The System.
I have a lot to update you with. The reason I don't write as much as I should. I feel somewhat unlike before that it won't make a difference I don't think things will change. It doesn't mean I am giving up, but I see the world, and more or less accept it for what it is.
Things to tell you about. Well let's start with Mark's site being gone. is finally off the air. I knew this might happen someday. I had downloaded his pdf file realising that this might happen. I have seen about 3 or 4 sites dealing with Gang Stalking go off the air since I have been online and when I came online, I saw people writing and asking why sites dealing with gang stalking were off the air, well now I know why.
If Mark didn't make it, it really sucks. I have been a bit bummed out about this. I mean he's smart, smart has to count for something right? So I don't know, there was no update from him, since March 2006. The site was up, but I did realise that meant that maybe he had just paid in advance or something. I don't know. I hope that he is out there somewhere, but I have seen a few people not make it, so it's hard to say. Anyways the best we can do for each other is to preserver each others memories, so I would ask people to download his pdf and to read it and to remember him if he did not make it, and to hope for him if he is out there somewhere still.
Also in regards to this. I am wondering if anyone out there in the blogasphere would be kind enough to download my site, just in case for whatever reason it should become unavailable, at least the information gathered would not be lost. You can download a copy of this free Internet program and it will let you copy any website. Also you can get the ebook, now at
Anyways in regards to Mark one way or another, I just want to take this post to say thanks for all the information you left out there. At first some things didn't make any sense, but as the pieces started to fall into place, it made a lot of sense. This does not happen in a vacuum, you were so right. This system that we are up against is systemic, and all encompassing. We we never looking at just a few corrupt turns or events, or a few nasty people wanting to make other people's lives hell. What we have here is a system that most of our population is taking part in and not saying a word about. It is a controlled society, and at one point or another, most people are absorbed into the system. I don't know exactly how it happens, because in my worst dreams, I could not have believed that society and the world was like this.
I do now know that we have seen times like this before, in countries. Hitlers Germany, McCarthyism in the States and others times. Where a whole society goes insane or get's corrupted and goes along with this madness. In those times targets had to flee and leave, because the whole of society was going along with it. This is something that I could not understand, no it's something I would not let myself understand or believe, because it was just too horrible to believe, but the truth has been there all along. What we are seeing, it's nothing new, it's been there all along. We are just seeing the outward manifestations of this system.
See when I got online, I was just looking for help with the harassment that I was experiencing. I was getting mobbed, and harassed at work, I noticed corruption, and finally I noticed the corruption extended to the human rights commission, I knew that could be right. Had no idea how I would prove it, or even get people to believe me, but in going online and doing the harassment site, I realised that I had not been the first person to notice this either. Tim Fields bless his soul, in doing his bullying site, had also noticed the corruption and just before he died, was going to start to look into it. He didn't get the chance to, but I think he probably realised what I did.
[quote]Many targets of bullying report that they seem to be obstructed every step of the way in their pursuit of justice. The management refuse to investigate, or use an untrained investigator, or whitewash the case. The union refuses to help, or initially shows interest but suddenly changes sides. The solicitor initially shows interest but then starts acting in a manner which suggests they have the other side's interests at heart rather than yours.
The employer's lawyers apply for, and obtain, adjournment after adjournment, then obtain a pre-hearing review which the tribunal chairman handles in favour of the employer. In the tribunal, favour is shown to the respondent (employer) and you get the impression that the verdict has been decided in advance. Your solicitor, the respondent's lawyers and the tribunal chairman seem to know more about your case than you think they should.
After the tribunal you're left with no option but to privately sue the employer, the union, and your solicitor, and appeal the tribunal decision, but by this time you have no job, no income, your savings are gone, so is your health, maybe your marriage too, and there's no prospect of ever being employed again, especially in the professions.
Sound familiar? If so, you might be surprised to realise how often this happens. Mostly it's in cases from the education sector, although it may happen in any public sector case, for example the NHS. Occasionally, but less often, it happens in private sector cases, and in rare cases from the voluntary sector.[/quote]
Then I would also come across these great great articles and reports, which also added credence to what I was seeing.
[quote]Minority women face 'double jeopardy' of racial and sexual harassment in the workplace Policy-makers, human resources personnel need to be aware of gender/ethnicity vulnerabilities
New research at the University of Toronto is the first to empirically document that women who are visible minorities face a double dose of harassment in the workplace – based both on sex and ethnicity.
Professor Jennifer Berdahl of the Joseph L. Rotman School of Management and Celia Moore, a PhD student, tested the “double jeopardy hypothesis” by surveying workers at three male-dominated manufacturing plants and three female-dominated social service organizations.
“If you add up their sexual and ethnic harassment,” says Berdahl, “minority women are harassed more than others.” [/quote]
The report is really long, but again it also has the same kinds of people being targeted, and the woman in this report, are again reporting the same kind of systemic corruption that I starting to see. Lawyers, tribunals, judges, you name it. At this stage however, you think, but many it's just a few bad apples right? It's not though. This is something that is systemic.
I would again see this at the landlord tenant tribunal, when I had to take the landlord to task for the harassment that I was experiencing. Again what I was seeing looked systemic, but I just did not want to believe it.
I would also notice that some articles online go missing. Important ones like this. Make a stink go see a shrink. An article talking about how employers are using psychiatric reprisal to shut down whistle-blowers. After what I had experienced with Carol the H/R person at CIBC in regards to her attempted reprisal to my human rights commission complaint this made sense.
[quote]Peter Downs
May 2001. Reprinted with consent of The Progressive.
On October 5, 1998, Norm Crosty sent a letter to the labor relationsdepartment at his plant. Crosty, for thirteen years an electrician at Ford Motor Company's Wixom, Michigan, assembly plant, complained that he could not do his job because so many of his bosses were taking the necessary equipment out of the plant to work on their homes or personal businesses.
The next day, the plant director of human resources invoked a Ford program for combating workplace violence to bar Crosty from the factory and ordered him to see a company-paid psychiatrist or lose his job.
A little more than fourteen months later, and 725 miles away, officials at Emory University cited a similar concern about violence to justify using armed guards to escort Dr. James Murtagh off university property when Dr. R. Wayne Alexander, chairman of the department of medicine at Emory, ordered him to see a company-selected psychiatrist or lose his job. Six weeks earlier, Murtagh, a professor of pulmonology at Emory, had filed a false claims suit against the university, alleging that it had misspent millions of dollars in federal grant money. He claimed the university diverted money from research grants in order to pay for salaries and trips for administrators and some staff. The specific allegations were sealed by order of the federal judge.
Crosty and Murtagh don't know each other. It is unlikely their worlds would ever intersect, but they have at least one thing in common. They both are victims of an increasingly popular employer weapon against whistleblowers: the psychiatric reprisal. [/quote]
See when you are going through these situations on your own, it seems like you are the only one that this is happening to. However, when you start to see the bigger picture, all the reports of workplace mobbing, the who is getting targeted, it makes more sense.
1) How do bullies select their targets?
The bully selects their target using the following criteria:
bullies are predatory and opportunistic - you just happen to be in the wrong place at the wrong time; this is always the main reason - investigation will reveal a string of predecessors, and you will have a string of successors
being good at your job, often excelling
being popular with people (colleagues, customers, clients, pupils, parents, patients, etc)
more than anything else, the bully fears exposure of his/her inadequacy and incompetence; your presence, popularity and competence unknowingly and unwittingly fuel that fear
being the expert and the person to whom others come for advice, either personal or professional (ie you get more attention than the bully)
having a well-defined set of values which you are unwilling to compromise
having a strong sense of integrity (bullies despise integrity, for they have none, and seem compelled to destroy anyone who has integrity)
having at least one vulnerability that can be exploited
being too old or too expensive (usually both)
refusing to join an established clique
showing independence of thought or deed
refusing to become a corporate clone and drone
Jealousy (of relationships and perceived exclusion therefrom) and envy (of talents, abilities, circumstances or possessions) are strong motivators of bullying. [/quote]
Again the pattern of who was being targeted. The none sheeple people. (The bright, those who excel, the whistle-blower types. The other reports as mentioned above indicate also Woman, and minorities. )
What was not clear then is the fact that most of these people will not only be targeted for their smart, good characters, but they will be targeted because they are not part of this system. This creepy, zoombie, informant, whatever you want to call it system. The ones who are also getting targeted also seem to be blissfully unaware of this system.
We are not, or were not aware of this system, but more importantly we were not a part of this system, and I think that is the key underlying reason that we are being chosen, targeted, and decimated.
But we are just average people, right? So why are we being chosen? No we are not average. We are anomalies to this system of corruption, that most of the rest of society is a part of, and that is just one more reason we are a problem, or could be a potential problem. When you are not going along with a system that is systemic, and maybe you make a wave or get noticed, then that is a problem for this system and that is where it starts. The targets are chosen with good reason. We are not a part of this system.
This following is not the best analogy I could have chosen, but this is how I feel. It's like in those zombie movie, and the rest of the world get's zombified, and a few survivors are left, and the zombies are trying to turn, kill destroy the survivors, cause they have something that are not. Eg. They have life, brains, whatever you want to call it. Let me simplify it. In an enslaved society, no one likes a free man.
The majority of targets, all that I have encountered, were as blissfully unaware of this system, as I was. At least if they were aware, they have not said anything. I don't think they were aware anymore than I was. Cause why would we be aware that most of society was a part of this? This cute little snitching, signally, spying, lying, corruption network? I don't roll that way, so I didn't think others did, but that's naive, because I know others do. What i did not know is that most others in society do. Yeah the movie the Matrix had a lot more value than I thought. Because again, who would think that we are enslaved, not in chains, but in a very different ways, when we are taught that we are free?
I know a lot of these people don't want to be a part of this, but I know equally that a lot of people do, and people are not willing to do anything to change this. I don't exactly know how people get inducted into this creepy system, but I now know that it's systemic. (I don't even want to say it.)
At some point your kids, your parents, friends, and other family will probably be a part of this system, and they will go along with it. If you have no idea what I am talking about, then I am happy for you. A year ago, if I read something like this, I would have been like, what the heck, and probably would have dismissed it. Same thing I did when I saw the Matrix.
If you know what I am talking about, then I get why you don't say anything and why most will not do anything to change this, but it does not make it right. Also since I am seeing it from this perspective, I can see the evil of this system. I understand that from the other side, the other perspective, many people think that this is great, and that continues to boggle my mind.
The truth will set you free, but first it will make you miserable.
Spiritually where I am? You would think this sort of targeted systemic attack would be bumming me out a lot more than it is. I mean it does in someways, like when I see another real target off the charts it's like a bummer, but then in other ways, I am happier and more self fulfilled than I have been in a long time.
Last year this time. I didn't know WTF was going on. I was being burnt in my home, I was seeking help from all the responsible channels in society that we have been taught are there to help. Canadian Human Rights Commission, Amnesty International, Police etc, only to be told like other targets before me, that they could do nothing to help. Realising that the police were a part of this. Watching politicians take part in this, ofcourse being betrayed by the ex-family, didn't help either. I didn't have a clue as to why. I really not only felt alone, but I was alone, and to say that is was me against the world, I see now is not that far off a sentiment.
Well now I sort of have a clue as to what's going on. At least I have what I can accept for the moment. I am still alone, but I have me, and that's good. I am way more connected, and informed than I was a year ago. I also see that the more things change, the more things stay the same. Wither you are a target of the state that lived 2000 years ago, or a modern day target, the set up's, slanders, and tricks of the state are all the same, and things end up just about as well for modern day targets.
Mark was also right that we have seen this evil before, past times, Salem witch trials etc. It's the same insanity, but unlike those times where we can say it was just a small little group that did some bad things, we have a society going along with this and willing to also do some bad things to targets.
Yet truth feels so good, it's so cleansing. Like I literally feel happier than I have in a long time. I am closer to being self actualised than I was a year ago, if this self actualization thing even means anything in today's society.
I am better spiritually than I was, I am still not where I want to be, but much better than I was. I feel more balanced internally, and I think that's just cause I have had to be to get through this. Now don't get me wrong. I am still being electronically harassed in my home. I still get these electronic skin burns sometimes. (Or something that looks and feels like that.) Still you get accustomed to stuff. I am not saying I want this to be a part of my future by any stretch of the imagination, but if it's something that I have to go through, to become who I am meant to be, then so be it.
I also realise now, my chances of finding a decent world, where there is little or no corruption is not likely to happen. It does not mean that I won't find decent people though. I like to think that I have online sometimes. The places I blog, I get people that I encounter that I like to think of as good, so I think there is still hope, but I tend to be the overly optimistic sort.
So I am still trying to survive the best I can, being a target, does change things somewhat, but I have to believe that there is still a way to go against the grain and survive, I have to believe that. Faith can move mountains, it can part seas, and it can help all people in times of trouble and tribulation. So it's really causing me to try and find my spiritual center. Not saying it's easy, but day by day, I do what I can.
In someways I am a little bit heartbroken, the world is nothing like what I thought it was. It's much more evil and corrupt, than I realised. Heck it is evil and corrupted to the core, still others have gone before, and others will come after, and the world will keep on turning. It is as it ever was, all that's changed again is my awareness of this and my coming to terms with this.
I am trying to swim with this tide, through the tide? It's determined to encompass me, but instead of splashing and frailing, I realise that water has a flow, it has a natural pattern, and if you are going to get through this, you have to find out how it flows, and try to let it flow around you. Else you just get caught up in the tide.
So I am trying to get my priorities in order. Survive, fight acne, and make the world aware of what's happening. I had to upgrade the fighting acne, skin care before world dominance.
Dietary, I am actually eating I think healthier than I was last year, and I am happy about that as well. What else can be said.
Others have come and gone, the reason the information was not more readily available, is because the drones of these powers that be, monitor and shut down, or decimate those trying to get the information out. There are not enough real targets out there to keep preserving the information, so each target almost has to start from scratch. (In every generation a new target is chosen.)
[quote]Spread information
Having information is only a beginning. It's no use if it sits forever on some shelf. To have impact, information needs to be circulated. The general principle in challenging the hoarding of information in bureaucracies is to "spread" it, namely make it available to those who can make use of it.[/quote]
My making people aware of this, will not make any more difference than those people who fought to make people aware of the scandals in the catholic church, in fact some have suffered extremely for their efforts, and for what? People still hand their boys and girls over to these men, week after week, or leave their kids alone with them. Children are still being sexually prayed upon, and the catholic church has now made investigating these instances more difficult than ever. Now all complaints of this, must go directly to Rome, courtesy of some statues that the new pope put in place. The same new pope who was responsible for seeing that that laws were in place that allowed for this cover up to continue.
People had the power to change this, they had the power to walk away, threaten to walk away until the system was fixed, and could really protect their kids, but they didn't. Instead big money settlements were made, and again we were taught that money could cover for a multitude of sins, which still continue, as much as ever. The people who let these systems happen, have risen to power, and the innocent are the only ones who continue to get slaughtered. People had the power to change that system, but they did not. Those who fought to expose this, and those victimised by it, are the only ones who have not risen in power.
Making the world, the few in the world aware of this system, who are not aware, will most likely not change it. Because these systems in one way or another work for many people and that is why they have no desire or inclination to change the system. There is no need. If it works for you, then you have no need or desire to change it, and at some level this works for these people.
As long as they go along with it, it supports their corruption, sins, secrets, and let's many do what they should not do, so it works.
The reason targets are so targeted is because we are anomalies to this system and just one target out of control, free, not following the status quo, can be a problem. Just like some of the young men who died via the year of the gun, once a part of this system it won't let you leave, just like any slave society. For some reason in our blank little lives, most targets have managed to be too good, none bribe-able, nothing to black mail with, nothing to threaten with, and nothing to use to make them a part of this system, so they are sought out and destroyed in other ways, or just placed in situations with people who are parts of these systems, so they can be effectively watched and monitored.
There is more I wanted to say, but this post is already way too long. So again my situation is not ideal, but it could be worst. There are thousands of people getting mobbed, bullied, harassed, gang stalked, whatever you want to call it, targeted by a system that they have no idea about, my situation is bad, but it could be worst, cause at least I am not a little bit aware of what is happening, and I stand a better chance. So again I am going to look at the half full glass senario for as long as I can.
Labels: annomolies, balance, black female, bullying, Electronic Harassment, gang stalking, government corruption, harmony, karma, mobbing, Movies, Police State, slaves, societal corruption, Thought Police