This article is to prepare you for when the truth finally comes.
There have been a lot of revelations in past years. Dark, dirty, dank secrets, that were hidden. Some were happening on a main stream level, but the truth did not come out for years. When the truth finally did come it does not get the reaction that we were hoping for. In some cases, articles make their way into the main stream papers for a time, and then the issue goes away, but it never really goes away. I present to you the following examples of truth coming out, and society once again remaining in it's trance like stupor.
I am writing this to prepare you. A lot of people think that when the truth comes out, it's going to be like some magic pill, and just automatically make things better and make all this misery stop, and the truth is, past examples have shown us this is not the case. All it will likely do is make our lawsuits easier in some cases, or getting our Freedom Of Information Requests more accessible.
The world is not as fully unaware of what is happening to us, as we would like to believe. You know those large groups of people, strangers, friends, family that take part in what is going on for their various reasons? Enough are aware, that this should not be happening in darkness, but it continues. You know those human rights organization that spill the bs about human rights, while they get dozens, or hundreds of calls, letters, etc each month, which they ignore, or cover up. Those organisations, they know. Your politicians which you have called and written to, many of them know. So all I am saying is when this does come out, please be mentally prepared, that this might not change things for us that rapidly, if at all. At best it might only be a gradual change. It might only be getting the satisfaction of saying, ha we were telling the truth.
Case in point. Some other major stories that by some miracle finally broke through to the main streams trance like stupor. Some change happened for a time in some cases, but then it was back to business as usual. This seems to be a pattern of how the world works, it's disgusting, it's disgraceful, and you are the only ones that can help change it. Why you don't do so on a large scale is one of those mystery's that boggles the mind.
Cases in point.
Mind Control
The world at some point saw the revelation of MK Ultra. The truth came out that the government had been conducting mind control experiments on unwitting people. They had been doing this for years, to try to control the human mind. They did this at home in the U.S. and aboard.
Canada recently paid out some nice money for allowing these abuses to take place on it's citizens in Montreal back in the 50's.
So when you use the term mind control, you would hope that people would understand the concept, and the fact that if it happened then, it can happen now? No that's often not the case. People hear mind control and it's like some mythological creature. That doesn't exist. Why would the government do that? The ignorance and the naivete is massive.
Not too long ago, I might have been in that boat with my awareness about what had gone on in the past.
If you want to learn more about mind control you can start with the following links, videos and articles. It's a quick way to to get a brief introduction. Remember this barely scratches the surface.
This was a program sponsored by the FBI, the program was used to not just squash dissidence, it was used to wipe out most of the left movements of the 50,60, 70. The program focused on ethnic minority movements, their leaders, and the organisations they were trying to build. Canada had their own version called. V.I.P.S. other countries may also have had similar programs.
The programs used rumours, false arrest, false imprisonments, set up, break in's, life disruptions like what we see in gang stalking, disinformation, murder to get what they wanted. They had a lot of agents in the KKK. They eventually infiltrated most of the movements of that time to destroy them, from the inside out.
This wiped out the black panthers, Martin Luther King Jr has a file, where they called for his termination, he was dead a month later, Malcolm X was a target, Puerto Rican and Indian Movements. This was about destroying dissidence, and any future attempts groups might have of starting up.
This quote is from J.Edgar Hoover, but I think it fits in very well with the present situation.
"We must now face the harsh truth that the objectives of communism are being steadily advanced because many of us do not recognize the means used to advance them. ... The individual is handicapped by coming face to face with a Conspiracy so monstrous he cannot believe it exists. The American mind simply has not come to a realization of the evil which has been introduced into our midst."
When the evils of Cointelpro came out it made headlines, the news stories came out, proportionate to people's outrage and fury. People were horrified, a committee was formed. Senator Church did his job so well that he was never re-elected again.
The real truth however is that it did not change a damn thing for many of the targets. Some are
still in jail, on the run, reputations and lives are still ruined, lives are still torn apart. Many of those that were murderer or forced to commit suicide never got justice.
The truth is, this never really ended, it just went back into the abyss till it was safe enough to come out again and continue what it was doing. A lot of things are like this.
Oh to read about Cointelpro or to get a brief introduction, you can go here. Webb's revelation that the CIA were in part responsible for helping or at least turning a blind eye towards drugs being smuggled into ethnic minority neighbourhoods.
First we had the big news article. Apparently there were the appropriate marches and demonstrations in the streets. Then the people who were preaching just say no with one hand, and who were dishing out the drugs with the other didn't like what Gary Webb was saying, so he lost his prized post, eventually quit his job, lost his credibility, got attacked by the major news papers.
Gary put up his own website, presented the evidence and then wrote a book. was allowed to continue on, but not like before. Then suddenly he was talking about a new
book. There are some people who make mention of this.
That's when he was found with the 2 bullet holes in his head. Yeah an apparent suicide. Right.
Anyways, there is still talk, speculation, but that's about it.
Oh and for the victims of the CIA drug operation, well they tried to hire lawyers, one of the few lawyers that would take the case was Anita E. Bell. She tried to take on the system for those victims and would later become a target. She was falsely disbarred, she fled the U.S. sought refuge in Canada, and had to again flee to Israel.
She says they made many attempts on her life, threatened witnesses, till they dropped the case, etc. Most traces of Anita E. Bell are
gone. abuse of children by priests. I hope that you have at least heard about this one. For years priest in all or most countries, were having sex with young boys primarily and with some young girls.
For years sometimes the families didn't believe their own kids, or if they did, they were persuaded to keep it quite, while these priests were moved from one location to the next, where they continued to pray upon child after child after child. Many of the victims never got any real justice, but some did get money. A few priest went to jail, but many are still roaming free, doing the same things, and believe it or not still being moved around by the church.
From what I have read, based on new laws in Rome in some cases now make it harder to take these cases to court. I have also read of some of these men fleeing to Vatican city for sanctuary.
What's changed? Our awareness, a belief that this stuff does happen, and not much else. Some parents are more secure with their children, but many are not. Also in very poor countries you still have this happening a great deal. It has not changed in many regards, even with all the awareness. The young still get victimised, and their predators are moved to another location to start the whole process all over again.
Child pedophile ring. The big story that children were brought to the white house for the purposes of sex. The story would break with many coming forward to say that they had been used as child sex slaves, many to import drugs. Many would tell the tale of being used in all sorts of sexual ways by very rich, high profile people. The case is disturbing. The witnesses were threatened, falsely discredited, or jailed, or suicide, whatever. The people they accused went on to have even better lives, and moved into higher positions of power.
Senator DeCamp was left with the question of why people covered this up, when they knew the kids were telling the truth. The answer is always the same. To protect the system. Then he was left with one more question:
"But then I have one final, nagging question. How do I know when, or if, the "system" itself has become so corrupted, that evil is the rule, rather than the exception? And when that occurs, what do I do about it? But I think I know the answer to that one - my oId commanding officer in Vietnam told me what I had to do. I made some promises to Bill, and I intend to keep them."
Here is a link to the story and his book. It's disturbing, but it's the system. This is what it does and this is what it allows, and only we can change it. Franklin Cover-Up: Child Abuse, Satanism, and Murder in Nebraska This was not a shock for many of us, but what you might not know is that before it was studied and confirmed, it lead to many suicides, to many people suffering Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, many were never able to work or function the same again, and others committed mass murder in the workplace. Oh and of course others were written off as paranoid. This was causing so much harm in society and again it was a struggle to get it recognised and acknowledged and even after that happened, it's not as if the mobbing gates opened up. Mobbing cases that have been won are few and far between. I can think of one off the top of my head that was won. Laws are still not complete across the board, and proving that you are a target of workplace mobbing is as difficult as ever. Proving that HR, and top management, plus co-workers are conspiring against you and that you are not the problem, almost impossible. and exposure does not always equal change. We hope that it will, but it that has not often proven to be the case. Doesn't mean that we should give up, but we should move forward with a realistic expectation that even when this does come out into the exposed open, it might not change things that much.
Right now this is a big open dirty secret like Enron was. Lot's of people knew, people did nothing, and the mechanisms that allowed Enron to happen, allowed parts of the recent financial crisis to happen, and will continue to allow other things to happen. People have to take personal ownership and responsibility. It begins with me. We all too often expect others to do it, to go the mile to go the distance so that our path will be easier, but sometimes you might have to put hand to shovel, or foot to gravel and help smooth out parts of that path. If we are going to have any true meaningful change, and not just the surface change we have seen so many other times before.
Labels: child sexual abuse, CIA, cointelpro, Drugs, Franklin Cover Up's, gang stalking, gary webb, mind control, mobbing, Pedophile, Senator DeCamp