Gang Stalking

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Monday, November 29, 2010

Spiritual Liability

Spiritual Liability

What is a spiritual liability? Apparently there are people that you feel are not suitable on earth and those would be considered earth liabilities, well it seems if some would have their way, spirits are now to be classified in similar manner.

Think about what this means, we are one connected world in our dreams, we can connect with people that we do not know, people we may never encounter on this realm. Tribes of the past use to use dreams to connect to the ancestors. That's kind of neat right.

The slave who is bound with chains during the day, can at least be free in their dreams.

The begger who watches his princess marry another, may at least scale her palace gates, and access his love, and they may be together if only in their dreams.

The young child who works on the street corner by day, can at least dream of a better existence at night in dreams.

Humanity which cries out for a savior, can conspire in their sleep for one such as this to be called forth.

I believe that long before many things happen, or take shape on this realm, they happen in spirit. I believe that maybe we even meet people we are suppose to know on some higher spiritual plane and spirits conspire to meet on earth. I know that sounds crazy, but how many times have we heard stories of people meeting their future spouses and they feel as if they have meet before, maybe even in a dream?

It's wonderful to think that dreams allow us freedoms that we might never have on this realm, that dreams can free us, that even if we are government targets in one realm, we might at least have freedom in another, but what is someday science and technology are able to control our dreams?

What if someday we can even be controlled in our sleeps, or enslaved in our sleeps? Seen as spiritual liabilities who are denied access to certain people. What if someday someone can come, and from a distance sell you out to some government or other agency to rob you of your dreams? How monstrous would that be? How God like would we think of ourselves if we could do such things?

Imagine a world where even in dreams some think of themselves as so high and mighty that they do not want to be bothered with the spiritual riff raff, if they think themselves too high or powerful that a command can be given to keep one entity away from another. A world where the spiritual soul can be controlled, dear I even say mind controlled, where that part of the mind could be interfered with to keep an entity away from another, or to only interact with those that others have deemed suitable.

I don't want to imagine a world such as this, but I fear that this is the type of world we will be finding ourselves in sooner than expected. As you know I have been doing the research on the Remote Neural Monitoring, Dream Manipulations, etc and it's pretty scary what society is capable of, and what people are willing to do to others without even thinking twice. A simple command and someone life in dreams as well as while awake is ruined.

I really do not want to imagine a world or that such as this, but I am too much of a realist to realize that our technology is making it true.

What I do know is that in my awake world, I am outspoken, it's a trait that I do not wish to live without. I would defend those that I care about and that I think are worthy of defending. I don't think that I am the worst person in the world, but I also do not at present have the status or financial means that some enjoy in this realm. Therefore in this realm, I don't mind some barriers, or if some think themselves too great for an association.

In my dreams however it's a different story. Unlike my awake realms, my dream realm is to be a free, obscured plain of existence. I don't expect people to spiritually interfere with me, or obstruct my course, anymore than they would expect me to obstruct theirs.
In my dreams I seem to be more social, and I am less conservative in some ways than I am in others, but there is a kindness about my spirit that I am found of. Unfortunately I seem to be less discriminating in my dreams, and seem willing to associate with a variety of people that I can't imagine I would associate with in my awake realm.

In dreams my spirit is not limited by financial or social status. I think in dreams my spirit would be deemed suitable in some ways, but for some, unsuitable in others. (Some items can only be truly appreciated by the right collectors.) What I do know is that there is a kindness about my spirit that I have grown found of. An innocence I see in dreams, that I have long lost in this realm, a willingness to believe in the goodness of others, and their intentions. A naiveté that can be ill afforded, but one that I can not control in spirit. A warmth that I have long nestled away, and am no longer willing to share with this world. A child like innocence, a virtue I have long lost in many ways still exists within some part of me, that I like to think of as the soul. I am happy to see those traits if only in my dreams. It's hard for me to imagine that there are those who would now create sciences that would access such realms, and try to do unwell things in our dreams, but this is the very reality that we are looking at with such technology. We live in a world where our sciences would soon allow us to think that we are near Gods, very dangerous indeed.

Imagine if in dreams you were prevented from associating with your future soul mate, cause someone thought to keep you from specific circles, because they thought too well of themselves?

Imagine in dreams humanity being enslaved, and leaders like Joan of ark thought to be too base to meet with the king, or made to dream basic dreams and so prevented in spirit as well as on earth, how many great destinies and history might be lost with such thinking?

Imagine Joseph and Mary in dreams being turned away, because they were not deemed suitable for the inn, and a young child dying out in the cold. Or in dreams if a young child had been found by Harold and his blood lust what might have been. Imagine if dreams shaped reality in some way?

I don't claim to be an expert on dreams. Till a few years back, my dreams were pretty normal, it's only in the last few years that my dreams have begun to play a bigger role, in my awareness of things. For some reason my targeting put me in touch with my dreams. I guess as a part of the survival process, it became necessary, but I also think that things do not necessarily happen before their time.

I have become more aware that dreams are a connection to the soul. I believe that we often do meet people in dreams before we ever meet them on the face of the earth. So maybe some of the old traditions are not so silly, traditions such as putting items under a pillow to see your future soul mate in dreams.

I believe we invent things in our dreams, some of our great discoveries such as the double helix have come from dreams, some of the greatest puzzles have been solved in dreams. Some people even have predictive dreams such as President Lincoln dreaming his own death, or Mark Twain dreaming of the death of his brother.

Some people have dreams of other worlds, and other realms, and the images that they bring back, often lead to new inventions. Some even have dreams where they see loved one's who have passed away, or ancestors from times past. Some people see, interact with and are visited by angel's in their dreams, such as Jacob and his ladder from the bible. Dreams are an amazing connection to the soul, and imagine if that gateway could be blocked, stifled, interfered with, or access cut off? Imagine if shared dreams create a future destiny, and if those dreams could be interfered with by removing a specific dreamer, how many leaders, and Saviour's in human history might not have been called forth?

Dreams are an amazing thing, even at it's best our science can not fully explain them. Some leaders dream of greatness first and later achieve that greatness based on those dreams, now imagine if someone in their arrogance, saw another as unworthy and dared to take away those dreams before they could ever be formed, created, observed? Imagine if events in our realms are shaped by such, how much we could change the course of history? I dare say we would likely not change the course for the better. Imagine the abuses that could be taking place and most would never be aware. That is the future that humanity could be looking at if these technologies get into the hands of the wrong people.

For me personally what I do know is that I liked my dreams, they were fun, fulfilling, as you know lately I have not dreamt the way that I use to, my dreams seem to be filled with fluff, mind attics and dream stages, dreams of mind programing, and handlers, dreams that are rejected time and time again. My regular dreams I long to have, but seem prevented from having. A feeling that something has changed, a morphic resonance of memory, but no recollection of what the change is. Just a feeling that is stronger and deeper than anything that can be destroyed. I guess much like time, even if dreams can be changed or destroyed, there would still be a morphic resonance, a scream on the soul of human destiny that something was just not right, a trace, something that needed to be correct, a knowing, but no way to readily make corrections.

I like to think that intelligent people could understand the ramifications of these actions, others would just abuse the power, in their human stupidity. Don't like your wife's dreams of Fabio, stop her from dreaming about Fabio. Don't think that guy is good enough for your daughter? Stop him from even thinking about her in dreams. Don't like the way your co-worker dreams about beating the heck out of others at the office, stop them from dreaming about that. Don't like the way that street begger Aladdin is always dreaming about a princess, stop his dreams. You can see where I am going with this.

If we ever have the power to achieve this, what advantages might be taken, who might be deemed a spiritual liability? I am sure many great leaders of our time could have fallen into this category. Which leaders would not be, because someone stopped them from dreaming great dreams, cause they felt that the person should only dream average dreams? What battles would have been won and lost if dreams could be changed, manipulated, or never dreamed at all? Who in their arrogance would be so unkind and so cruel, and would try to circumvent God? I believe to interfare with dreams, would be considered direct interfarance with the soul purpose, and I believe if ever such a time comes, there would be a great and terrible reconning to behold.

For now though, I am just some person in this realm, no great status to speak of, no great financial assessts to impress the bling, bling crowd, but a fine mind, a kind soul, and a future that I hope to live unencumbered in my awake realm, and in my dream realms. Also being the snob that I am in this realm, if someone ever thought that I was not suitable or worthy, they would not have to worry about me trying to form an association with them, it would be the other way around. For in this realm, I do not easily forget insults or forgive, those memories at least seem to be quite eternal.

In my dreams I am not there yet, but I hope to teach my spirit a little bit of this social snobbery that I have learnt, so that my spirit will know better than to associate with those that would deem my spirit as unworthy, that would treat my spirit as less than, that would take advantage of the innocent spirit I see in my dreams, that would circumvent a spirit so harmless, and kind. I hope for my spirits sake if I am ever able to dream again, my dreams, that I can impart this lesson, so that my spirit would know better as I do.

No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.
Eleanor Roosevelt

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi it was quite strange to read your post. I have been searching for information regarding gangstalking in dreams for a while. this has been happening to me for years. it comes at periods of my life when i am about to release some information about milab experiences that I have had. I've had everything from actual people beating me up in dreams. Once I dreamt that I was hanging out with some people and they suddenly circled me and began to beat me up by kicking and punching me etc. I was severely beaten but I knew and always know in my dreams that it is manufactured. I always end up telling them that I am a child of the light and that in fact they are not real, that the experience is not real until the dream disappears. The problem with gang stalking in dreams is that a) a person becomes reticent to go to sleep in order to avoid the dreams and this causes severe insomnia and b) you actually feel the pain and bruises and other body pains in the physical when you wake up and c) you are very fatigued in waking life, making your waking life miserable and causing other problems with work etc. I believe that these things are happening to me because lately I have been having dreams where I am actually in some kind of lab and at the end when I discover the truth in the dream and fake them out, they all laugh at me. I'm tired. So very tired in the day that I am completely disabled by these experiences. I have to find the way to stop the abuse. If you have any suggestions, please write to me at thanks

Monday, November 04, 2013  

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