think for them, telling them who is good from bad. The daddy state protector in reality has found a way to diddle the other children, while these children look on thinking that we the targets deserve our punishment.

Saturday, April 10, 2010  
Blogger gang stalking said...

What' really sad is that anyone who knows their sign language they don't question, cause they seem to think that makes that person a club member, and then they don't think twice that that person might have the missing girls locked in the basement.

Saturday, April 10, 2010  
Blogger gang stalking said...

I agree it's all about deception. This system is false and these people in many cases don't seem to realize the bigger structure that is being set up.

I was wrong, I see by your post you are up to date on the latest with the violent persons, etc. Sorry about that, my bad.

Saturday, April 10, 2010  

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