Gang Stalking

A upto date blog about my adventures with gangstalking. This is my way of sharing with the world what gang stalking is really like. Some helpful books. Gang Stalking Books Mobbing Books

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Apathy is the key

When I started finding out about Gang Stalking or rather the elements of what was happening to targets, I thought it would be a simple matter of exposure and awareness.

Making people aware that this was happening and finding a responsible legal or political figure to help get this stopped.

Instead what I found was nasty conspiracy after conspiracy. I don't just mean ours but others. I found that many had come before trying to expose what was happening. Most of the true people only getting so far, before having accidents, dying of cancer, etc.

Then there was the world of shrills, disinfo agents, people giving you 90-95% truth mixed in with about 5-10% of lies and it was their lies you had to try to watch out for.

My greatest surprise was that this is not something new, at first I really thought that the targeting might have something to do with 9/11 and that the informant thing was only recent.

The more research I did, I realised that this system went back to England, the colonies and even before that.

I thought it would be a matter of making people aware that this is happening and then surly people would do the right thing and we would get this stopped, boy was I wrong. People don't do the right thing, they often look the other way and turn a blind eye to injustice. They feel powerless and unable to stop what is happening. They like what is happening, are fully in league and see no reason to stop it. Then there are those who would like to see this system changed.

At first I could not understand how so many people could be a part of what was happening, what I was seeing was far greater in number than any Stasi figures, I had come across. I saw people that I knew, stranger, business owners, co-workers, etc who were a part of what was happening.

On subsequent snooping, I was able to find out more from some of the people who knew about the city wide program, as I was calling it at the time. However it's not city wide, and it goes beyond borders. Intelligence agencies not only sharing information, but collaborating to destroy lives. If we had real newspapers and real journalists this would not be that hard to figure out, but our media is controlled, and though some would like to write about this, they most likely are not allowed to in one regard or another.

What I found as I researched were other scandals, open secrets, which is what I consider this to be. It's not a secret, but an open secret. Many people know the bear-bones of what is happening, they may not understand that people are dying, or being tortured, but with the information being put out, it's not hard to figure out.

I found that sexual abuse of children in large part continues because this system is being protected. We could stop this, but they are part of the sacrifice of this system. Many such as Senator De Champ have exposed this, other have exposed international pedophile rings, protected by people in high places, who are some of the main consumers. Nothing gets done. You have low level arrests, but to shake the system and truly get this stopped would require more, and that does not happen.

You have mass shootings, due to these types of investigations, and people cry and act all outraged. I remember when the Jiverly Wong shooting happened, there was not enough condemnation of him, outrage after outrage, and yet when it came time for the public to truly do something to get this stopped, such as stopping or curtailing these investigations, nothing. So these victims die, but the true culprit this system that saw fit to harass this man for 18 years till he snapped and killed, gets away with it.

Other have gone on shooting sprees for similar reasons. The German shooter who shot up his highschool, Peeka Eric gave similar reasons for the mass murders. Yet it's easier to write him off as crazy, then to pay attention to what was really said.

[quote][b]Collective deindividualization is a phenomenon where individual will be trained as part of the mindless herd controlled by state, corporation, church or some other organization, group, ideology, religion or mass delusion system and adopt it’s rules, morality and codes of conduct. This phenomenon has been familiar in all despotic, authoritarian, totalitarian, monarchist, communist, socialist, nazi, fascist and religious societies troughout history. Also, the modern western democratic republics have the same phenomenon. It is just done so that people will think they are free and don’t realize they are being enslaved. Majority of people in society are weak-minded and ignorant retards, masses that act like programmed robots and accept voluntarily slavery. But not me! I am self-aware and realize what is going on in society! I have a free mind! And I choose to be free rather than live like a robot or slave. You can say I have a “god complex”, sure… then you have a “group complex”! Compared to you retarded masses, I am actually godlike. [/b]

[b]Totalitarian governments rule people through education system, consumerism, mass media, monopoly on the legitimate use of physical force (police, military) and laws discriminating people who think differently than the majority. Democracy… you think democracy means freedom and justice? You are wrong. Democracy is a dictatorship of the moral majority… and the majority is manipulated and ruled by the state mafia. Modern western democracy has nothing to do with freedom or justice; it is totalitarian and corrupted system. Laws are made over the heads of the people and people are being brainwashed to support the system and connected to the institutional structures immediately after their birth. Societies are being ruled by manipulative and charismatic politicians who only care about the interests of majority, and who do not base their decisions on reason but emotions and feelings of the masses. These masses let the authorities of state to make all the important decisions for them. The masses will get an education, they study, get a job, go to work and vote in elections. They think they are free and don’t criticise or question the system. They have become robots. It is like a constructed mechanism in mind, that leaves little choice for an individual to think, talk and act independently. [/b][/quote]

From what he wrote in this letter it seems he was quite aware of this system, but didn't want to be a part of it. No one wants to be a slave. But it seems some will live with it. I think his life was wasted. I believe he had tried to wake people up on Youtube and other means, and even with the following that he had, he still did not see things changing and thus lashed out. Sad, he thought his actions would set off a revolution, but how can they? Look at the sheeple that you are dealing with. In some regards his life was wasted, I really wish that he had kept writing and posting videos instead of doing this extreme action. In researching this shooting it was very sad.

If more people like him who wake up, who seem to be on the inside, then maybe they in time can make the difference. I think they have a better chance of reaching the sheeple, because they are acquainted with the system.

At the end of the day making people aware is only a part of it. Recently I had someone was whining and crying that their secret was being told. Here I am being targeted by this creepy system, that is torturing me and (irritating) me, and then I have some semi brain dead sheeple bitching about how their secret is not being protected. We don't expect children to protect the secrets of pedophiles who are abusing them, why would the sheeple expect targets to keep the secrets of a state that is abusing and torturing them? Anyways same issue, different perspective.

What reviewing the instances of children being abused by the church, state, pedophile rings, politicians, etc, has taught me is that people will willingly and actively cover for this system. It was not kept a secret because people were not willing to speak out, it's because when they did speak out they were ostracized, prosecuted, paid off, or silenced. Societies prevailing attitude at the time determined these kids fate.

People don't like to rock the boat. Most times when the truth comes out there is a brief moment of awareness and then people go back to business as usual.

People are apathetic at times. It can happen. This is for many a minor inconvenience, remember most people see one piece of the whole puzzle, the blood is spread so thin, that it hardly makes a difference.

How to get this prevailing attitude to change? It can change, I have seen it change. We have to keep exposing what is happening. I saw one target say that they were scared to tell their story, and I was thinking, how will you ever be confident enough? If targets don't stand up to this system then who will?

People have to do what makes them comfortable, if someone is not ready or uncomfortable, then so be it, but three years ago, there was the David Lawson book, a few websites, and no where near the awareness that there is now.

If each person take the initiative, then it can change. People right now in some cases believe that they are doing something good, remember in Nazi Germany the citizen thought they were doing something good, in many cases. When people feel empowered, think that they are helping a cause, or are a part of something greater than themselves, they can be and are capable of some of the worst atrocities.

This time period is no different. Light must continually be shone into the darkness.

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Sunday, November 22, 2009

The American President bows to no one

This article has nothing to do with Gang Stalking, but I felt it was worth commenting on.

I came across this article the other day, and the wording of it surprised me. It was not vulgar, the language was not racist, yet it's one one of the most hard hitting critiques of the American President I have come across.

I am at times not too bad with checking the temperature of the net, and this article surprised me. It was a recap of what the writer felt was an unforgivable action and that is the American President bowing to the Japanese Emperor and Empress.

[quote]A little traveling, like a little learning, can be a dangerous thing. Barack Obama on the loose in a foreign land is enough to frighten protocol officers and embarrass the rest of us.[/quote]

I did notice that American's were upset with his bowing before foreign royalty.

See I think Americans see the president in their own way as royalty. Sure the ties to monarchy on the outside have been removed, but inside American's want to feel proud, they want to feel that the person that is representing them will do so well. They want to know that American views and values will be upheld.

I was surprised by some of the comments, but the general consensus on some of the forums is that the President should bow to no one.

I think in my personal opinion a bow of respect can be given, but it's all about how it is delivered that makes the difference.

In the above file footage of his meeting with the King and Queen of England, he does bow, but it's a moderate bow and it is respectfully returned in kind. Equals of sorts and I don't recall hearing any recriminations about this bow.

I also suspect the country he was bowing to did play a role. I know many mentioned the War time dead of WWII and felt that it was disrespectful to them as well.

I believe with this President people very much wanted back the good old days. The days they felt proud, the days that they felt that they had their own royalty. The Kennedy years.

I think in part one of the reasons Obama was a shoe in for president is that he did remind many of the Kennedy days. Jackie was queen and it felt as if there was royalty. The Kennedy's wore no crown, but many felt that they were royal in their own right.

Americans came off of feeling embarrassed at times by the last Administration, I recall many times where the last president did something goofy, or made and error, and the American people cringed with him. When the world hated his policies, they felt hated right along with him.

With this administration one of the things that was promised not overtly, but in it's own way was good representation. People liked that fact that he had come from a good school, had a degree, and wanted to be represented well. Americans are known for being a proud and arrogant people. Most would deny it, but many in the world want to come to America and be American and that is part of the reason.

After the horrible stimulus package, where they felt that they were violated, but were not quite sure, (You were violated.) they wanted to feel secure again, proud, they don't want more debt or wild spending being tacked on to themselves or their kids. I think that is in part why they are so cautious with this health care bill. The last previous eight years was a lot for many Americans to deal with.

With this Administration they wanted to put the wars behind, the some degree of shame they might of felt with some previous polices and actions, and I think that is why they are quick to react when they see signs of the previous admin shining forth.

The bow wounded the pride of some. Most Americans would not admit it, but they are a proud and somewhat arrogant people, which is not a bad thing. I think they just want that pride back, and this bow hurt that pride, for some.

Most people will read this article and view it as a bad thing but I don't fully. It shows me that Americans are a loyal people, it shows me that they take their representative seriously, and it tells me that they want to feel proud and full of hope again.

It means that if the president fails to represent the American people's well, they will be a disloyal, hurt and angry subject, but if the president represents the American people well, they have the capacity to be loyal, faithful, and to stand with him, and feel pride with him.

To me it shows that they want the president to do well, but were hurt, and again not everyone even cared about this, but some did, and those are people worth listening to. It's struck me as one of the more strongly worded articles I had come across and I felt that it was worth noting.

Some more highlights.

[quote]This is not the way an American president impresses evildoers that he's strong, tough and decisive, that America is not to be trifled with.[/quote]

Americans like their tough guy image. Most countries do. They want that don't mess with our country.

It makes them feel safe, like someone will be capable of looking after their best interests.

[quote]His predecessors learned with no difficulty that the essence of America is that all men stand equal and are entitled to look even a king, maybe particularly a king, straight in the eye......

John F. Kennedy, on the eve of a trip to London, sharply warned Jackie not to curtsy to the queen.[/quote]

I take it that Jackie did not curtsy. Respecting all traditions is a fine line to walk. I know the number of times I have read that this president is narcissistic, yet a narcissist would not bow before another would they? I think sometimes it can be damned if you do, and damned if you don't.

I would highlight more, but you will have to read the rest.

I believe Americans when represented well will let a lot go, I am not sure who handles protocols for these trips, I think it's not a bad idea to have more than one opinion, or suggestion as to proper protocol.

Traditions can be a very limiting thing, and can hold a nation back from progress, but they can also be a beautiful thing, and everyone loves when their's are respected and adhered to.

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Friday, November 20, 2009

Paranoid Propaganda

Please read the above post.

I made this into a full post, because I very firmly feel that whenever accusations of this kind come up, they must be addressed and set where they belong. A poster from the forum, found my blog posting, and left a comment. Now maybe the poster left it for good, as useful feedback, or maybe it's just another informant, who is trying to make Gang Stalking sites look like they encourage delusions. As I have said before in dealing with now hundreads if not thousands of people who have come through the site, the long term feedback has been that they feel validated, most knew that something was happening, but did not know what. Some considered crazy as an option, but crazy did not match what they were seeing and most are people who kept looking for other answers to what was happening to them.

I don't know what the situation was like in Russia when the state started saying that disidents were crazy. I imagine that many tried to prove that they were not, and tried to also expose what was happening. I do know that in Russia part of what got the abuses exposed were target telling their stories, till there were enough that people started listening. I believe that targets must do similar if they are going to be heard and expose what our governments are now doing.

[quote]I am a member of that forum. The member being gangstalked that you mentioned has said that she is a diagnosed schizophrenic who doesn’t want to take her medication. I assume that you haven’t read any threads posted by her other than the gangstalking one. She said she is being gangstalked by evil or negative energies because she knows who the antichrist is. You were banned because you unknowningly reinforced her delusions.[/quote]

This is the reason the account was banned.

Gangstalking, stop spamming with your links. You seem to be here on a propaganda mission. We don't allow those kinds of accounts.

Spamming, I was not, at least not intentionally and the links could have been removed. I was posting researched information, not a propaganda mission.

Just because she has been diagnosed as crazy, does not mean that she is. Gloria Naylor a famous target was diagnosed as crazy and is not.

Without knowing more about her case, it's impossible to know if she really is crazy, or a target or both. The targeting can make you crazy. Just look at what happened in Russia. Targets of the state were consistently diagnosed as crazy.

In America today, the psychiatric reprisal is being used on more and more people who are not crazy.

Good sources of info about people who the state tried to put away as being crazy. It does happen.

Most people choose to believe that someone who talks about being followed around are crazy first and then they ask questions. I do the opposite, I choose to believe that people are sane first and then I ask the questions.

If posting articles about, Cointelpro, The Stasi, and our current surveillance society is going to encourage people to go crazy, or encourage paranoid delusions, then it's unfortunate, because it's reality. We live in a surveillance society. Innocent people are being stalked and monitored.

As evidence was presented, questions were asked. She said she knew who the anti-christ was and that she could speak to the dead. Lot's of people think that, without necessarily being crazy. I did ask her why she felt that way in both cases.

The only thing that I did further was share with her information that myself and others have discovered about the multi generational aspect of Gang Stalking, which is also a fact.

I deeply feel sorry, and concerned about people who think that having good solid information will make people fall further into delusions. God forbid she go to sites about surveillance operations, or read books on such, or watch a tv show on such. God forbid, because I guess that those would be guilty of feeding her delusions as well.

This came up last year interestingly enough. God forbid people read the bible and it fuel their delusions of an omnipotent being that controls the world who they can't see, but who they believe others have talked to. God further forbid such people to to Churches, Mosques, Synagogue and find others who further their delusions.

Providing a person with credible information about a problem that is happening to others is just that, it's information that is available in books, on tv, youtube, and in other places. This information about Cointelpro, Mobbing, The Stasi, and other forms of harassment were available for years, as long as crazy people have thought that they were being stalked, which in cases like John Lennon turned out not to be paranoia.

The girl might be a real target, that possibility exists. She might also be crazy, that possibility exists. She might also be an agent who specifically is trying to link crazy and Gang Stalking. We had so much of that on youtube, and on forums. There are agents of the state on most forums. This is a fact. Let me know if you need articles.

You could be here trying to be helpful, but you could also be here trying to link Gang Stalking with enhancing and encouraging the delusions of others. Eg. It's not the first time this has happened, but as pointed out, these websites do not encourage delusions, anymore than watching tv shows, reading books, or visiting other sites on topic such as Cointelpro, or Stasi website.

If you are here with good intension's then I thank you, but based on the original posting, and a discussion I had with the webmaster of the forum, that is not why I was banned. If your intentions are to try to link Gang Stalking sites with encouraging the delusions of the crazy, then we have been there done that, and you failed then a well.

Read the links that I posted. People are being set up to be declared as crazy, by our democratic countries. This is sick and wrong like it was in Russia. Because someone is declared crazy does not mean that they are. The girl was being teased and bullied. Crazy or sane that was not right and I stepped in because that is the human thing to do, and I will never regret doing the right and just human thing, in trying to stop her from being picked on. I told her that my first instinct is to believe her and you don't know how needful that is, but then of course as I get to know her, I would look at the facts in her case and give feedback accordingly.

Even with real targets if I feel that they can not handle their targeting, I will always recommend they seek a support circle. Now I ask you what is being being believed and listened to, or being picked on and put down. She told her story, As I told the girl, I don't know her and can not judge her crazy. I would rather take her word till more of her case is presented. Wither that is that she turns out to be yet another informant, crazy, target, or something else.

I hope that helps.

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Saturday, November 14, 2009

V series review.

This post was part of a long thread, so feel free to follow the above link to see the whole post.

V the series. Now I have referred to the original as a good example of a Fascist takeover. The original showed how aliens took over the earth, but it was really a take on Fascist Germany and how the takeover happened. It was a good learning experience, watching the resistances form and the battles lost and won.

The new series was not as clear, would it be as good as the original, or just a cheap take off?

Well it seems that they have done it from the ground up a little bit better.

Spoilers coming.

If you have not seen the new series watch it first then read. In this series the aliens land, they pretend to be here for peace, a friends of humanity, where have we all heard that before? (Hint it was in the original.)

Anyways they offer friendship in exchange for our resources, just like the first one. It's not long before they are making friends and winning people over etc. They form the youth groups and the visitor ambassadors just like in the first one.

Just like in the first series there are people who do not trust the V's. Here is the twist and I like this twist and deeply approve of it. The visitors have been here for years. (Just like in the movie they live.) You don't know who they are, (think government informants, Nazis, Communist, anything that you want to insert.) they could be anyone. They have been incorporating themselves into our society, a takeover has been slowly happening from the inside out, the reveal of the motherships is just the final step in a bigger plan for world domination.

Eg. Here is a recent example that I think fits this mold very well. Turns out Mr. Turner was working for the feds since 1993. I am just pointing out facts, not stating anything positive or negative. Anyways he became trusted in some circles and in a pretty high position of influence, but he was according to his families blog, an Intelligence Operative since 1993.

[quote]Turner was hired by the FBI in the year 2002, but the bureau revealed Turner had actually "contributed to the FBI's Mission since 1993." they trained him as an Intelligence Operative and
provided extensive legal advice about what is lawful, protected speech as opposed to unlawful speech. Turner relied on that training while writing his editorial but was arrested by the FBI

They have infiltrated every institution, government, religion, branch of society etc. The plot is trust no one, because you don't know who they are, they could be anyone. Husbands, wives, friends, co-workers, etc. In the show V an FBI agent learns this the hard way. Her partner who she trusts and who has been her friend through thick and seemingly thin for the last seven years is not what he seems to be.

On the other hand not all Visitors are bad and there are some who are will to work with and help the resistance. The FBI agent once she realises how deep things go, eg. The ability to be able to block and intercept 9/11 calls (where have I heard that before?) realizes that she can not take them on head on and must figure out how deep it all goes, then find others like herself so they can form a resistance.

The visitors in the mean time continue with their plans for world domination, with the whole I come in peace garbage.

If this series continues on it's path, it's is well worth watching like the original series was. I think the remake is a relevant for this time period as the original was some years ago. I don't think you have to be into aliens to enjoy the concept of this show, and I had my doubts, but the remake is shaping up to be as good as the first. It's premature, but I think it's worth tuning into.

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Monday, November 09, 2009

Too Much Truth

So I was on the INFJ's Forum. Found it on Google, but it was a live forum, where a Gang Stalking target was being ridiculed.

The thread started with a poster who wanted to talk about her Gang Stalking. She was mercilessly being teased and called crazy by the other posters.

She was busy trying to convince them that she was not crazy. It was not working and so finally I registered an account. I wanted to see what would happen, in some cases I am able to be of assistance. In others not.

I posted three information filled threads, which were enough to be able to rebuff the assertions that the posters in the thread had been making about her being crazy.

They had been calling her crazy, saying that the government would not stalk her and so forth.

The discussion started to go in favour of the fact that Gang Stalking is real and so they decided to delete the thread and ban my account, using the accusation that I was posting propaganda or something like that?

It's really funny. I have not had accounts banned in this manner in some time. I keep forgetting however that light still has to shine onto these types of forums. The civil rights movement comes to mind. It might not be attack dogs, and fire hose, but it's the same type of resistance, to seeing this brought out into the open.

Now if the problem really was that I was posting links, which I did, but they could have simply removed my posts, instead they deleted the whole thread, and banned the account, when clearly I was being a part of the discussion in a peaceful manner. This is what use to happen, and until Targets visit and enlighten these types of forums, it is what will continue to happen.

So in honour of Indigo Ribbon month, here is an example of what we are still against as targets.

Here is some of that discussion.

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gangstalking has not yet embarked on a study of the force

Originally Posted by Satya View Post
I would say the probability is that...

1. You authentically believe that the government is after you with little evidence to support the assertion. This belief may or may not be indicative of a mental illness and only a mental health professional could ascertain such.
2. You are some person with way too much time on their hands who likes to go to forums and garner attention by making audacious claims about the government being after you.
3. You are a troll with really weak trolling abilities.

Which option sounds most plausible?
With programs such as Cointelpro being quite real, and most likely quite ongoing.

With things such as the violent persons registry, being a fact.

With the three threads of fully credible info that have just been posted.

With the former East Germany of living proof that this can happen in a society, why are those three choices the only choices being presented?

Maybe you are a

A) A Troll
B) Not very well read on the subject matter
C) Maybe you suffer from Gang Stalking Denial Syndrome and then need to ask yourself why you find it so hard to believe that this could be happening to someone.

Unlike what you are giving to this other poster, I am going to give you the benefit of the doubt and go with option B) Not very well read on the subject matter, and then I suggest you read up on the topic, do some research before you go and judge this other poster.
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gangstalking has not yet embarked on a study of the force

Originally Posted by Shai Gar View Post

Gangstalking. Stop harassing her. Now.

Cute, I am familiar with the Urban Dictionary definitions.

Here are some Amazon Books that you can read up on the subject.

It's also Indigo Ribbon Month. Shame on you making fun of a Targeted Individual during Indigo Ribbon Month.
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I just checked, they didn't just ban my account, they banned that girl's account as well. Now if the dispute was with me, why ban her account? I guess the dispute was really with the subject matter and the fact that you would not be left to pick on her as a group. This is what targets are constantly against. I am sure some in that thread were decent, but some were taunting her and she was trying to get a legit point across, and as long as they could make her look crazy it was all fun and games, but once that was not an option, then it was another story.

This is what targets are up against in real life and online. My deepest and sincerest apologies to the original poster of that thread. I watched them bully you, and sought to help. I never sought to have your account banned, or mine for that matter. Some days it's one step forward two steps back.

I think that little informants think it's three years ago when our threads could just silently be deleted and we would just go running for the hills.

It's a different day, and we have made progress. It's Indigo Ribbon Month. We have books, websites, and a presence in this place and we as Targeted Individuals will not be silenced. I can only hope the time will come when people frown upon your actions towards us, the way they do upon those who try to stop truth.

I never did figure out what that forum was about, but if it's so narrow that it can't handle the truth about Gang Stalking, it's probably not worth finding out. Here is one more option.

Some of you are just narrow minded, you don't like the truth, and you like to pick on those who are telling the truth. When confronted in a fair fight, you would rather delete and ban your adversaries than fight fair. You are cowards in the truest sense of the word and are dully representative of the other Informants that some of you likely represent. How is that for another option.

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Sunday, November 08, 2009

Iwatch. Nationwide citizen watch program,2933,561661,00.html

New iWatch Program Urges Citizens to Be 'Eyes and Ears' Against Terror Plots, iWatch is a nationwide community watch program

A new program aimed at keeping Americans safe from terror attacks will rely on individual citizens to serve as "the eyes and ears" of their communities.

iWatch is a community watch program endorsed by police chiefs across the U.S. that teaches people how to detect suspicious behavior and report it to police.[/quote]

Other sutable names. Istasi, Istalk, Iharass, Iturninmyneighbour and many more.


L.A. Police Chief William Bratton, who developed the program with Police Commander Joan McNamara, called it the 21st century version of Neighborhood Watch, a program that encourages local residents to stay alert and informed about their neighborhoods.

"A single observation, a single report can lead to actions that can stop a terrorist attack," warns a Public Safety Announcement video released by the LAPD.[/quote]

A single report can do so much damage, just like in Russia or the Stasi Era.

[quote]When the chiefs of the 63 largest police departments in the U.S. and Canada met to endorse iWatch at a conference last Saturday, they cited the case of Najibullah Zazi — the Denver man suspected of having ties to Al Qaeda who has been accused of plotting to use a weapon of mass destruction within the U.S.[/quote]

Wow Big Brother Canada was also there what a surprise.

Anyways as I have said a billion times these types of programs will come to the public light, this one is a program that is nationwide, and Canada somehow seems to be taking apart. All we need now is one that is planet wide, coming soon to a one world government near you.

These programs will come to light, Gang Stalking will be proven, but will anyone care? See it won't be proving it, I don't think that will be the big hurdle, much of that has already been done and overcome. Getting the ameba to show any remorse will be the real challenge and I don't really know that that will happen.

[quote]iWATCH, iREPORT, i KEEP US SAFE (iWATCH) is a community awareness program created to educate the public about behaviors and activities that may have a connection to terrorism.

This program is a community program to help your neighborhood stay safe from terrorist activities. It is a partnership between your community and the Los Angeles Police Department. We can and must work together to prevent terrorist attacks.

To learn about the iWATCH program and about the behaviors and activities that you should report, view the videos and review the list of examples. You can also read and download a brochure that explains the program.

Remember that the iWATCH program is about behaviors and activities, not individuals. [/quote]

Ipuke, Igag, I am sorry, but this sucks. If they are being so open about it then the snitch force is complete enough for them to be this open and this proud about.

Well I just thought it might be interesting to read.

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Monday, November 02, 2009

It's Indigo Ribbon Month

The Indigo Ribbon Campaign.

The world is a dangerous place,
not because of those who do evil,
but because of those who look on and do nothing.

~ Albert Einstein

The Indigo Ribbon Campaign is an awareness campaign in support of Targeted Individuals.

The Indigo Ribbon is a ray of hope for Targeted Individuals everywhere. The color represents Infinity. It’s a sign of remembrance for targets no longer here. A symbol of unity and strength for targets who remain.

The primary goal of the IRC is to bring awareness, about what is happening to Targeted Individuals and the methods being used to target, harass, and destroy them. The idea is to promote compassion and understanding about what they are experiencing and how their targeting affects the rest of society.

You can also post it on blogs, forums, websites, etc. Each campaign is independently managed and operated and yet all effort go towards promoting awareness and understanding of Targeted Individuals and their plight.

Volunteers can post on forums, send out emails, post in ezines, online news sites, blogs, podcasts, conference calls, youtube.

Who are Targeted Individuals? They are innocent individuals that are being targeted by government programs and initiatives, past and present.

Why they need help? Targets of this harassment need help in bringing about awareness that this is still happening. Not only is this targeting still happening, but it’s happening unaided and unassisted, and many targets are being destroyed by this. What is happening is that when Targets have applied to the main stream humanitarian organizations their plea’s for assistance have gone unaided.

To find out more about the Indigo Ribbon Campaign, or what you can do to help, you can follow this link.

To find out more about what Targeted Individuals go through, you can visit these sites.

Just as despair can come to one only from other human beings, hope, too, can be given to one only by other human beings.

– – Elie Weisel

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