It's Indigo Ribbon Month

The Indigo Ribbon Campaign.
The world is a dangerous place,
not because of those who do evil,
but because of those who look on and do nothing.
~ Albert Einstein
The Indigo Ribbon Campaign is an awareness campaign in support of Targeted Individuals.
The Indigo Ribbon is a ray of hope for Targeted Individuals everywhere. The color represents Infinity. It’s a sign of remembrance for targets no longer here. A symbol of unity and strength for targets who remain.
The primary goal of the IRC is to bring awareness, about what is happening to Targeted Individuals and the methods being used to target, harass, and destroy them. The idea is to promote compassion and understanding about what they are experiencing and how their targeting affects the rest of society.
You can also post it on blogs, forums, websites, etc. Each campaign is independently managed and operated and yet all effort go towards promoting awareness and understanding of Targeted Individuals and their plight.
Volunteers can post on forums, send out emails, post in ezines, online news sites, blogs, podcasts, conference calls, youtube.
Who are Targeted Individuals? They are innocent individuals that are being targeted by government programs and initiatives, past and present.
Why they need help? Targets of this harassment need help in bringing about awareness that this is still happening. Not only is this targeting still happening, but it’s happening unaided and unassisted, and many targets are being destroyed by this. What is happening is that when Targets have applied to the main stream humanitarian organizations their plea’s for assistance have gone unaided.
To find out more about the Indigo Ribbon Campaign, or what you can do to help, you can follow this link.
To find out more about what Targeted Individuals go through, you can visit these sites.
Just as despair can come to one only from other human beings, hope, too, can be given to one only by other human beings.
– – Elie Weisel
Labels: Citizen Informants, community harassment, gang stalking, Indigo Ribbon, targeted individuals
This is a great site! Keep up the good work. Good luck!
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