Gang Stalking

A upto date blog about my adventures with gangstalking. This is my way of sharing with the world what gang stalking is really like. Some helpful books. Gang Stalking Books Mobbing Books

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Mark's letter to targets

Mark's Letter to targets. Below is a letter from Mark M.Rich. to TI's. It was on his site.

Dear Friend,

I call you friend because if you & I were to meet face to face we would sense a special kinship & would probably know each other immediately. I know nothing about your background. I'm not aware of your personal circumstances, whether you're young or old, male or female. I don't know what your religious or ethnic background is. But I have an idea of the type of person you are. You are probably very artistic & above average in intelligence. You are probably honest & live by a higher set of ideals than the general mass. You are probably a self-correcting person. You probably have not been satisfied with the knowledge you've received through traditional channels. You are most definitely a seeker. Regardless of why you think you have been targeted, relatively speaking, you are probably a saint. This may be why you've been chosen.

Your life has changed drastically. You will never look at people, or the American flag the same way again. You are directly experiencing a result of the primitive, unresolved collective-insanity, that you have heard of other historical figures running into. By now you have probably concluded that this is the same entity that has killed people who have recognized & resisted it throughout history. Its name changes from place to place, & from time to time. It expresses itself in different ways. But it is always the same; it is large & powerful & has the minds of most people. You are face to face with it in the form of Organized Stalking. It has focused its attention on you & it will not stop. At this point it doesn't matter when or why it started, or what the name of the group or agency is. It would have happened anyway. You will end up jobless & Mobbed out of work. You may end up in jail or dead. You will loose friends & family. You may end up homeless, possibly living from shelter to shelter. And you will be persecuted the whole time. I am personally not very religious, but I know evil when I see it. You are in a fight for your life against people being used by Satan. There is no more accurate way to put this. It is necessary that you document your case & survive as long as you can, to provide testimony to anyone with eyes & ears. You are not alone.

Mark M. Rich

That was Mark's letter to TI's. It was up on his site before it went off the air. We are really the best shot we have for preserving each others memories. I often wonder why there are not a hundread other targets posting Mark's words, or having the forethought to do the same for other sites, target's activists. I mean there are supposedly so many of us out here, so why are we not activly doing this for each other?

I was thinking about his words, and what was going through his mind when he wrote them. By that time it looks like he had figured out that yes this is more involved than any of us realised. Collective-insanityhe called in. I see it as collective conformty of the worst kind.

I find that as I read his words they match my own thoughts. This is so much bigger than a lot of us. Be it mobbing, bullying, Journalist and the buzzsaw, it's the same thing that is killing, imprisoning, jailing, institutionalising, driving to poverty, rack and ruin all of us. That's why we all need to be working together.

It's doing the same thing to all of us in different ways, and to different degrees. I was mobbed out of work for years, and so many different times, and I never even knew what mobbing was, or knew that the whole thing was deliberate. I also did not know that it was systemic and that it was happening to so many others. Or the bigger picture. I now know for sure that being sensitised the first time, was completely deliberate. Even up until recently, I still thought the whole thing was just accidental. (There are some parts of this that I can not come to terms with.)

Why people are targeted. We often want to blame ourselves. It's because I filed a suit, it's because I am a dissident, whistle-blower, white, minority, Asian, Indian, male, female, gay, straight, religious origin, whatever. In part you are right, but in part you are wrong. In my opinion Mark was on the right path. You are targeted because of who you are you, and the type of person that you are.

I use to think, if only I had taken the other job, or whatever, then this would not have happened, but it would have. I now realise it would have happened because where I go, there I am, and my personality type would havebeen targeted. A famous saying, "The nail that stands out, get's hit first. It's a simple saying, but it makes sense. Something about us and our types, stands out. Targets seem to have aspects of this in common. When Mark says I would know you and sense a special kinship, he is not that far off. We are that type. I see what he means.

I can't stress this aspect of the real reason we are targeted enough. In his bullying research Tim Fields, and his reasons as to why people are bullied, are because they are moral, good at their work, showing independence, refusing to join established cliques, etc.

You can say it in a billion different ways, but we stood out. We were none conformist. I don't care if you are the housewife, who just stood up for her kids, or the store clerk who said this is not right. Somewhere along the line, your personality type was noticed, and this was planned out, because none of the other methods work. By the other methods I mean, bribes, blackmail, bullying, mobbing, attempts to conform you in subtle ways, social pressure, honeytraps, etc.
What I am trying to say is, you did nothing wrong. You are getting targeted just by virtue of being who you are, and by being a none conformist in some way shape or form. This is not a bad thing, but for this system it is a bad thing. Most people in society can be kept in line, they can be threatened, bullied, bribed, blackmailed, socially or peer pressured, to confirm. Something can be used to keep them in line. With us that was not the case, at some point. You are that nail that stood out in some unexpected way. (That or they just needed more freshmeat.)

You may never have done a day of activism in your life, but we are all the same, or very similar at the core. We are the types to say heck no, I not doing this, or not taking this. We are ones to write the stories, no one else will write, to speak when no one else will speak. It does not have to be anything as dramatic as whistle-blowing. Now it can be signing a petition, but it can also be that guy at work who always does the right thing, and is unknowingly not falling inline with a system that is based on corruption. At some point they will put you into a situation where you are compelled to blow the whistle, or file a suit or something, then they increase the targeting, and you blame yourself, and think it was your actions that set the ball rolling. It's only a means.
Society is all about social conformity. To join the groups we do, to participate in the things we do, most of us give up a little of that independence. So maybe you were a little too outspoken at the PTA, or in church, or whatever, but you showed independence, none conformity, and you were probably at some point profiled, and it was realised you were not yet fully part of the system, or would never go along with the system, and this system does not like our kind. It never has, all throughout history. And why should it, what communion should light have with darkness?
This is another thing that I agree with Mark about. You can not have heard of the Spanish Inquisition, Salem witch trials, Mccarthyism, etc without realising the similarities.

I also agree that this is a life changing experiencing. For me it's helped me to become more the person that I wanted to be. For me the world was simple, and my life was sort of boring. I didn't mind it, but now my life is so different. I mean it's the same, because this was happening for years, but my realisation and interpretation of things has changed. I have been shocked, literally and figuratively. I am amazed at how corrupt the world is, the weakness of human kind, but then I am amazed by the potential for good, and the strength of people like Mark, who took the time to write a letter for the next target, becuase he knew what we would be going through and he didn't want us to feel alone. It's people like this that give me hope, and ofcourse he is not here, but his words are and that's a good thing.

Yes you will never look at the American flag the same, not so much the flag, but the concepts that we have been taught about our societies and cultures, countries. The things we were taught about these social constructs.It's such garbage. The truth is so much different. The movie the Matrix says it best.

"By now you have probably concluded that this is the same entity that has killed people who have recognized & resisted it throughout history."
Yep right there with him on this one as well. Martin, John Lennon, Jesus, it's the same jaws, that have opened up and said aw. Have any survived it? Their words have, their songs, their art, their spirits.

"Its name changes from place to place, & from time to time. It expresses itself in different ways. But it is always the same; it is large & powerful & has the minds of most people."
Large and powerful I get that. The minds of the people. I just don't understand this part. Anymore than I understand the browncoats. But I do understand it, with my mind anyways. Remember I got the former friends, family, co-workers that are all part of this system. Many that like it. They like feeling a part of something, some don't I think, but it fills a need in some people. I mean of course some people are just sick twisted individuals and this is the perfect outlet for that. Others are scared, I can respect that. Others don't know what to do. I am right there with ya on that one. Other just like the connection, it brakes down walls, the skin heads, Jews, Black, White, male, female, whatever. It gives them a certain degree of unity. I have seen this as people are signaling to each other. It's a language that is universal and they like that. It's also secret to some in society and it makes them feel a part of something so great and powerful, and so they give their wills to it. For me ofcourse who is on the other end, being tracked like an animal, I just want to scream, and be like stop the insanity. Wake up people, look at what you are doing. They probably would, and then go right back to doing it, because it gives them a place in society. People like that.

The people doing this, controlling this, know this. I am sure they have an understanding of history, and know what's worked, how humans have functioned throughout time. That's the part that makes it really hard for me to be hopeful.

"You are face to face with it in the form of Organized Stalking. It has focused its attention on you & it will not stop. At this point it doesn't matter when or why it started, or what the name of the group or agency is. It would have happened anyway. You will end up jobless & Mobbed out of work."

Again I covered this, but let me say it again. You did nothing wrong. That's the thing you have to understand. In there minds you dared to go against the system, to stand out and not fall in line. In our worlds we were just being who we were taught to be, or feel a need to be. Apparently the two are not compatible.

Mark goes on to talk about job loss, loss of family friends, etc. If you are here you probably know it. For me I just think of those words, "I count all but loss for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ." (Philippians 3:8) It's just par for the territory. It's common, oh so common. I can't tell you how to deal or cope with it, you have to find your own way. I can tell you that you go through a lot of stages. The fact that everyone in your life was betraying you, not a fun thing. However you need to tackle the realisation of this and do it quickly. It's too easy to get consumed by the anger, and get stuck there. There are probably still good people in the world. Tuning into that is really hard however, it is a deep hurt and wound to come to grips with. It's a process.

Mark was apparently not very religious, but even he apparently knew evil when he saw it. I know mindless conforming zoombies when I see them. That's the part that still leaves me shaking my head. That anyone would want to go along with this, be a part of this, but they do. Yeah.

Mark wants us to document our case, survive as long as we can, and provide testimony to anyone who will listen. (Those who have ears, let them hear.) Pretty much the same thing others in history have had to do. Others who lived in such times, they are the only voices and records we have to try to understand this collective insanity. This consuming corruption. They have bared witness for the past and so we must do so for the present. Mark did that for us and we must try to do that for others. It seems to be the best way to honour each other, and give strength to the others who will wake up into this living nightmare.

I hoped the Indigo Ribbon campaign would do this for others, just like the white, red, and pink have done for other causes, but we are not like other causes. People don't have a tendency to want to target cancer patients or their supporters, where with our cause they do have a tendency to do that. To be in the open is to put yourself at greater risk, and yet if we don't take risks we let this continue. We all want to live long healthy joyous lives, and that's why many of us when we first see this collective insanity and realise it for what it is, do nothing about it and say nothing about it, and then it grows and spreads, and then finally that is all there is, and when it's time to speak up and do something, because it's gotten so bad, it's too late by then. Yet I am sure you know that, and yet you continue in this vain. (It's a cancer that needs to be stopped.)
I don't want to make anyone else a target more than they have to be, myself included, but at the same time, I do know that there is strength in numbers. Only by exposing what is happening can we do anything about it. Bullying, mobbing, the buzzsaw, gang stalking, etc. Only by making others aware do we stand a chance. Only by seeing that much of the above that is happening are all different managed branches of the same collective insanity, can we begin to mitigate it and manage it. I find it impossible to sit back and do nothing, and yet I want to make the right choices for myself and for other targets. Ofcourse I can't make the right choices for other targets. You have to make your own choices and figure out what's best for you, in your own time.

There is more talk and discussion of this stuff than there was in the past. There are more who are seeing it for what it is, but yet I am not sure we have come any further, or are any better than we were before. I only say this because this keeps happening over and over again in history and it's never changing. The thing that makes this time so different is it's so globalized. However there is always hope and I do want to focus on that. That's why I was hoping that we could find some way to unite, come together, find some way, symbol to unit our various efforts. We are fighting against the same thing, and to have a common unifying symbol has helped others. I was hoping this would do the same for us.

Below are Mark's words incase he goes missing, etc.
"Due to the events that I have witnessed & read about, I have concluded that it would be in my best interest to make as many people aware of my situation as possible. To that end, I have created this entry so that if I (or a member of my family) am killed, framed, setup, institutionalized, incarcerated, disappear, appear to have committed suicide, have an “accident”, or otherwise neutralized, this site will provide testimony to what really happened. In addition, this site is for people who believe they’re targets of Organized Stalking. " Mark M. Rich.

Well you know the rest. Mark's last entry was March 06, he had kept the site updated pretty regularly, and had said that he intended to continue to do that. At the time Mark had been staying with family and was trying to learn a way to survive, because he had not been able to find work for a few years or something like that. I can find no other online entries of him after this point. Then about a year later the site, expired and so here it is. Mark had been pretty open about his location, posting his address, phone number etc online. Again each target has to make there own choices on this front. The people in your area might not be fanatics, but others might be, remember the state has lot's of different branches. (Do what you think it best, it's allwe can do.)

The same is going to be true for any activism you do. The Indigo Ribbon campaign has the potential to be the same. Wearing a ribbon as someone pointed out, will make targets more visible, this can be a good thing, but ofcouse it can be a dangerous thing. We are up against a system, and I am not going to lie to you, it's a dangerous system. Mark confronted it, exposed it to the best of his ability, and numerous others, and it's still here, but every little bit helps. Everything he did helped me, and I hope my piece of the puzzle, quilt, helps others. It's the best we can hope to do. Remember the world is not an evil place because people do evil, (Well in part it is) but it's an evil place because people like us who see it for what it is do nothing about it. (Previous to this, I had no idea it was like this.)

If Ribbons and the color Indigo is not your thing, then I hear ya, but we still need a way to come together, to get open dialouge going, to direct people to sites where they can understand that there is another side to this wonderful system they have given themselves to, the side where Mark found himself, and others like me find ourselves. I daily have dozens of my fellow citizens who stalk, harass, try to sensitize, annoy, and mob me on a daily basis. Some of them as much as I hate to admit it, are just average people, some are even decent. (I know that's a hard realisation.) Yet they are a part of the system, and they don't want to be where we are. (Who in their right mind would? The brave, the stupid.)

The only thing I know is that this continues because we let it. You get the odd light here and there, and then it's back to business as usual. Those lights come and do what they can, they teach us, share their knowledge and perspective with us, and then it's up to us to try to convey what we can to others in our own time.

They stay strong, because they keep us divided. They succeed, because they can unite, and get people to unite, they keep us stumbling in the dark uncordinated and stagnent. They have the minds of the people, but we can win their hearts. Conformity is their creed, and their voices are loud. Security is our creed, and our voices are often silent. They have got it going on, and we have to get it going. They are so far ahead of us in the game, heck they wrote the game and the rules. Many of us are just playing catch up, and trying to survive.

Before anyone decides to be a part of the Indigo campagin, I would ask you to think about what it means, cause it's different than other ribbon campaigns. I like to think that our cause is like any other, and in many ways it is, but in other ways it's not. We need unity, we need our voices back. However we need to balance that with a certain degree of safety, security, and stealth. There is a reason the underground railroad and other causes like it did not take out ads in newspapers. For me the thing that has worked has been exposing what is happening, shining a light into some of this darkness, but that's the thing about darkness, it does not like to have light shined in it's face. It likes darkness for a reason. There are so many people, if each would just shine their light into this darkness, it could not do this to us anymore, but they never do. This system is in place because we keep it in place, it controls us because we let it. We are the only ones who can change that. I don't think anyone is coming to save us, and so we must try to save ourselves, or do the best that we can.

Mark was not very religious, I like to think of myself as a spiritual person. I don't think I should be limited by one religion, though, each has value and merit in it'sown way. I would just recommend that you find something to believe in, something to center and keep you balanced.I believe it's a physical battle, and a spiritual one. Every little bit helps.
The one really good thing that Mark did was to let targets know that they are not alone. You really are not alone. All those that have gone before are with you, and all those that will come after are with you. As you walk on the path you will feel alone, you will see things that will try to break your spirits, you will loose people that touched your soul, that inspired you, but then you have to use that to inspire others, to be leaders in your own right. How you do that will be up to you.

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Sunday, October 21, 2007

The Indigo Ribbon Campaign

The Indigo Ribbon Campaign.

The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing. ~ Albert Einstein

The Indigo Ribbon Campaign is an awareness campaign in support of Targeted Individuals.
The Indigo Ribbon is a ray of hope for Targeted Individuals everywhere. The color represents Infinity. It's a sign of remembrance for targets no longer here. A symbol of unity and strength for targets who remain.

The primary goal of the IRC is to bring awareness, about what is happening to Targeted Individuals and the methods being used to target, harass, and destroy them. The idea is to promote compassion and understanding about what they are experiencing and how their targeting affects the rest of society.

The idea is to have people who are willing and able to assist with these campaigns wear their own Indigo Ribbons, or start their very own campaigns in the cities where they live. Each campaign is independently managed and operated and yet all effort go towards promoting awareness and understanding of Targeted Individuals and their plight.

Volunteers are needed from every city, country and province where Targeted Individuals live. We are looking for people who can post the information on forums, send out emails, post in ezines, online news sites, blogs, podcasts, conference calls, youtube. We also need people to post offline flyer's in their local area, send faxes, contact local radio stations, newspapers, magazines. We also need multilingual individuals who can help translate the information.

We need to get the information out to as many Targeted Individuals as possible and the Indigo Ribbon Campaign needs your help and assistance. We want committed individuals who have time to help us get the word out. We need to help spread the word.

Who are Targeted Individuals? They are innocent individuals that are being targeted by government programs and initiatives, past and present. Many are targets of a modern day Cointelpro initiative, being termed Gang Stalking, others are targets of government mind control experiments and covert torture, such as MK Ultra, Project Monarch, etc.

Why they need help? Targets of this harassment need help in bringing about awareness that this is still happening. Not only is this targeting still happening, but it's happening unaided and Numbered Listunassisted, and many targets are being destroyed by this. What is happening is that when Targets have applied to the main stream humanitarian organizations their plea's for assistance have gone unaided.

To find out more about the Indigo Ribbon Campaign, or what you can do to help, you can follow this link.

To find out more about what Targeted Individuals go through, you can visit these sites.

Just as despair can come to one only from other human beings, hope, too, can be given to one only by other human beings.-- - Elie Weisel

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Sunday, October 07, 2007


I am just really disgusted. I saw a newspaper article that was talking about how horrible what they are doing in Tibet is. What the monks are going through. I just thought, what about what the government of these western countries are doing to their people. They really think their garbage does not reek. Well it does. (Don't get me wrong the Tibet situation is horrible, but then our smug, controlled media get to report it, and then we get to feel all good about ourselves, cause we are not like that. Yeah right, you are something worst, because your stuff is hidden, like a dark, dank, dirty little secret.)

I mean really this is what the state is doing.

1. You have wall to wall network of civilian snitches who actually think that pimping each other out is the right thing to do. No respect, and it's the modern day version of browncoats. Been there done that, the world didn't need it the first time around, and they don't need it now.
They really literally nauseate me. I mean to see them in their lame caravans, driving up and down, and walking up and down, it's disgusting.

2. The state is actually using aerial surveillance. (Not joking.) These creatures actually use and do utilise airplanes to track targets. (Who is the fascists now? That right you are.)

3. They are torturing their own citizens in their homes. I guess as long as the media does not report it, and you are not beating them to a bloody pulp in the street it's ok to torture people. You make me sick. It's so hypocritical. How can you critics other countries, when you do things that are far worst? It's like the community leader who runs the anti pedophile campaign, only to turn out to be a pedophile himself. Disgusting.

4. The reason that they move in around us, is because these creatures actually think that we are like their prisoners. They are guarding and watching us. It's like it's meant to be house arrest or something. Then they report your comings and goings, and whichever snitches are on patrol that day, follow you around. (They work in shifts.)

5. Oh when they know where you are, they will call the snitches on that block, and tell them to keep an eye out for you. Eg. (We have a mentally disturbed person in the area and we need your help, or whatever lie they are using. Remember this is your government doing this and allowing this. These same hypocrites will claim they did not know what was going on under these programs. There is just really something wrong with them.) To the target it's no better than what the KKK use to do to black people in the south, or the browncoats to the Jews in Germany. As usual the citizens of the state are eating this bs up. They really do think they are doing something good. This is the part that I really just don't get. I can grasp it with my mind, sort of, but I just can't understand it. I don't understand it any better than the German citizens turning on their neighbours doing the same thing. Here we go again. We are so smug, we don't realise, that we are doing the same thing now. (How can I judge. A year ago, I believed my country could do no wrong. I would never have believed anything bad about them, or that they could be capable of allow such things. Oh well, I was just so wrong.)

6. Well you know about being followed around in public. Oh and then let's say they loose you. The snitches if they think they have picked up the trail will call it in. They will give your height, description etc.

Remember targets it's the state allowing this. It's not being done by anyone else or anything else. Then these same people turn around and tell you who to hate, and how horrible and evil everyone else is. Oh the hypocrisy of it all. The sickness. There is literally something just wrong with them and a society that could go along with this.

Again if you understand nothing else, understand that these people think that they are doing something good, patriotic. Every fascist society goes though this. Every police state, etc. Fighting for the greater good my ass.

I got a chance to watch a clip from the 80's movie, mini series V. The clip I watched was this letter that Abraham writes to his family, about why they have to help. It's pretty compelling. When I was younger and I first watched it, I didn't realise that it was about resisting fascism. Some time later as I grew up, I realised that it was almost like a world war II movie, with the resistance fighters and all that. I never dreamed that someday when I grew up, I would be living and seeing, and experiencing my own version of that.

I mean you feel free, but you are not. Nothing better than tools for the state, and those who resist, or are deemed none compliant, none conformist end up like us. Targeted. Now who is the aggressive, crazy nation that is hurting it's own citizens. Get the beam out of your own eye, before you go complaining about specks in other peoples. You have way more issues in your own country than others have in theirs. You are like that upstanding politician by day, and that pervert who goes home, and does unspeakable things to their kids by night. Just gross. At least in other countries, when they run over their people with tanks, we know what time of day it is. Here you torture and torment from a distance, then you form these fake committee's, and pretend you are so good and so moral, and you are not. You are just as bad if not worst than the others.

These countries are suppose to stand for freedom and democracy. They are suppose to be an example to the rest of the world, but instead, you are just as bad as every other government on the planet, you are just better at hiding what you are doing. You are literally doing some of the most evil and immoral things, and you are just better at hiding it.

Oh I noticed that the scrambling news site is gone offline for some time now. I wonder if they are trying to get rid off all traces of their bs? (Scrambling news was the satellite stealing site, that sold the book by David Lawson. The book that tried to make people think that gang stalking was caused by right wing, anti government groups.) Anyways.

It's so horrible because you think, if I was living in a fascist, or police state I would know it. On T.V. and in movies, they always have tanks, and uniforms and they are marching in the streets. Well just because you have not given the snitches uniforms, it's no better. The worst part is, these hypocrites use to tell us how bad countries like Russia, and Germany were for doing the same crap they are doing. The hypocrisy is just really bothering me today.

It's realising how crazy, and truly creepy these people are. How just like Russia they are getting rid of dissident, activities, their version of enemies of the state. However again it's not the government that disappoints me, apparently there have always been corrupt regimes. No what disappoints me is that society just goes along with this. Don't get me wrong. I do realise not everyone is down with something this crazy, and creepy. I do realise that it might not be wise or reasonable for everyone to be as open and vocal about it. I do realise these people are creepy and dangerous, but then that is why something has to be said. I really do believe that "all that is necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing." (Edmund Burke.)

We must resist all appearances of evil. (To the best of your ability.) The more I blog, the more I do realise that most of society is aware of what is going on. If you are not a target or a snitch then you will have no idea what I mean. I just realised that when not following a target, most times they just act normal and they don't use the one handed Stasi/Snitch speak, so you probably will not see that, unless you start speaking to them first. When they don't know that you are a target, they just seem so normal, it's easy to almost forget just how creepy this society is.

12 signs of fascism. I think waking up and finding yourself a Targeted Individual is a pretty big sign.

It's sad, because I like to think these people grew up the same way I did, had the same values, morals, were on the same page, and they clearly were not. For every dissatisfied person, there are those all too happy to be snitches. In the movie V, (The one with the aliens.) In the clip I was watching the couple are afraid to help, because they have just been turned in by their son, who is a snitch. (God I wish I had understood this stuff better back then. So many others knew and understood these times so much better.) Anyways so they have been tortured ruffed up, and released back into the community to be an example to others, who would help the resistance movement. They are scared and rightfully so, and the wife is explaining why they can't help. Then the husband who had his arm broken, goes and get's a letter from his father. His father had survived Nazi Germany, only to be dog meat to a bunch of fascist aliens. Anyways, he reads the letter. It's a great letter, touching scene and they realise that they have to help the resistance, or they will have learnt nothing. It's a great scene, and relevant for our time period.
It's not like it made me hopeful, because this generation, they have forgotten and so we are to repeat this garbage all over again.

Aggressive nation with too much fire power attacking other countries, that did nothing to them. Concentration camps, fake attack that get's the wars started, and a fascist government, that controls a legion of snitches. Which time period am I referring to?
Anyways, just some reflections.

Oh last thing. The snitching thing. Apparently goes back to England and maybe before. So all the colonies and the branched off countries, at some point probably carried the snitching infection over with them. It's nothing new. I don't know if this concentration is anything new, or this level of corruption, but why should I think it is.

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