Gang Stalking

A upto date blog about my adventures with gangstalking. This is my way of sharing with the world what gang stalking is really like. Some helpful books. Gang Stalking Books Mobbing Books

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Vibrating floors and more Gang Stalking 101

Ok so I have some feedback about the vibrating floors and the heat that is eminating from them. Someone on one of my blogs posted this information. I will repost it here in full.

(I found the below posted on one of my blogs.)

Hi, I was advised not to trust anyone long ago by someone who knows. I have started to post some information. The email I used should accept one reply.

If what you are writing is "straight" I am of the opinion that a criminal(s) within the telecommunications company you spoke of are trying to cover "wrong doing" and are the originator(s) of your situation. And that they instigated your extended problems through your employment at the bank.

The following is information that you may find helpful.

"Gangstalking" is a "catchphrase" name describing what has become a part of traditional and new organized crime that is networking through the United States and some other countries. Organized crime groups and "criminal elements" from all walks of life use or hire for pay, criminal organized stalking crews to assault "targets" to cover up financial or other crimes. These criminals "contract" with the covert organized assault crews to silence any potential witness or "trouble maker", whether real or imagined, that could possibly effect their lives.

Crimes were committed against me, and now the people that committed those crimes have "contracted" this "assault squad" to discredit and silence me using their criminal "gas-lighting" methods. I told them before they started this that I had no intention of ever reporting these crimes or pressing any charges against anyone. I have repeated this each year since and am ignored. These "organized criminal crews" have been assaulting me, my family, friends, neighbors and many people in the community I live in for many years. I am not a criminal and have never harmed anyone.

There is always a reason someone is targeted and most will know why and who started it, but apparently some victims never know what happened to them, why it is happening or who "triggered" the overwhelming assault. This is probably because the "trigger event" was irrelevant and meant nothing to the victim, but was perceived as possibly damaging by the criminal(s) involved. The victim could have "upset" somebody and now that person simply wants revenge. I would see that as a waste of time, thought and money, but I guess some people could be "just that way". I've seen estimates of the number of victims of this type of crime, but nothing I consider credible. One victim is too many. I wouldn't even try to guess how many career criminals participate in this. It can't be many as compared to general populations.

This a very lucrative criminal enterprise for many of the perps. People considered important to the success of a "hit" are offered large "bribes" to become a perp and start "working" the victim.

Advanced communications such as the internet, cellphones and voice over internet protocol have accelerated the growth and networking of these organized criminal groups. Their day to day stalking activities depend on these same technologies plus gps and other hi-tech devices such as electronic spy and harassment equipment.

Law enforcement agency's are aware of these criminal groups and are gathering information on them.

I have not read about a "targeted individual" that would have believed this could happen to anyone, had they not become a victim themselves. These criminal stalking groups go to extreme lengths to cover every aspect of their "covert" operations. They try to have a plausible explanation for everything. The crimes they commit are well planned and easy to do but easily deniable.

A victim might see many work projects in the area, small or large, constant maintenance all around the neighborhood involving new workers you have never seen before. Endless traffic of all descriptions. Mobbing activities near your home, on the highway, in stores and on the street. These are mostly perps or all perps in some cases. They will always have a ready made reason to be where they are before they are dispatched.

If you have not been or are not being poisoned and/or drugged, you are not being "gangstalked". "Gangstalking" is described on some websites as a bunch of people "just" following you around doing strange skits. That would just be annoying compared to what it really is. Although it might be possible that victims are not aware of where their "symptoms" are coming from. I thought I was physically ill at first, but then began to see a relationship between my "illnesses" and what can only be described as felony assaults.

The mental and physical effects described by most targets are achieved by covert poisoning using more or less common neruo-interrupters (organic phosphate pesticides), psychotomimetic agents (drugs) and irritants. Some of these chemicals are mixed when needed with additives to make them behave in desired ways. Some are intended to absorb through the skin and others are intended to out-gas. They are not all used in all the described ways. Some, what I will call irritants, are sprayed on the target and act locally on the skin or spread out slowly with various affects. One perp will divert your attention while another one sprays from a "breath spray" size can on bare skin behind or where you won't notice. They always make a noise like clearing their throat so you won't hear the sound. I caught them doing this too. Some drugs are mixed with dispersant's to make them out-gas. These are squirted at or near an isolated target using covert methods. In remote places where possible, constant "Area gassing" is done from neighboring houses. The perps spent a couple days at my neighbors installing the devices they use to disperse their chemicals. I'm sure they are well hidden but I know I can find them. These house devices have been refilled on a regular basis since they were installed. Passing cars/trucks with an electric squirting device are being used, each squirting an out-gassing mixture as they pass by. These were almost constant for several years and are still coming. On the road perps will squirt "out gassing" mixtures from the backs or fronts of their cars/trucks at your car/truck. When they can get away with it perps even do this while walking past in order to gas the target. The chemicals will out-gas quickly or slowly depending on their intended use. The most dangerous assault is the direct assault from a car/truck that has an electrically powered high pressure squirting device behind the grill. These usually squirt pesticide that is intended to stay put and absorb through the skin. This attack can penetrate thick clothing and is usually done in a parking lot or anywhere they can get close to you in a car. Be aware of cars pausing near you or "aiming" at you in parking lots. Individual perps on foot will work their way behind you and squirt your lower back using various covert "rigs". This is what I first caught one of them doing. The chemicals can be administered by "flipped" coworkers, neighbors, friends, family, local strangers and old or new professional (paid) perps. Neuro-interrupters have a cumulative effect. With successive poisonings there is a gradual decrease in cognitive functioning whidh is what is intended by the perps. I read an account of one victim who had been poisoned to the point that he could no longer speak. A perp will always wait close by to observe the condition of the victim after assaults. The protection against this is waterproof or impermeable clothing or any barrier that will block what is essentially a "high-tech squirt gun" If the victim fails to protect themselves, they will go down as a result of these assaults.

Some psyhcotomimetic agents, usually LSD or similar will be applied to surfaces the victim will ordinarily touch, door handles, cabinet drawers, any place in their home, car and places at work. Daily vitamins, coffee, shampoo or anything used or consumed on a daily basis is a potential contamination target, especially single use items. In the home milk is often contaminated with OP pesticide. It is obvious if put in any clear liquid because the liquid becomes cloudy. Gloves and clothing might be turned inside out and "treated". Time to change your cloths, don't forget to shower. The perps will start slowly, only contaminating a single item or items they have control over so no evidence will remain in case law enforcement investigates. After they believe they have compromised the victims credibility they will become more active and aggressive with contamination and all other aspects of the "organized assault".

The following as well as this entire scam may take place over the course of many years.

Co-workers, neighbors, friends, family, law enforcement and the general public are told planned, consistent lies about the victim/target. This will start with law enforcement long before the actual assaults begin. They do this to "set up" the target, hoping law enforcement will believe their lies and ignore the victim when they first report this crime. Perps may show a bogus "investigation" file or flash fake badges in the community as part of the scam. Perps might hire local lawyers and private investigators in a ruse to "legitimize" the scam. Later the perps will report crimes or trip alarms in the area so the police will have to drive by the target's house. This is to make the target believe the police are part of the stalking. They will also pull fake fire alarms for the same purpose. While "working" this chemical attack, the perps perform "street theater" around the target. They hope the poisoned/drugged target will panic, then report and try to describe these bizarre "skits" to law enforcement. The goal is to create poison and drug induced psychotic episodes, paranoia, and actions that could (the perps will say) appear to be schizophrenic (only if you are not educated about schizophrenia would you believe this). The perps often launch large drug assaults against a target in public. If the target is effected enough they will report or encourage a bystander to report the target to law enforcement, saying the target is schizophrenic, crazy or psychotic. Some of the perps are bold enough to say the cops do what they have them do, indicating the perps are making "fools" of and are smarter than law enforcement and the targets. Many in law enforcement are aware of perp stalker tactics now and they would like nothing better than to bust this criminal enterprise or anyone in it.

Some people in the community are tricked or coned into participating. They are told clever lies about the target They may even be deluded into thinking they are doing a "community service". If they knew the truth of what they were involving themselves with they would not cooperate willingly. Others accept money or other forms of compensation. Many who know or are close to the target are forced to take part in this criminal scam, it's essentially "the offer they can't refuse". Some are set up for various crimes and blackmailed, or blackmailed for any existing secrets they want to keep from co-workers, family, friends or the community at large. Those close to the target that resist are threatened and poisoned using these same methods until they obey. After they are "flipped" they are "coached" by these criminals in their "methods" of assault and supplied with "covert equipment" to topically spray or squirt these chemicals on or around the target or in their food or drink. This will be done at every opportunity at the target's home (at night to wake you up) or away, on foot or in the car. Anywhere the target is or goes the perps will work together, using surveillance, advanced communications, stealth and simple diversionary tactics to draw the target into position for an assault that will not be detected by the general public.

The perps have their own websites and "shills" to spread mis-information and dis-information on the internet. Some pose as support for victims trying to disrupt the actions of those who are really trying to help victims. There are perps posing as victims. These perps post intentionally "crazy sounding" accounts describing bogus "satellite attacks" or "advanced electronic weapons" and the ever popular "mind control" which they stretch way beyond anyone's imagination. They want to frighten and confuse real victims with a mix of real and bogus information that they hope will be believed and repeated by victims. These "posers" also try to befriend real targets to gain information to launch yet another attack. They also will tell targets things like "get out and live your life". What they really mean is "come out where we can get a clear shot at you". I read one victims account that said they knew the man that started their stalking and that the man had a reward poster with the victim's picture in a target on his office wall. I think the vic said the offer was $25,000. If you're a target, that will make you think, won't it. Some credible sounding things about this I read on the internet are gone now, disappeared. I like to think I just can't find them, even though that probably isn't the case.

Cyberstalking, everybody knows what that is or can look it up. Just like all the things these guys do it's pretty much "business as usual". They take the information they have gathered about the target and present it in a way that is supposed to make the victim wonder "How did that stranger know that"? It's the same "directed conversation" stuff they do to targets at stores and on the street. Well, the internet is a big place and you don't have to go where people get their "jollies" jerking you around. As a matter of fact you don't have to go there at all except maybe to do a little business now and then. And you don't have to share your thoughts or business on the phone or out loud. You don't have to provide them with information to use against you. When you have to speak around perps, use only the words you need. If you don't talk unless needed the perps will just have to wonder what you are thinking.

Common symptoms (use search engine) of the afore described poisons are attributed to the bogus "secret weapons". "Electromagnetic weapons" of sorts are real but I have been unable to verify or find credible information on any existing "electromagnetic weapons" as they are described in this strange "internet chasm". Also some of the symptoms described could be attributed to simple harassment electronics and some of the "itching" or "burning" powders that the perps sprinkle in target's beds. They will contaminate your bed with various drugs in an attempt to make you "freak out" while trying to sleep. Keep the perps out of your home. The perps might be able to open any lock that uses a key. That leaves some type of combination only lock. If you can afford one or more, install them and learn how to change the combination. Disable all other entry lock key slots with water soluble wood glue, it can be removed later. Secure all windows. At least know if they were inside. Video cameras anywhere, outside or inside are a good thing to slow the perps down or keep them away if done correctly. Your own well hidden cameras or listening equipment inside might keep them out. The perps also use powders that will cause an asthma-like attack. Don't panic, an inhaler will stop it or it will go away soon after you have gotten away from the source. The perps will use amplified high frequency (above human hearing, kind of like a high powered electronic dog whistle) transducers (speakers) to make your ears ring. These can be purchased but it's fairly easy to build a big one with adjustable volume/range. I have seen this "ear ringing" as well as "body vibrations" associated with the non-existent "satellite weapon" attack. The "satellite to earthbound human attack" is still science fiction at this writing. And perps can purchase transducers of the type used in industrial sonic baths and mechanically fix them with screws to floor joists or wall studs underneath repaired drywall, completely hidden from view of normal inspection. The transducers will make your floors vibrate and probably create heat. They spend a lot of time hiding their stuff in houses or apartments so it won't be found under simple visual inspection. If somebody really decides to start looking they *will* start finding these things. These tactics are part of the never ending "smoke and mirrors" routine. Apparently the perps get a "charge" out of inducing false perceptions.

This "con-artist information attack" is intended to further psychologically terrify the victims hoping they will react as if "crazy". After all, that is what it's all about. If the victim fails to protect themselves they have already been poisoned and drugged to what the perps hope is an "excited" state of reduced cognitive ability. At this point in time the victim is usually attacked by the criminal's very real covert weapon. This is most often done at night because it can be effective at waking you up and keeping you awake. It might also be hard to hide or get away with in the daytime because of sound, size, location, etc. This weapon was originally developed as a crowd control device by a company called Scientific Applications & Research Associates Inc. of Huntington Beach. It is an acoustic/sonic weapon that will make internal organs resonate. These effects have been described by victims of these assaults. The weapon I have seen in video demonstration is based on a combustion chamber that releases multiple ignited fuel charges through a wave guide to produce directional "very low frequency" (below human hearing) waves. These waves at the time were hard to control over distance as a beam but as used it probably doesn't matter that much. This would most likely be used on a detached house. There are electrical versions of these weapons that use transducers that could be used from shorter ranges such as adjacent apartments in an apartment building. The electrical versions I read about required a very large amount power, were large and only managed a short pluse before needing recharging. These weapons could be greatly improved by now as far as size and power are concerned. The fuel combustion type I saw could be carried by one man. These weapons have undergone some military testing and are not really a secret, but I haven't been able to find current up to date information (for an old 1997 story, search - U.S.News Wonder Weapons by Douglas Pasternak).

Almost all victims are aware their phone and computer are "tapped" or will be. Information is gathered from every possible source in order to "custom tailor" the many various assaults and "street theater" to the individual. This surveillance information is used and intended to give the target the impression of an "all knowing", "Orwellian" or "big brother" type of situation.

Some are not aware that using a "hard wire tap" (cutting the wire and inserting a computer interface) that the perps can use computer software to digitally edit your call on the fly. They try to illicit angry responses from victims through constant harassing phone calls or even harassing in public. They digitally record these and clean them up for later use. Then when you call someone, usually a service that records calls like a telephone company or maybe even 911, they will cut you off after a completed sentence and seamlessly insert an out of context angry, ranting remark you justifiably made at another place and time. The more "crazy" it sounds the better. I can just imagine how they laugh after one of these edits. They can also use this method to create false recorded conversations to turn people you know or others against you. Imagine they record a public conversation at a store checkout counter and someone asks about a person you know. You say only good things about this person. Later in another conversation they ask you about Osama Bin Laden and you say everything but good things. The perps simply switch a few sentences around and clean it up some. They have what they want and it is much easier than altering a photograph using "photoshop" and almost impossible to detect.

Let's talk about "covert" (as if anything is not covert) cameras in or around your home. I have gathered information that indicates that live video of targets in their homes or while being stalked might be "entertainment" content for an internet website or sites run by the perps. What would really be bizarre is if some people were paying to view this stuff. It is at least viewed constantly by your local perp. You might even be appearing in "The Best of (insert your perp given TI name here)" video of the week. Your pictures and "perp created profile" are possibly on a website for all "perp-ville" to view. Manufactured fictitious information disseminated to all who have the perp web address or it could be passed out in "hard copy".

Audio bugging? You bet, they'll do it if they can and they can. And just a note here, hiring somebody to do a "bug scan" is useless. It's a highly specialized field that takes an experienced expert and any of them worth anything will tell you it has to be done completely covertly because good bugs can just be turned off while a scan is in progress. I'm sure the perps "just might" know the guy is coming because they already have *you* under surveillance. If you used your phone for contact that is a fore gone conclusion. If the bug is in an adjacent apartment, of course they will just turn it off. And if it is a hardwired bug there won't be a signal to pick up anyway. If the perps can't get inside to "bug" your home they might use laser to window, a parabolic or shotgun mic. You won't catch them doing any of those, it's not impossible to catch them, just highly improbable. One thing about this scam is that they need to hear your business to work the scam "by the book". They can't do any "directed conversations" anywhere without this information and it's harder to set up "mobbing" and coordinate "moving surveillance" when they have to guess where you are going. Outside anybody can pick up voice easily from a safe distance using a parabolic or shotgun mic. The conclusion is it's ok to look every now and then for covert cameras or bugs yourself after a little schooling on the subject, but don't expect to find anything because you probably won't. And don't worry about it, just go about your business. You can figure out If perps are repeating things you said over the phone or something you said out loud in your house or apartment. Where did you say what they repeated? You have control over what you say and where you say it.

Don't forget about call re-direction on landlines and cell phones. Know who you are talking to. Do you think you called and talked to someone in law enforcement? Maybe you did, maybe you didn't. Redirecting calls you try to make to law enforcement is something the perps do. They will pretend to be a law enforcement officer and tell you there is nothing that they can do to help. And they will make suggestive remarks about your sanity or reputation. They may refer you to another bogus "officer" to "work" you again. Always get the name and badge number of officers you speak with over the phone. Always identify/verify anyone you speak with over the phone. If you suspect your phone is tapped/intercepted/redirected, and if you are being "gangstalked" it will be, don't use it. You can use a random pay phone if you have to.

All victims should report this as soon as they can do so in a reasonable manner. It will never be stopped if nobody ever reports it. When you report this crime, ALWAYS go in person with well planned information you have compiled including a journal, video, audio, perp names and anything else you can get. If you have been "gangstalked" for a long period of time and you don't have any "evidence" of any kind, just what have you been doing all this time? Be organized and complete but brief. Don't elaborate on unimportant every day details you cain't prove anyway. Don't go into "gaslighting" details, all the particulars are not important. You don't have to file a complaint against anyone, you are only providing information about a crime. Don't tell anyone you are going to do this. If the perps know, there may be a "parade" of them lining up to give you the "treatment" all the way there and even into the law enforcement building. Be prepared to do this at any time and when you think the time is right deviate from your normal routine and do it. You can even make practice runs to check logistics, such as where to park, where to go when inside the building, are there surveillance cameras (big plus) in the parking lot or building. Any test run will also test the Perps reaction. Going by there a few times to learn the area roads won't be noticed by anyone but the perps.

While at home you can leave the radio or other sounds going all the time to disrupt the perps probable recording activities on some levels. It's very hard to separate the multiple sounds and I'm not sure that it would end up good enough for their purpose. The perps don't have to get into your home to install a "hook switch" or "infinity device". It's a type of phone tap that after the phone is answered manually or by a machine, the switch on the microphone of the "tapped" phone is "hooked" and remains on after hanging up. It becomes an effective listening device that can easily pick up conversations in an average size room. This device can be installed anywhere on the phone line between your phone and the local central office. It would usually be fairly close to your home or in your apartment building. It can be called and activated for listening from any phone anywhere in the world. For some, I guess obvious reason, the perps like using these. They can be defeated after a call by unplugging the receiver, the phone or installing an off switch on the phone microphone. Secure phones that turn off the microphone automatically are available but are expensive considering what little is involved. The perps can also sign you up for gps tracking too, they only need a moment with your cellphone to enter a code and you will be just like "one of their children", tracked everywhere you go with the phone on. They will use your email or their own to verify the gps account. If you haven't already, don't leave your cell phone anywhere unattended. If they get your number, which is easy, they will monitor and can redirect/edit your cell phone calls using what is known as a portable base station. Scanners are used too but are less effective and only for listening anyway. They have or can get all the latest electronics that can be had by anyone.

Always use an ssh2 encrypted stateside vpn service for internet. Don't use a server offshore that skirts the law, if a perp does something illegal you want them to be caught. If you can find a vpn anywhere that is or is said to be a government "honey pot" for cybercrooks, that is definitely the one you want to use. These perps will work to shut down servers using their bot-nets, if only temporarily. And be aware that even after a clean reload/install of your OS they will try to get the latest trojan, key logger or virus to you in an email attachment from a formerly trusted source. Sadly it might be that cute e-card from a family member or friend. If they have the run of your home it only takes a minute to load "spy" software using a CD or USB memory drive. If you can't keep them out of you home, back up your data, reload the OS and lock the drives down so they won't boot on start up. Keep your OS "locked down" or "hardened" against all known attack methods too.

The real bottom line on any communication service is as long as it runs through a wire/cable/fiber that is accessible to the perps, they can get on it. If they've "got your number" common cell phones are not much better as far as interception/manipulation is concerned.

This article is older but is still interesting.

Tapping Computer Data Is Easy

These organized criminal groups have an appointed leader(s) that control(s) everything they do. They operate much like a computer bot-net receiving orders, tracking the target and dispatching a stream of perps. Take appropriate measures to protect yourself from their assaults and stay safe. Be aware of your surroundings and don't respond to "baiting" tactics.

What I've described is just part of what these criminals do, and if you are not a victim you are probably saying to yourself, "I just can't believe a large group of criminals are getting away with crimes like that". The reason they are getting away with it is because this large group of criminals literally "hijack" the community using the methods described above. It took stalking of well known celebrities and a death before anyone started taking effective action against stalking. Many people know this is very real and I know it is being investigated. There are many laws that can easily be applied to these crimes but no specific laws. A task force is usually appointed to tackle tough crimes, that may be what is needed to address this.

You have permission to repost or reprint any part or all of this information.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I saw the show which you are speaking of . . . however, as a rule, someone also forgot to mention that quote-unquote "holywood" should never be trusted if they are a TI. They are going to try to grab this by the horns, manipulate it and twist it for any money they can make. Everyone thinks this is the government. I have other ideas.

Tuesday, April 08, 2014  
Blogger Unknown said...

Directional vibration

No way these are inductors

Sunday, March 08, 2020  
Blogger Unknown said...

This is happening to my wife and I and need help. Have gone to police with videos and pictures and they respond as if I'm crazy and not of sound mind. Someone please help us!

Saturday, March 28, 2020  
Blogger Unknown said...

So hard to put this out in fear of judgement and naysayers. Here I go.

My wife and I are for sure being harassed. Lasers pointed at cameras to make them stop working… phone hacked numerous times factory reset did nothing even new SIM card did nothing had to get new phone and phone number.
I'm now facing a criminal case for brandishing my firearm after an a hole pulled up waving his hands motioning he had a gun mouthing he's not afraid of me and then fumbling for something in his lap which turned out to be a phone. He intentionally provoked I responded to the interpreted threat and now facing assault and battery with a deadly weapon. I'm not a criminal and this is all so Ludacris
Had video( until they hacked and got into account and deleted) of kitchen counter being jacked up from inside of cabinets… door handles moving being broken disabled etc even at the temp hotel my wife and I are staying at and gave evidence to hotel manager who has moved us in front by cameras and front office as well as security but secuirty seems to have predispositioned perspectives of me without knowing me or talking to me ever.
I've reported to police to which they responded I must be on drugs. I have some videos and pics but damn they seem to get everything .
I hear the same woman over and over at different hotels apartments and even a homeless shelter telling strangers lies about my wife and I and some truths too in what I always have interpreted as idk like they are trying to recruit them to follow us or befriend us or harrass us or idk seems crazy I know.
The following when we had a car and now that we don't is so sloppy rookie at best. I had some training as a pi and always vigilent in my surroundings.
I've been sprayed… I've seen same Milligan's landscaping truck with chemicals in bed of truck I've seen same pesticide company trucks as well.
I have hallcuinated as if I was drugged I have heard them tell me as I've rushed out of house feeling drugged that in public I'm going to look “fucking crazy”
I have seen same people and seen new people I've watched neighbors be replaced the same day by people that are not familiar at all.
I have pics and videos of them sitting there watching my wife and I when embarrassing to say we were panhandling. We fell apart more and more lost our home lost our truck lost our hotel been in homeless shelter this is all a direct result of their toxic actions and continued harassment.
We have watched light switch covers and electric socket plates be moved and cracked from inside a wall that no one could possibly fit in at what purpose I'd guess to posion or drug or bug us?
I've had friends shun and abandon us without cause. I've had clothes come up missing my birth certificate and my DL were stolen at homeless shelter.
I've purchased that metal bar you put under your door handle made by Brink's. It's supposed to prevent people from breaking in…
i have videos of that being moved some how without anything physically touching it. IDK kind of like they are using magnets? "We need help."" You're going to look crazy."" I'll get in your house I always do."
These are statements they have said numerous times.
Feeling very frustrated and not sure what to do

Saturday, March 28, 2020  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i read the above well written article. When will others believe us? I have yet to fig ure out why I'm being stalked....unless it's for fun and the fact that they are embezzling money from my bank accounts. I am not rich, but I was living alone, am an retired teacher with an retirement income and a modest savings. They saw me as an easy touch as they lived just across the street. I don't believe that I am their only victim. I moved six times to escape them; they followed each time...even across several state lines.
I have been subjected to everything that is available....lies, overt and covert harassment, phone and computer tapping, embezzling, relatives and friends being attacked, grandchildren molested, grand larceny, vandalism (house and car), sleep deprivation, painattacks with electronic weapons. I am probably leaving forgetting something. My hair has fallen out, my teeth have fallen out. I am in constant
pain from the weapons. My husband and I are being poisoned and drugged. My husband does not realize it at the present just as I didn't at first. He thinks I am crazy just as the rest of my relatives think.
When do we get some needed help....not by psychiatrists or psychologists. Has anyone experienced "military cloaking?" I hesitate to mention this as it does seem crazy, but I think some of them are in our house around the clock....unseen. Would a canine unit help?

Monday, February 22, 2021  
Blogger Blessed TI said...

They have your iris. See thru your iris. Yes they're in your house 24/7. You and I are gps'd everywhere so it does no good to try to escape. I met a spiritual counselor. Find the movie Emotions. It's on prime video. Google where u can watch it. Then keep focus on your wellbeing. For every negative thought they give, replace it with a positive thought. Negative emotions disease and mental health issues. Beat this. Read!!

Sunday, November 14, 2021  

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