Gang Stalking

A upto date blog about my adventures with gangstalking. This is my way of sharing with the world what gang stalking is really like. Some helpful books. Gang Stalking Books Mobbing Books

Thursday, January 21, 2010

From the inside

The best way to bring down any system? From the inside, that's what the government has been doing for years. They infiltrated the civil rights movement, panthers, 9/11 truth, etc. They have also done this with gangs, mafia, etc. Often they put their people on the inside and use them to destroy these organization, set people up, etc.

That is also why they want to join these conspiracy, extremist, and other forums. They plan, manipulate and work for years to get into positions of power and authority. They do this in society too, judges, lawyers, politicians, they get in and further advance people like themselves, (corrupted, immoral, deceitful, etc) and suddenly they are in charge. The innocent get mobbed out of these jobs, and what's left is an organization with the corrupt, obedient, or those who just don't ask questions, or maybe with a few who are too afraid to.

Well the interesting thing is this concept can work, and eventually will work with this system one way or another. Two things can happen with a sytem like this, if the people could ever effectively wake up, realise there is something wrong, they would have the power to change it. If they unanomously got together, realised that things are wrong, then from the inside they could bring in down, sabotage the system the same way they do to other groups and organizations.

The other method is an eventuality. They destroy themselves because they get so immoral, so corrupted, so debased, that all that is left are the stupid, immoral and corrupted. People of independent thought are often long gone by this time, and what is left eventually like what we saw in the movie apacalypto destroyes itself from the inside.

One process is what we might call revolution, this is a process that they fear. That the people will wake up, stop believing the propaganda, stop believing the lies. Get past all the lies they have been sold to keep them seperate, these lies that keep you seperate are part of their control structure, till you can overcome these, your chances are much more limited.

Revolution can come by bloody battles, it come come by peaceful protest, it can come by popular sentiment, but it can happen if a people truly wake up, feel that something is wrong, and decide to do something about it. Most people try to make revolution happen at the voting booth every few years, but if all parties are the same, or working for the same side, then revolution can not truly be fascilitated this way.

If revolution fails, and the people remain silent, then an eventuality of tyranny almost always happens. Then the people suffer, the good are destroyed, and freedoms are suppressed. However a society like this eventually eats itself from the inside, however this process is much slower, and it usually involves the systemic destruction of the innocent, the independent thinkers, dissidents, etc.

A society as a whole has great power to decide their fate and the change the course of their lives for the better, they can choose a future of enslavement, or they can sit down, realistically look at the problem, and start to believe and realise that they have the power, they have the capacity to make a change for the better, and then start to go about making those changes.

A desire for change, getting past fear, awakening of society, organizing, and eventually action of some kind are all keep factors in starting to make that change happen, if society wants the first outcome vs the last.

This system already has people on the inside that can make a difference. If you can wake up, realise this system is broken and corrupted, you can make a change for the better. There is still time, and more importantly, the members of the society, have the capacity, and the people have the power to bring about this change.

I think taking an it starts with me attitude is key, but people have been down for so long, it takes a lot to change behaviour patterns and enslaved thinking patterns, we have in ways gotten lazy, many want change, but change is scary, and also many are just comfortable enough, but we know that if things are allowed to continue this way, it will eventually get very uncomfortable for those who value any sort of freedom, or independent thought. Interestingly enough thought is the key, we have the capacity to change the world for the better, but we have to desire that, believe that, and work towards that, otherwise this corrupted system will destroy itself, but before it does, it will take a lot of innocent people with it in the process.

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Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Gangs and their secrets

The informants can also be compared to a gang and how a gang functions. I have compared them to cults, gangs, secret societies, etc. It’s all the same. Members who keep a code of silence.

There are many gangs in society but this is the main one, and it comprises all of the smaller gangs or minor ones. So it incorporates, government branches, the cops, the Mafia, street gangs, masons, Scientologist, black activists, kkk, store owners, company workers, almost every religious sect you can think of. Every sector of society takes part. I don’t think I can make this any clearer. As much as they might all pretend not to get along, when the state comes calling, they will communicate together in public, and they are unified when it comes to their informant system.

Gangs rely on silence, so ofcourse this relies on silence. The snitches don’t want their I feel special club exposed.

Scientologist have Scientology, Masons have Masonry, and the snitches have this. This is their gang, their cult, their secret club. They feel special being a part of this. So yes the secrecy is a big part. They get so upset realising that outsiders know. They like this cause it makes them feel connected, belonging, like any gang or cult would. The mafia is one type of gang, so are the cops, so are street gangs, and the members join for different reasons. Many clubs have secrets, that the members are expected to uphold.

The cops, informants, and gangs use one handed sign languages.

Where the cops and street gangs wear uniforms or matching colors, the informants often look like average people for the most part.

Some Gangs, some cults, some cops, some informants do underhanded things. There have been many cases where members of these groups have been caught doing illegal, immoral things.

Some Gangs, some cults, some cops, some informants are corrupt. There have been cops caught dealing drugs, informants caught in huge lies that destroy lives, cults have been known to do corrupt things as well. I think most targets are familiar with the corrupt actions of some of the informants.

Some Gangs, Some cults, some cops, some informants , use lies, bullying, intimidation, and fear to control their members. There are informants that want to speak out, but they are controlled by fear in some cases. They are lied to in others, and in some cases feel that it’s their patriotic duty to keep the secret. We have seen via gang stalking all of the above methods used to try to control and destroy the lives of targets.

The only thing with gang stalking is that it takes all the cults, gangs, cops, informants, and they are all part of one big gang. One big conspiracy of silence, and because so many people take part, many who realise what is going on lie to themselves. They believe that they are part of something that is good, nobel, protecting the city. They take part following orders instead of thinking. They pretend that this is normal, some of them see it as a good thing. To wake up to the truth that this is not normal, would shatter their reality. Many see it as power, rather than the enslavement that it truly is. To realise they are slaves, might mean doing something about it.

Many like the sense of belonging, sense of community, many on the inside don’t see things the way we do. They like the power, the connectedness, that feeling of finally fitting in, having a purpose. That is what keeps this going, and they don’t want their little secret club to be exposed.

Many people complain about cops and their blue wall of silence, or that gang members won’t snitch, or about how Masons, and other cults keep secrets, but then they turn around and they do the same thing. They keep secrets. They tell lies to keep their secrets safe. Their are hundreads of targets online saying that they are being abused by this system, but the cult/gang members still keep the secret. Then get made at other clubs or cults who do the same. It’s no different. They have their secret handshakes, you have your sign language.

Lies, manipulation, bullying, murder are used to keep your little system going just like any other. People who like these smaller gangs, cults, clubs, for the most part like this bigger one, cause the same things that allowed them to keep the secrets, tell the lies, do the damage, or destruction for these smaller clubs is what will cause them to do the same for this bigger club.

Gangs like their secrets, and they are willing to lie, bully, harass, intimidate, or destroy the innocent to keep these secrets. The informants in many cases are no different.

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Saturday, January 09, 2010

Refuse to live in fear

Fear it's the power that controls and consumes the lives of many people right now. As long as they are consumed by the fear they will be controlled by it. As long as they let others tell them what to be afraid of they will control the masses.

Wars on Drugs, War on Terror, Street Gangs, Global Warming, Swine Flu, etc. It can be anything, the only person or persons that can control this fear or stop it from happening is us. We the people. We have the power and they know it, thus they keep us in a constant state of fear. They put weak and pathetic leaders forwards, ones in their control, who we are then told to emulate.

You see this questionable leadership in all areas of society, but most people never question it, it's always been like this and they don't think that things can change, or that they will change. Also they are so comfortable, they are too lazy to put in the effort that it would take to make a change. Even if it's slavery it's still a routine that they know and they are willing to work with it.

Targeted Individuals know a lot about fear. We deal with fear when we are mobbed, targeted, electronically harassed, and the various other things that targets go through. Being afraid is a normal human emotion and there is nothing wrong with it, but when it overpowers and controls your life, then it's a bad thing. That's when it becomes a problem.

Many targets deal with fears that most people think make them look crazy. Eg. They get sensitized over time to a color, word, action, ect and finally all the negative associations, or the big event that it took to make them sensitized is not needed, any little trigger event will do, and these informants on a daily basis will use little trigger events to keep the target scared and in their control.

They will also try to anchor on other things to keep targets scared of more things, till their life becomes one big fear factor. That is the goal, then all they have to do is snap a finger, jingle a key, cough, sneeze, use the color red, patterns, snap laptops, etc, and the target reacts. Those are some of the sensitivities I have heard about since coming online. These are designed to keep the Targeted Individual in a state of anxiety or fear. Before these little events could work, they used big events to try to make the target afraid. Eg. When I first started being electronically harassed and burnt in my home, or as the informants like to call it, (electronically monitored) they use to always try to attach a noise of a drill to the torture. So there I would be getting burnt, and then at the time I knew nothing about shielding and had no defence so it was pretty raw, and painful. They consistently tried to make sure that drilling was attached to the torture, this was over several months. So when I went back out into the world, they were sure, and banking on the fact that I would be sensitized to the sound of drills and then they could just tell the informants, this person has a phobia, is very sensitize to drills, acts out is not normal, ah but they failed. For the next two years and even to today, they still attempt it once in awhile to see if I was sensitized. It just shows me that with proper knowledge, we can win out over these people in small little ways, day by day.

See I was lucky, I had one sensitivity, I had it for years. Before my torture with electronic harassment started I learnt about anchors, so I realized that they would be trying to attach another sensitivity to the one I already had. I had a working knowledge of Pavlov and the dog experiment so I was familiar with what they were trying to do.

Eg. Pavlov would ring a bell during his dog's feeding time. The dog would start to salivate over the food. After a while he could just ring the bell and the dog would start to salivate, cause he had associated the sound with food, in our case we associate the sensitivity to negative things they have done to us over time, without in many cases even realising that they are sensitizing us till it's too late.

The sensitivity that I had when my electronic harassment began, I spent that time at home being tortured and electronically harassed, but also getting over my sensitivity. It was not perfect, but over the next few months, it got better, and is at a normal level to what it was before the sensitivity started.

So what does this have to do with fear that the average person's experiences? Well let's take 9/11 a big, huge event that got everyone scared, panicked. Most people because they shared the fear understand it and agree that this was a fear worthy event, and understand and accept that people are scared and have a phobia about this event happening again.

So now several years later, you don't need another 9/11 to keep the people scared, the occasional terrorist threat, weird plane flying over New York, and keep the citizens on high alert and they are in the grips of fear, and it works. Also if we get them scared of 9/11 then we can add in other fears, attach additional fears.

See these people try to stop us from living our lives by trying to scare us, systemically trying to destroy us, and they want to try to control us. Well 9/11 does the same for the average citizen.

When people are scared they can do silly things, behave in what to the average person seems like irrational behavior, but to them seems perfectly normal. To an outsider that did not know about 9/11, voodoo rituals of taking off belts, shoes, and allowing oneself to be scanned and shown virtually naked to some stranger, would seem bizarre if not flat out crazy, an outsider would laugh and be like what's wrong with these people, allowing themselves to be treated like that and give up their rights? But because the fear has happened over the last several years it seems normal to the people that share this common fear. Just like our phobias are normal to us, based on our experiences.

Getting past fear, not feeding the fear factor. For my sensitivity it was a process. Each time I was home, I worked on it, I did not have the daily exposure, I knew it was irrational, I knew how it had come about, and I had a pretty good idea how to go about disassociating it with negative things, but it took time, and I had to work on it.

Fear is something that we have in many ways, it's normal and healthy, it can even keep us safe, but there is a stage where fear becomes irrational and even hurtful. Most times fear is individually based and if your phobia is going to an extreme level, an outsider can often point this out. However fear of 9/11 was group based, and the fear is shared by such a large group that their irrational actions, and activities are not being registered. The vast majority see these crazy measures, as something sane. They see giving up their rights, privacy, dignity as something needful to keep them safe. The fear is so deep routed that they are not only willing to give up their rights as a society and individuals, but then they are like a drug addict willing to drag down those around them who don't see things this way, those who refuse to give into this irrationality.

They want others to be scared the way they are, and those of us who just don't function this way, they are happy to take aware our rights, our freedoms. They are happy to go to other countries and attack others to try to bring about safety and security, which only succeeds in making more enemies, but instead of seeing this for what it is, they continue on in the same vain as before. Doing more harm to their chances of having a normal safe future.

Fear can be strong, powerful and irrational. At some stage however if you want to get better as an individual, or as a society, you have to stop giving into this fear, you have to find some way to let it go. Unfortunately being scared, living in fear works for many right now, too many, and like Dr Phil says, if it's working for you, you are not going to change. Something about this cycle of fear and stupidity is working for a large majority of people, and the rest of us are caught up in their self destructive spiral of destruction.

We can't force them to stop being scared, I don't believe that we have the right. But we can point out why the fear is irrational, encourage them to help them get past the fear. We can raise our own vibrational levels, refuse to live in fear in our own lives, and try to help those around us who are gripped by fear to get past it. Many never get past it, but they might be able to get to a stage where they are functioning in a rational and sane manner again. McCarthyism continued until just a few stood up and said, enough is enough, "have you no shame," and then it fell apart from there.

Change can happen, you can stop living in fear. It's a painful, daily emotional experience, I am not trying to pretend that it will be easy. Right now this fear is enslaving and to many the fear appears to be protecting, but it's not, however people will only see this in their own time, when they get ready to deal with the fear. For many it will be never. Yesterday it was the Russian's, they were the one's to fear, they were going to drop that nuclear bomb anytime. That fear seemed logical to some, and it allowed them to do crazy things. Today it's terrorist. Tomorrow it will likely be someone else, or something else. Whatever will get a response from the people. Just like whatever will get a response from the Targeted Individual.

Each person has to take some individual responsibility for what is happening. It's a normal thing in today's society to be scared, but each person has to try to move past that fear.

First realise that there is a problem. The society is being destroyed by this fear. The rights and freedoms that you claim others envy so much, where are they? Are they running around naked at airports, well not running around naked, but being scanned naked, with privates available for view? (Yes the naughty bits will be available for view, or there is no point in having the scanners.) Are they getting mind read at the airports? When do you say enough is enough?

Even if the worst thing does happen, you would pick up your lives, your psyche and continue on, that is how normal societies function, and I know you probably don't want to hear this from the Targeted Individual, but you are no longer behaving in a rational manner.

If you are able to realise that there is a problem with what is happening, then you need to ask yourself what can you do at an individual level to fix this problem? Then take it from there.

Fear controls us as long as we let it. I have watched psycho nut jobs, some of these informants try to destroy my life for years. Jobless at times, threats of losing my roof over my head, almost daily attempts to run/drive into me in lethal ways. Plus the just being annoyed by the informants as they try to provoke. I have been there done that, it's not a place I like, and it's one that I want to stay away from. Like others I have to work at it.

If you can raise yourself up from the fear, then you can help others. Some of us got past the Flu Fear recently, and Global Warming fears, but they seem to always be able to pull the people back in with the terror scare. Until you the people find a way to stop being scarred, then they have us, and the terrorists real or imagined, planned or unplanned will have it and you will have lost.

Overcoming fear is not easy, it's a daily process, but we have to try because freedom and democratic security are worth fighting for.

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Friday, January 08, 2010

Voice to skull

Voice To Skull otherwise known as V2K.

Now let me state this before I go further. I am not an expert on this topic. I have never been a target of this practice. My knowledge is limited, but I do get questions in regards to this from time to time, so I am going to try to tackle this in a small way.

This is not advise, a professional opinion, or legal feedback in anyway shape or form.

I also want to say to true targets of this practice, I think you are very brave discussing this stuff. It can not be easy, and I hope that technology can be found to counter what is happening.

Some targets legitimate target complain about hearing voices. If you are from outside the community and someone tells you that they are hearing voices you assume that they are crazy right?

Well the more you know the better abel you are to make informed choices and opinions.

Now after watching this video, do you think that everyone hearing voices is crazy?

What about after watching this clip from Real Genius? It's a 1980's movie staring Val Kilmeer, where they get someone to hear voices, by a tooth implant.

They put the person to sleep, do a bit of drilling in his tooth, and he wakes up thinking that he is hearing the voice of God. This was a cheap 80's trick. Actual technology has come a long way.

The clip will not be posted here, but if you really look for it you can find it. Or just rent the movie.

You can even watch the movie control factor. Where they also use technology to get people to hear voices. In an apartment not too far from where the target lives.

[quote]"The American people have been kept in the dark about the true scientific progress in this country. Technologies of mass-control exist that the public would never dream off. I know because, I helped developed them. They call it psychotronic warfare, a research program dealing with mind-control. They can control everything what a person does, voices, that is how they get ya. This is not the elected government, this is the national security empire, the dark vaders of the 21st century." --Control Factor

Credit Source:
This short video clip was taken from the movie "Control Factor(2003) by Universal Studios"

More Mind-Control Sources:

Mind Control The Ultimate Terror:

Psychotronics: ia_psychotronicweapons.htm

Mind Control with Silent Sounds & Super Computers: ithsilentsounds24jun05.shtml

Digital TV - Mind Control by sound of silence: /esp_sociopol_mindcon40.htm[/quote]

Now control factor is just a movie, but the concept of the technology is very real.

This silent sound technology was patented years ago. Microwave hearing, which would allow a microwave to send voices directly inside the human head.

The microwave auditory effect, also known as the microwave hearing effect or the Frey effect, consists of audible clicks induced by pulsed/modulated microwave frequencies. The clicks are generated directly inside the human head without the need of any receiving electronic device. The effect was first reported by persons working in the vicinity of radar transponders during World War II. These induced sounds are not audible to other people nearby. The microwave auditory effect was later discovered to be inducible with shorter-wavelength portions of the electromagnetic spectrum. During the Cold War era, the American neuroscientist Allan H. Frey studied this phenomenon and was the first to publish (Journal of Applied Physiology, Vol. 17, pages 689-692, 1962) information on the nature of the microwave auditory effect; this effect is therefore also known as the Frey effect.

Dr. Don R. Justesen published "Microwaves and Behavior" in The American Psychologist (Volume 30, March 1975, Number 3).

Research by NASA in the 1970s[citation needed] showed that this effect occurs as a result of thermal expansion of parts of the human ear around the cochlea, even at low power density. Later, signal modulation was found to produce sounds or words that appeared to originate intracranially. It was studied for its possible use in communications. Similar research conducted in the USSR studied its use in non-lethal weaponry.[citation needed]

The existence of non-lethal weaponry that exploits the microwave auditory effect appears to have been classified "Secret NOFORN" in the USA from (at the latest) 1998, until the declassification on 6 December 2006 of "Bioeffects of Selected Non-Lethal Weaponry" in response to a FOIA request.

The technology gained further public attention when a company announced in early 2008 that they were close to fielding a device called MEDUSA (Mob Excess Deterrent Using Silent Audio) based on the principle.[1]

So if a target starts to hear voices how do they know if they are crazy or being experimented on with one of the above technologies or even something more advanced?

This is a hard question to answer. The targeting that we experience I fully belive is capable of driving a perfectly sane person, mentally unstable. However I do believe that some targets are being played with, using some of the above technologies.

If I was a target in this situation, I would use a very scientific method to investigate.


Are you hearing the voices at all times, or just in specific locations?

Does it happen under water? Is the effect increased or decreased in anyway?

Have you tried to record the voices? Remember we can not hear dog whistles, but they do work. Many sounds are outside of human hearing, but other technology might be able to pick it up.

I am not sure if a microwave would block the sounds out, but if I was a target in this situation, and thought microwave hearing was being used, I would try to see if the noise could be eliminated by testing out a microwave. Eg. Unplugged a microwave, if you place your head/skull inside for a few seconds, do the voices stop? I know this sounds extreme, but honestly it's something that I would check, takes about 30 seconds and this may or may not be something that could be attempted.

I mentioned recently that they are working on technology to give the world an invisible cloak, should be ready in the next three years or less. Yes an honest to goodness invisibility cloak. Think Harry Potter.

The materials they are using, are designed to bounce off microwave rays and this might help targets in the future if microwaves are being used. However the materials are expensive, but for targets with money to burn, then this could be something to look into.

Underground bunkers, deprivation chambers? I don't know if any of these would work. Climbing a high mountain? Just to test out different locations, to see if it is something high tech vs low tech, vs something that is with you 24/7.

Again the above may or may not prove or disprove anything but it's something that I would look into if in the same situation.

Why I believe some targets who say this is happening to them? Well in part because of the above examples posted, but the targets that I do believe, they were really specific.

Ruth Goodman, said it was men that she had dated, who worked in the military. She said it happened to her after she was drugged and put under anestesia. She thinks some form of micro surgery was done. She says they tried to keep her off the internet and prevent her from writing. She died shortly after, so I can't confirm this one way or another, but her example fits what others have said.

A man I think his name was Tracy said that he could hear people like they were fighting over a microphone, and he knew at least one, to me based on what he said, it sounded like they were close by where they could see him, and the stuff they said, sounded like hicks who really wanted to mess with someone.

Gloria Naylor from what I recall said that her voices prevented her from writing. Now in her case I don't know if they were with her all the time, or just when near the computer.

I like what Naylor did in the sense that she tried the traditional method, was given medication, it did not work, so she looked around for other answers.

I think this is logical, but as a target, I know that I would do a lot of research, experimentation and troubleshooting first.

So I spent a large part of the last few days brainstorming trying to figure out what things targets have done, and what they could do.

Remember these people who are doing this to you are not God, they would like to be, but they are not.

[quote]They are trying to develop a beam of light, it would be projected onto your forehead, go a couple of milimeters into your frontal cortex, and then receptors would get the reflection of that light, and you would not know. [/quote]

They even have laser microphones.

[quote]The main type of laser microphone is a surveillance device that uses a laser beam to detect sound vibrations in a distant object. The object is typically inside a room where a conversation is taking place, and can be anything that can vibrate (for example, a picture on a wall) in response to the pressure waves created by noises present in the room. The object preferably has a smooth surface. The laser beam is directed into the room through a window, reflects off the object and returns to a receiver that converts the beam to an audio signal. The beam may also be bounced off the window itself. The minute differences in the distance traveled by the light as it reflects from the vibrating object are detected interferometrically. The interferometer converts the variations to intensity variations, and electronics are used to convert these variations to signals that can be converted back to sound.[/quote]

The world is changing at a rapid pace. If a target today goes to the doctor to complain of hearing voices, they are still automatically in most cases diagnosed as mentally unstable, but the reality is, if a psychiatrist or other health care professional is not upto date on the latest technology, or even aware of secret technologies, they run the risk of making a faulty dignosis, where someone might actually be telling the truth. The science fiction of yesterday, is science fact today.

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