Counter Measures that might work.
Honestly I could go over each point and try to tell you what's worked for me, but you have to find what works for you. Like any other therapy you might find what works for me does not work for you. Find your own path.
Different people find different things acceptable. Others have boundaries that they just would not feel comfortable crossing or have things that they would not feel comfortable doing.
Others still need to feel that they are part of society. So again do what works for you. I will however share some of my ideas, and things that I have actually done, or intend to do if in the situation again.
Again for me some of the most effective things that I have done is just letting them know in subtle or overt ways that I know what they are. I have enough info about what they are,how they operate to shine it back in their faces, and evil does not like to see it's own reflection. (Also Civilian Spies/Snitches hate to have their covers blown.)
This has helped tone down much of the Gang Stalking in my life. It has not stopped some things, like the electronic monitoring/harassment. It has not helped me keep a steady job. However when I do have to be in specific environments, it's helped me to keep my dignity and stay fairly true to whom I wish to be.
To read about some of the countermeasures please use the following link. will touch on a couple of points that I don't think get touched on often enough.
Emotional Sappers and Intimate Infiltrations.
On the website Mark calls them Sappers.[quote]Parasitic Behavior
There is another motivational factor worth mentioning. Possibly, the greatest factor. During these covert group attacks, there is an energy transfer that these individuals, whether they know it or not, are looking for. The systematic vulturing during Mobbing & Gang Stalking campaigns is an intended robbery of a person's life-energy. This is no different than sticking a needle in someone's arm & stealing their blood. Eastern philosophy refers to these people as Sappers.
A Sapper is a person who is too sick, weak, or underdeveloped, to create their own life-energy. So they continually find themselves in circumstances where they steal or "sap" energy from a being that has already assimilated it into a usable form. This is similar to an infant eating pre-processed food. Society is full of them. They are completely unconscious of this tendency. I refer to them as Psychic Fleas.[/quote]
Others call this being an emotional vampire. There are literally some people who can drain other people's energies. I don't think this aspect of targeting is often discussed in the Targeted Individual community. It's interesting because there are lot's of books written about people who can zap other people's energies with their negativity, or transfer their negative energy onto another. Main stream books have been written about this, but this is never really discussed in the T.I. community.
I think it's something that should be discussed, and also ways to shield against this. Ways that I find helpful are meditation or spiritual readings, the bible being my weapon of choice.
I also found a really great blog posting by evolve on the same issue. She runs a blog over at
http://www.Ongangstalking.blogspot.comHere is a small sample of her post.[quote]Beware..there is a very creepy aspect to being a target that is experienced by some people. Its spiritual or metaphysical, a sort of psychic vampirism. We all know someone who 'sucks the life' out of us or even out of a room but as a Target, one is especially vulnerable to people like this due to being beaten down constantly and never allowed time to heal, regenerate or re align with one's self (or definition of oneself). The redefining of the Target as victim by perps and keeping the target hostage daily as victim provides opportunities to very dangerous emotional and psychic predators.
If a Target stays in one locality too long and certain persons become familiar with you who are perps who are involved with harrassing or torturing you daily, even at first if they seemed harmless enough eventually they will harass you to a point where they start taking your energy in a very real way..there also seems to be the ability for that person, especially supported by other perps that show up on teh scene later, to begin to dump all their negative energy/problems/etc on the Target. In this way once again you become a human sacrifice in the short term as well as the long other words a Target may function as a scapegoat emotionally and psychically not jsut for the network at large but for individuals. [/quote]
Great post and very insightful.
The other topic I wanted to quickly touch on is Intimate Infiltrations. Targets are often set up or used in this way. Either by having people try to get close to them, only to gather information, or to try to get into a relationship with them.
Since I found out about Gang Stalking, I have personally avoided this trap by staying single. I still get emotionally attached to others, but that's about it.
For now the research takes up a good chunk of my free time, and really as a target I think the most sane thing that I can do right now is be single and figure out what to do next. This works for me, however it obviously might not work for others.
I don't know how others are handling this, but here are some Targeted Individual stories you should keep in mind.
Mark M. Rich.[quote]Second Incident
Looking back, this event makes sense. But at the time it didn't. A girl that I met at a gas station on my way back from a camping trip probably tried to frame me for attempted rape. This was sometime in either 1997 or 1998. I think she said she was from Vermont. On the phone she seemed OK, & said she was coming to Boston for an interview. How convenient I thought. So we arranged to have dinner & she invited me back to her hotel which was on Pleasant Street in Malden.
Back at the hotel she would entice me to make a move on her, but then stop, change her attitude drastically & go cold. I'd stop then, & she'd entice me again. She repeated this several times. Sensing there was something wrong with this girl I ended up leaving without anything happening. Now that I look back, I'm pretty sure I dodged a bullet.
For months afterward I remember having a strange feeling about that episode. It didn't make sense, but I attributed it to just being one of those strange events. The reason it didn't make sense is because the feeling I had gotten from that experience was that she wanted to frame me. But I didn't entertain this idea much because it seemed illogical that a stranger would try to frame someone. There's simply no reason.
Now that I look back, I think she tried to get me to "cross the line" so she could report it as a rape or attempted rape. I'm certain this was a Staged Event. I think these people tried to get me incarcerated. Interestingly, in the summer of 2005, a relative who now participates in the harassment against me, used a metaphor to describe how he was blackmailed into becoming an informant as a result of a being framed for an attempted rape. My study of this group & its controlling faction at the top, leads me to believe that this is probably common practice.[/quote]
I don't know how Mark is handling things now, cause I don't touch base with Mark, but I am sure this is an incident he keeps in mind. I also believe this is something used very often. This and the honey trap. The honey trap is the term Markus Wolf termed, for using Male operatives to woo, females and sometimes these men even ended up marrying the woman to get secrets from them. The honey trap works both ways for men and women.
http://brussellsprout.blogspot.comThis target is divorced. He says that since his divorce, he has been set up many times where someone seems interested, even makes overtures and then as he tries to make a pass back, they act almost as if he is doing something wrong. He says that parents have also tried to set him up by leaving him alone with young children. He has also had a fake harassment charge filed against him. Here is a small except from him.
[quote]attempted sexual frame-ups fail
As I have mentioned numerous times, since my wife divorced me in 1993, all my relationships have been sabotaged. At first, I had no idea this was going on, but then, a familiar pattern began to emerge in which a woman would indicate that she was interested in pursuing a relationship with me, and then break off the relationship abruptly with no explanation.
During this time, which was extremely frustrating, even heart-breaking at times, another strange phenomenon began to manifest itself. When I was out in public, for example in a bookstore or at a concert, women would deliberately brush up against me and rub their tits against my arm or my back or my chest. And sometimes they would be extremely YOUNG women -- teenagers ranging from 13 to 19.[/quote]
He has been alone for 12 years since the break up. This is just one more way that they can pull at a target or manipulate them. He says it's been stressful, because what he wants most is to be in a relationship, and I think they know this. He also thinks that his wife, who he met in College was used from the start as a set up. They married and had two kids, now they are divorced and the kids are with her. A familiar pattern.
John Hughes also writes about set up with ex girlfriends.[quote]No one at work asked where I was Monday April 15, nor did they wish to enjoin me in conversation with the lead in, "I had an interesting day yesterday". My Alternate Girlfriend (Ms. L), who had arrived back from a week away in New York April 14, was also one of my confidants, and in hindsight, was very likely a cooperator. She also emphasized that I was paranoid, and that I needed help, and was attempting to convince me the Standoff event was delusional. Again I got the paranoid accusation followed with a statement of seeing a counselor. She continued on this theme a number of times until our association ceased (below). Neither girlfriend was very nurturative, and the Sometime Girlfriend got in such a stinking huff that she didn't want to talk to me. These contrived rows became delimiting as to whom and where I could later find refuge.
My move to Seattle from Everett diminished the relationship with Ms. C, but she was artfully substituted with an ADD person, Ms. L.
It is clear to me that both Ms. C and L. were both planted infiltrators to extract more information from me, and to guide and set up events that served both the experimental and harassment objective. In both cases there were unwarranted and unsettling disagreements that blew up and prevented the relationship from deepening. [/quote]
[quote]Ms. L (my ADD companion) bailed out on me when the first apartment intrusion happened April 15, 2002. Although Ms. C was front and center in setting me up for the April 15 apartment invasion by sowing fear, uncertainty and doubt (FUD), I continued my on/off relationship with Ms. C until recently (06-2003). [/quote]
What's interesting about John's situation is that he said that the girlfriends were exactly what he was looking for. They even found him one with (Attention Deficit disorder) ADD, just like he had. He was profiled that well. I can not remember if John's encounters seemed random or accidental, but I know other targets have reported that in retrospect, the encounters were very deliberate.
Vera story is also very interesting.[quote]Assorted Attempted Set Ups
Part of the affect of men consistantely relating to me in this way was a kind of isolation. I got no moral support, or people offering themselves to me emotionally or mentally- it seemed the only relationships available were physical. This held true with women too, for the most part. Either they acted like friends and then robbed me blind, or we'd get a bit of a rapport going and they'd turn sexual. I honestly believe that these were all attempted "set-ups". Whether for viewing at a later date, or for the emotional trauma that each successive, soured relationship would wreak on my psyche, the pretenses were premeditated, the approaches rehearsed. [/quote]
[quote]I would often find so many similarities between myself and whomever I was just getting aquainted with (and too often ended up sleeping with). Wow, we even take the same brand of vitamins, and they care a lot about the planet as well, and I've read that book too, etc. When I finally really got to know some of these people they were the most bigoted, spiritually vacuous, nutrionally ignorant, apathetic people I'll ever meet. But, they'd been coached. Like actors and their directors I firmly believe that these people had had the way to my heart mapped out for them. I really want to meet the producer. Perhaps I already have and don't know it.
A guy asked me for a cigarette one day as I was walking down the sidewalk. Apparently we were both waiting for the same office bldg. to open, so I gave him a smoke and we chatted. He was of Native American descent with long, dark hair and a relaxed way about him. Ever on the lookout for a decent human being I accepted when he invited me to go to lunch later that day. (I am such an easy mark: Long hair, an interest in music and the environment, health my chronic affliction with lonliness. Ahhh, hindsight is so clear.) [/quote]
Another interesting thing about Vera, I think it's her and not John. She wrote that her car broke down and this stranger drove back to assist her. She would years later realise again that the whole thing had been a set up, including the tire going flat. Just so that someone could get into her life. Fun stuff. talks about her choice to remain, clean, sober and relationship free. The survival choice, that I think is the sanest in many cases, but not always the most manageable. I really like reading these posting however, because she touched on a lot of the emotional aspects involved with being a target.
Lastly there is this posting and I think one of the most important ones.
Ruth Goodman.[quote]I was also contacted at home, in my personal life by a couple of men who work for the
government... Brian Kohler, with the D.O.D. (I know this is his real name, I have been to his and his parents home in Fairfax Virginia. His father, Larry Kohler, works for the Pentagon) pretended at first to be in love with me, this was 5 years ago when I was more naive. He flew out to California several times pretending he was going to relocate to move in with me. It turned out that he was lying, and was actually stalking me for counter intelligence. His intimidation kept me from writing on the internet for about a year, but then I went back to doing it, refusing to give in to terrorists. [/quote]
She goes on to talk about her contact with them.
[quote]About a year and a half ago I was contacted by another man, Jason Duncan (not sure if this is his real name) made similar contact with me pretending to be a friend interested in discussing spiritual principles. While at my apartment he staked out the neighborhood, and a couple of months later, stalkers moved into the house behind my balcony, built a HIGH wall, and they gather there harrassing me from behind this wall. After one of Jason's visits with me I became extremely ill (I thought I had food poisening), and was taken to the emergency room closest to my home, very late at night, and was put out with a general anesthetic for 4 hours.
About a day or two later I began to experience people harassing me in my head. I can TELL they are using electronic devices to do so. I do not know where on my body they planted the transmitters, but I have found fake hairs protuding out of the back of my neck and behind my ears. My hairline is not the same as it was before. These tiny hairs come from my temples and go under the skin behind my ears.
These people continue to harrass me in my head, screaming "Stay off the internet" and "we control everything" etc. They also had me picked up in front of my house by a Long Beach policeman, alone with no name badge, who drugged me, met an LA County sherrif behind a dark building, who was also alone. He got on the freeway. When I asked "where are you taking me?" his response was "someplace fun".
They took me to a secluded section of LA County Jail where I was brutally beaten, stripped naked, fondled and tortured by male sherrifs, and told over again that "we're gonna smoke you, n*gger" while guns were brandished in front of me. I was also repeated drugged with something that made me unable to control myself. I was held for 5 days with no phone call until my sister reported me missing. I was then charged with being under the influence of drugs. [/quote]
As many know Ruth Died shortly after this.
I think every target has to choose how best to live. We do not want to loose our humanity, however we do not want to become careless, when we know that we are Targeted Individuals. New time more on shielding.
Labels: emotionally draining, framed, Intimate Infiltrations, racism, relationships, set up, slander