The other side
Since it’s the weekend, and I have have done my Gang Stalking post, I thought I would talk about something else. Spiritual Consciousness. The bigger picture. In the course of Gang Stalking, I have given a bit of thought to the bigger picture. I have always had spiritual beliefs, but in the last couple of years, some have become more firm.
Astral Plane
What is it?
[quote]Many cultures have references to the astral plane some examples of these are the Dreaming of the Australian Aborigines, the Spirit-world of Shamanism, the Duart of the ancient Egyptians, the Bardo of the Tibetans.
The Astral plain is a plane of existence and perception paralleling the physical plane. It can be accessed during our sleeping hours during out-of-body experiences, It is then when our spirit can travel into other dimensions where we can perceive the beings of that world. This is the area where psychics make contact with their spirit guides, and see things yet to happen in the future. Unlike the material world, which is made up of atoms and molecules, the astral plane is a world of thoughts. Because of this it is not three-dimensional, it is an area that is all around and all encompassing. Objects can be viewed from all directions at the same time and emotions become visible and tangible, as are material objects on the earth plain.[/quote]
So apparently it’s a plane of existence similar to our own. It can be accessed in dreams, via lucid dreaming, and a few other ways.
Does it actually exist though?
Many people believe that it does, and I have come to agree with this sentiment, over the last couple of years, based on research, and other things.
So this is apparently a place some can visit at will, and that we all visit in dreams. Interesting. How many remember their dreams? How many feel in control in their dreams? How many feel they can control their dreams? Not too many I would imagine.
I see dead people
For the psychics and travels who visit this plane, they can see, hear and interact with what we call dead people. These are beings that have left this plane of existence and moved on to the next. From the feedback of these people who have had this experience, they say we do continue on, and we continue on in some ways similar to this plane of existence, while there.
Different colors of people
The astral realm, much like the earth realm can have different shades of people. When I was younger I thought we might all become invisible and colorless after death. But we have an astral body, very similar to our current bodies, without many of the limitations. It can see in various directions at once, and apparently a whack of other interesting things, from what I have read, and now believe.
Also in the astral realm, or spiritual realm, you can be different than your physical earth appearance. Eg. You could be a different race, gender, or something else entirely. On earth you might be young, but look old in spirit, and the reverse is true, you might look older on earth, but a much younger spirit.
Dream Babies
A few people have discussed this. Do dream children exist? Depends on the book you read, some say no, others say yes. One guy in his astral experience wrote about going back to the astral plane, and meeting a child who explained that he was his. So I guess this depends on what you read, if you believe in the existence of this realm.
This would explain where all the people are coming from, if we are formed and exist before we come to earth, for spiritual experience. So I tend to believe that this is true.
Dream Sex
In the same book, the guy who wrote about his dream kid, also wrote about his astral sex. Apparently it might be possible.
Pretty interesting, but scary concept. From what I have read because it’s spirit, you don’t share diseases, or much of the junk that humans have to worry about here. Feelings and emotions might be more true. Cause it’s spirit, without the physical limitations. From various books, and sources, I tend to think that this is true.
The only problem with this is he goes on to say, because everything is spirit, that lot’s of assaults happen, and it sounds like a pretty wild west place. I think he also goes on to talk about meeting demons and other worldly beings in astral. Also he has had girlfriends in astral, who no longer exist on this plane.
Higher Plane
In addition to the astral realm, there are higher realms, harder to access for the beginner. These realms are suppose to be where more evolved spirits and beings reside.
I have to read up on this more but it sounds interesting.
Ah reincarnation. A subject that I ducked out on most of my life, only to find that I am a complete believer now. I don’t think I doubted reincarnation, but I don’t think I ever let myself believe. I am a believer now.
Lost loves
Who do we fall in love with and why? Not only do some suggest that we meet in other realms before this one, but some suggest that we have known each other in past life times and most of the people that you fall in love with, might actually end up being people from these past life experiences.
Races and faces.
If you read enough about this subject and study it, you will understand that we can be and will be many races and faces. So I could be an Asian male today, Indian female in another life, and so forth.
What if we find someone and we are in the wrong stage, or in an impossible situation. What if you are a girl in this life time, but meet your former wife, who you knew when you were a guy?
What if you have strong racial views in this lifetime, but find that your soul mate is someone outside of that race?
What if you are older and your soul mate is under 18? You could very well have incarnate at separate times, because incarnations do not always match up, then what? Do you wait or move on?
On of the best stories I ever read about this was a wife who died, but her husband before she died told her he would wait forever. Well he didn’t, he married her best friend. She came back reincarnated, and was very upset that he did not wait. She is a child and he is a man, but she remembers a lot about their marriage. (I have blogged about this case before.)
Also just because you loved someone and they were perfect for you once, does not always assure that they will be perfect for you again. It is hoped so, that is why people are always looking to find their soul mates. I now believe that we often love people we have known before, but we can also find new loves. I think the world is a very strange and mysterious place, and I strive to understand it as much as anyone else.
Also since I believe we are spirit, that lowly beggar girl that you cast off today in flesh, could be of royal principality in spirit. Don’t discount people, because of your silly life constructs, go outside the box.
Holographic Universe
[quote]Our world may be a giant hologram [/quote]
[quote]If this doesn’t blow your socks off, then Hogan, who has just been appointed director of Fermilab’s Center for Particle Astrophysics, has an even bigger shock in store: “If the GEO600 result is what I suspect it is, then we are all living in a giant cosmic hologram.”
The idea that we live in a hologram probably sounds absurd, but it is a natural extension of our best understanding of black holes, and something with a pretty firm theoretical footing. It has also been surprisingly helpful for physicists wrestling with theories of how the universe works at its most fundamental level.[/quote]
What living in a giant hologram and science is now saying this? I bet a lot of you missed that memo right?
[quote]How Many Dimensions In The Holographic Universe?
ScienceDaily (Feb. 9, 2009) — Viennese scientists are trying to understand the mysteries of the holographic principle: How many dimensions are there in our universe?
Imagine this, we could be living in a giant hologram. With multiple instances of ourselves.
In one dimension you could be a law abiding cop, in another a thief. In one dimension single, in another happily married, in another divorced, and in another, not existing at all.
Again in a multi dimensional universe, you could have various versions of you, with different experiences. You could be saint in one, and sinner in another. You could be a serial killer in one, and a detective trying to catch a serial killer in another. Imagine the possibilities, our scientists are.
Different believes, views, all dependent on the variables in those constructs. One dimension where your love leaves you pregnant and alone, another where things work out. so many possibilities. One where you win the girl, one where she marries your sister.
The world is stranger than we know, and the science is just starting to catch up with what the spiritualist have been saying for years.
This would normally segway into quantum physics, but I think a few new concept for the kiddies is more than enough for one night.
I know these concepts are going to be hard for many to fathom, much less accept. I know for people with strong racial views, believing that you might be a different race in spirit, another dimension, or a past or future life might be a hard concept.
For the atheist who does not believe in anything, this might be a real mind bender as well.
For the religious, you might be christian today, Buddhist tomorrow, Muslin the next.
The world is a strange place. I also think that this could be why people have a hard time and change their appearance. If you are lucky enough to come to earth you might get here, but be a guy in a girls body. Be Asian in spirit, but black on earth. I think this could in part explain why people try to change things about themselves in extreme ways, without even realising it.
The Bible
This is a great reference point for some of this stuff.
It tells us that Jesus was a being that existed before who came to earth to try to help save them. Pre-existance.
The bible might also talk about reincarnation, when he is asked who John is, he references Elias.
It takes about Angels who took on physical forms of humans, and came to earth to marry humans. Makes you wonder if this is where some of the Greek and Roman mythology comes from?
Or maybe all those stories happened on some astral plane, that our ancestors were just more in tune with, and aware of. Maybe the veil was less guarded at one point in the past.
Gods and Goddess, and people in mythology stories, have impossible births, Zeus is a cad who is hard to keep up with. I think at some point in the past, before our technical age, people were more in touch with spirit, and thus these experiences might have happened on an astral plane, but people were just more aware, and the stories carried down. I think a lot of this knowledge is lost, or just kept from the general public. I think if we had access to this, we could essentially change the world for the better. (Or for the worst, at the rate humans are going.)
Are we real?
Does it matter? If we do live in a hologram, or this is a virtual reality does it matter? Would you change how you act? Some would some would not.
That is in part why we have a veil that keeps us from knowing more about the great beyond. I think there is a good reason for it, but I would like to know more spiritually.
In some ways I am as confused as anyone else. I use to think that if things happened in the astral plane, they automatically extended here. Then I lost that belief, and just thought, what happens in the astral realms stays there, and that they are just two different places. I am re-examining that view.
What I do believe, you can be of one mind in flesh, and another in spirit and dreams. If dreams are the astral realm, and the astral realm is in part where people go when they leave here, I think that realm could be more complex than here. What if people leave there to have a vacation on earth? Wouldn’t that be scary?
From what I have read, people come here for experiences they can not get in spirit. The matrix allows them to experience and interact differently than they do in spirit. Apparently it has it’s advantages and draw backs.
I think I believe what I have always believed, the world is very complex, but interesting place. We are more than these bodies, these external avatars that we take on from lifetime to lifetime, from dimension to dimension. We are spirit, spirit comes in many shapes, genders, races. I think to become who we are meant to be, we will take on most of them. I think we will be sinner, saint, savior, and somewhere in between.
If this gets too complex, then don’t worry about it, just row, row, row your boat, gently down the stream, merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily, life is but a dream.
Labels: Astral Plane, Gods, holographic Universe, Lost Love, Mythology, reality, reincarnation