Paranoid disruptions. Active Denials.
Active denial. A game the government likes to play. See this is how it works. If you let them mess with your life, then your life get's disrupted to the stage where you can not function. If you do nothing about it, they will just keep it up, and go further and further.
When a target starts to hit back and show them for what they are and what they are doing, then they will in some cases back off, but they will try to make the target look like they don't know what they are talking about. Go after the targets credibility. Make the target look crazy. What we don't know what you are talking about. We weren't running any interference. It's just paranoia.
They used these same mechanisums with targets of Cointelpro, they do these things that are so hard to believe, that most people would rather accept that the target is paranoid, vs being deliberately targeted and having their lives disrupted in such a manner.
"The individual is handicapped by coming face to face with a conspiracy so monstrous he cannot believe it exists."
Ok so I have been following up on the thing. So I finally heard back from them. They want me to resubmit the ebook details, in a different format, that's fine, but when you look at the ticket submitted you can see my first submission, and none of my follow up emails. So where are they? Whey did they not arrive? This again suggests that subsequent emails did not get through, cause the ticket was not updated. Anyways I will keep you updated on this.
The blog comment not posting, that I blogged about I went back and it posted. The previous times the browser had gone though, but there was no message that your message has posted, and it would go back to the same screen. Now when I tried it this time. I got a nice pop up form and it says the message is being queued for review. Had I not blogged about it, I might still be there trying to get it to post, and repeated attempts might be failing. I say this, because this has in some cases been consistantly happening, the webpro news postings being one example.
Drawing attention to the dirty that they are doing is still in many cases the most effective way to get it exposed and in some cases stopped, but then you have to be careful because then it puts you in a situation of walking a fine line of looking paranoid if you blog about each single incident, vs unspeakable life disruptions.
For me it's been not just emails about ebooks that are not getting posted, it's business emails that are not arriving. Feedback that I need, etc. This would not be the first time business has been interfared with. It's a part of their M.O.
Another example was right after those articles came out late last year in the papers about Gang Stalking. The Gang Stalking World website stopped getting emails. People's emails just stopped arriving, or if they did arrive, they would be delayed for hours or days.
I tested the system out myself, cause you want to be sure that you are not being paranoid. What I did was I sent in emails from the contact form to see if the mail would go through. What was interesting was mail that I sent that had spam titles from the contact form made it through right away. Other mail I sent that seemed or had titles that were something legit or pertinent just did not go through. It was fascinating to watch. What kind of filter can do that?
Anyways walking the fine line. Either drawing attention to the dirty and putting up with the life disruptions, or blogging about it and exposing it. It might leave you looking paranoid, but it's the only method right now that I have seen that has any effect. Just document every thing as best as you can.
Like I said, the bounced emails, lack of feedback, and business mail not arriving has been about 80%, where before it was not this volume for failed email that is not arriving. The emails are failing on public as well as private email systems, and various email boxes, and accounts.
So again I do think the best weapons we do have are exposure, and some legal means if we can find them. They will cross the line as much as they can, till you push them back. (I don't mean that literally, although getting their asses kicked could not hurt, but I mean it figuratively.)
The part that still amazes me is that we are in this modern society, we have so much interaction and places where massive amounts of information can be shared, yet this stuff still goes on, primarily in silence and that can not be allowed to happen.
I mean this system has consistently been in place, at the very least it needs to be exposed publicly for what it is, no I don't think it will stop it, but at least when people talk about it, they will stand a chance. Again conspiracies like this are nothing new. Priest got away with sexually assaulting thousands of young children for years, decades, and the problems were consistently covered up by the church, victims families, and in some cases the victims themselves, because of the stigma attached back then to accusing the church of stuff like that, but when the truth came out, it was something to behold.
Most of the stuff that targets have been talking about like the 24/7 surveillance has been getting exposed. The Nasa whistleblower was kind enough to share that fact that "NSA Surveillance Far Vaster Than Admitted; Targeted Regular Citizens and Journalists."
Anyways this really does still seem to be the only effective weapon thus far, exposure on a wider scale and awareness. Keep taking out the newspaper ads, maybe we should raise money for some bus ads? They would not likely post them, but this might be what we have to do. If you do hand out flyer's, be careful. They could try to use this against you. It's a fine line we walk, between getting what's happening to us exposed, and them trying to lock targets away for telling the truth about their harassment's. I never understand why people think programs such as MK
Ultra, and government experimentation go away? They don't. The Tuskegee syphilis experiment would probably be going on right now if not for one person, and again remember that went all the way to the top with the surgeon generals approval, for 50 years.
Again it went on with so many people in the know, but few with the ethical conscience to stop it, or who wanted to stop it, and the majority who were aware of the experiment felt they were a part of something good, scientific.
These governments have a log history of this stuff. Helping survivors of the holocaust with one hand, but then getting the Nazi scientists who conducted experiments into democratic countries with the other.
[quote]Operation Paperclip (also Project Paperclip) was the code name for the 1945 Joint Intelligence Objectives Agency[1] O.S.S.[citation needed] recruitment of scientists from Nazi Germany to the U.S. after Victory in Europe Day.[2][/quote]
It amazes me that something that is so systemically inherent can still be so hushed up, and then you dare to call yourselves democratic. That's the thing that astounds me. This stuff went on in East Germany and we spit at them for doing this to their citizens, and Cursed Russia for what they did to their citizens by locking them away, but we are doing the same things. These things have always amazed me.
There is a time for everything though, and there is a time for this to come out into the open.
Labels: awareness, Awareness Exposure, cointelpro, Democratic, Dirty deeds, East Germany, gang stalking, Life disruptions, Nazis, Operation PaperClip, paranoid, Russian Trojan Horse, Truth